Welcome to the Multiverse Group Chat!!!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

An exceptionally beautiful couple walked through the neighborhood, stealing the attention of everyone they passed by, of which there were quite a few given it was a Sunday morning. 

Mothers and/or housewives who were chatting with each other, people walking their pets and having a morning jog, and even young children who were playing all stopped everything they were doing without an exception and stared at the couple for a few moments, following them with their eyes as they passed. 

The two didn’t mind the stare. After all, they’ve gotten used to it given the attention they’ve received in their homeworld. 

Aika hummed as she hugged Yuuji’s arm tightly with a brilliant smile, burying his strong, muscular arms deep in between her massive breasts. Her entire figure seemed to shine from her beautiful smile, making it impossible for everyone to not notice her and not be entranced. 

On the other hand, while Yuuji also had a smile on his face, it was a helpless one as he felt mentally exhausted from the shenanigans his new lover did last night. 

Right after he managed to stop Aika from fucking him vigorously and tirelessly, Yuuji bought the female version of [Fertility Control] and gifted it to her through the group chat. It was quite pricy, costing him 2000 GCP. But given its effect, it made sense and Yuuji bought it for her.

Aika received the gift happily, promising him that she’ll pay her back even though Yuuji rejected it, and activated it immediately, making herself infertile temporarily. 

But just as he was about to tell her to go to sleep for the remaining few hours before they were to go to Tatsuya’s house, she instead mounted on top of him, took his still tall, hard, and throbbing dick, and plunged it into her depth with a loud moan, and began slamming her hips up and down in a frenzy. 

He had tried to stop her through the last shred of sheer will and reason. he had left as she continue to erode it with every slam of her hips. She had made her cum countless times, but she was still fucking him for hours, even until the sun began to rise. 

Trying to get at least 2 hours for them to rest, have breakfast, and clean up, Yuuji pushed her down and initiated his counterattack by fucking her brains out as wildly as he could, hoping it would satisfy her. 

But instead, she filled his room with sexy, loud moans, demanding more, until she finally snap out of her trance and was only an hour away from the promised time…

“Hm~ I wonder what position we should try next~? Ah! That’s right! I still haven’t sucked your dick! I can’t believe I forgot about that! Yuuji, let’s go to that park toilet! I’ll suck your dick in one of the sta-”

“SSSSHHH!!! How could you say something like that in public?! What if people hear it!”

Yuuji covered her mouth with his hand in a panic and looked around. Fortunately, no one seemed to have heard what she said, given they were still staring at them dazedly.

“Mmh mmnh mmh mmhhh!!”

“Ah, sorry. What did you say?”

He released her mouth and saw her pouting and glaring adorably at him. 

“This is just how I am! And who’s fault is it that made me addicted to your dick?”

“I know, and I love this mischievous, perverted side of you as well. But there’s a time and place for everything. Also, you’re the one who keep slamming your hips on me last night…”

“It’s because it feels so good! But fine… I’ll act appropriately next time.”

Aika leaned her head on his shoulder as Yuuji let out a small sigh and smiled softly at her. 

He lowered his head towards her and kissed her softly on the head. 

“You can act as pervertedly as you want in the house when we’re alone, so hold it in when we’re outside, okay?”


Aika looked up at him, her eyes widened as she stared at him wordlessly. Then, suddenly, her hold around his arm tightened and she began pulling on him.

“Wha- W-What are you doing?”

“Let’s go to the toilet, after all! I want to give you lots of love now!”

Aika kept pulling despite Yuuji’s words and resistance.

“Like I said! Keep those kinds of things in our house! And we need to meet up with Tatsuya first!!!”

In the end, they finally resumed their walk to Tatsuya’s house after Yuuji showered her with kisses and promised her another wild night right after they go home. 

Soon, the two arrived before a three-storied house on a hill with walls, around three meters tall with lights affixed on the lower part of it, surrounding it. It was a beautiful house with a size exceeding the average size, but compared to the luxurious mansion Yuuji and Aika received, any house built in this area would be average and plain comparison. 

Entering the property, Yuuji pressed on the doorbell and the two waited in front of the entrance. 

He had already informed Tatsuya that they were coming the moment they left the mansion and Tatsuya had also told them that he already told his sister that he was expecting guests, so there shouldn’t be a problem. 

Then a few moments later, the door opened and revealed a young man in dark-colored long sleeves and long pants, standing with an erect, straight posture at around 175 cm. He had a set of deep-set eyes, a piercing gaze, jet-black hair, and a small, almost unnoticeable, smile. He was austere and competent looking, but otherwise plain in appearance. 

Upon seeing the young man, Yuuji smiled at him and Aika waved her hand with a similarly brilliant smile while still hugging Yuuji’s arm. 

“I’m very happy to have finally met you, Tatsuya.”

“Hello~! We finally meet, Tatsuya~!”

His almost unnoticeable smile grew a little wider as he replied, 

“It is nice to finally meet you as well Yuuji, Aika. Please, come in.”

“Thank you. Excuse us.”

“Excuse us~”

Entering the house, Tatsuya led them to the living room where a set of dark brown couches with a dark wooden coffee table sat at its center, a large screen the size of the one in Yuuji’s room on the wall beside it, and a large, beautiful chandelier hanging down right above the wooden coffee table. His living room looked just like how it was in the anime, but Yuuji and Aika didn’t recognize the chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. 

Noticing their gaze towards it, Tatsuya turned towards them and explained.

“That chandelier is one of the items I got from the Gacha. What do you think?”

“Wooow~ It’s beautiful! It’s so shiny!”

“Mm, it really adds to the elegant appearance of your living room. But… How did you explain it to your little sister? Bringing such a thing out of nowhere… would’ve raised some question, wouldn’t it?”

Yuuji recalled the time he told his family about the scepter. He would’ve had no way to explain it if not for Aika’s help. 

“I’ve already told her about the Multiverse Group Chat. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, I see…. No, of course not. We’ve discussed it before. As long as the information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, then sharing it with the few we can trust would be fine.”

Yuuji smile softly at him, as he recalled his family. He had similar attention as Tatsuya as well. He planned on telling them about this group chat when the time is right.

“Don’t worry. If there is one person I can trust in this world, it is her.”

“I’m glad.”

“Hey hey, Tatsuya. Where’s your little sister? I really want to meet her! Is she as beautiful as in the anime?!”

Aika leaned in close to him, her eyes sparkling with excitement and expectations before she felt Yuuji pulling her back and out of Tatsuya’s personal space.

“Hey, too close. You’re making him uncomfortable.”


“It is fine. Miyuki is currently preparing coffee for us. Or would you prefer tea?”

“Coffee is fine with me.”

“Hm~ I’m not really good with bitter things…”

“I will tell her add sugar to yours then. In the meantime, please feel free to take a seat.”

“Mm. Thank you, Tatsuya.”

“Thank you~ Then, excuse me~”

Tatsuya opened and went inside the door to the left as Yuuji and Aika took their seat side by side on the couch and looked around. 

His house, while beautiful and quite sizeable, seemed to have a minimum amount of decorations. Aside from the large chandelier above them, there was only a small, long, and fairly plain painting hung on the wall behind the dining table before them, and a potted plant near the door beside the hallway to their top right. 

But somehow… It did feel a bit relaxing after spending the night in a super luxurious mansion. 

Even though they spent most of the time in Yuuji’s master suite and didn’t necessarily appreciate the architecture and luxury within aside from the double king-sized bed, it was still an extremely luxurious room that they were used to yet, given they came from average, if not, slightly above average households. 

Though as time passed, they believe they will get used to it. Aika, in particular, had a plan to “familiarize” herself with the entirety of her home, which involves Yuuji. 

After a while, the door Tatsuya entered from opened once again, and this time, a beautiful, jet-black haired girl with straight bangs, lovely white skin, and rosy lips followed after him, holding a tray with four cups of freshly brewed, still steaming, coffee and a small ceramic container with a little spoon coming out of its lid. 

Yuuji and Aika both looked at her with widened eyes, the latter seems more excited as her opened mouth slowly curled up into a huge smile, and excitement became more and more visible in her eyes.

Tatsuya took the seat opposite Yuuji as Miyuki softly, ever so elegantly, placed the cups of coffee in front of Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya, before placing one for herself on the table in front of her seat beside Tatsuya as well as the little ceramic container. 

Then after she finished placing them, Miyuki looked up at her brother’s guests and froze for a moment.

She had heard from her brother that these two were especially beautiful amongst his friends in the amazing/bizarre chat group he told her about, but she didn’t expect them to be this beautiful!

The man was extremely handsome and beautiful beyond belief. He easily surpassed any young masters she had met from the ten masters clans, the assistant houses, or even actors she saw in shows and movies! 

Meanwhile, the woman was also strikingly beautiful and gorgeous. And she has such a developed figure that she couldn’t believe she was of the same age as her! 

It was the first time she had ever met someone with beauty on par, or even, surpassing her…


“Ah, please excuse me. It is nice to meet you. My name is Shiba Miyuki.”

“Oh, please forgive me for my late introductions as well. My name is Tsubakihara Yuuji. I believe you have heard of us from your brother?”

“Yes, I have heard about the Multiverse Chat Group. Please rest easy. I shall not share this precious information with any soul.”

Seeing nothing but truth and honesty in her eyes, Yuuji smiled softly and slightly lowered his head to her.

“Thank you. Hey, Aika. Stop staring already and introduce your-”

“Woooooooww~!!!! You’re so cuuuuuuuute!!!!! You must be Miyuki-chan, right~?! Ah~ You look like a porcelain doll~ How could such an adorable girl exist in real life~?!”


Miyuki yelped in surprise when the beautiful girl before her began looking at her with the eyes of a predator and a wide grin. Her hands wriggled creepily as if she was groping something in midair, causing Miyuki to begin taking a few steps backward as Aika began to rise from her seat and approach her.

“Don’t be scared, Miyuki-chan~ Let’s have a little friendly skinship between women, okay~? I promise I will be gen- UWAH!”

“What are you doing?!”

Just before Aika could come any closer to their friend’s little sister, Yuuji held her back by her waist and pulled her back towards him. 

“What are you doing, Yuuji? I’m just trying to become friends with her!”

Aika pouted as she turned to look up at him. 

“You’re scaring her! Hah… Why don’t you just greet her normally…”

“Eeeeeh~? Fine…”

Yuuji let go of her and sat back down to his seat.

Then, after clearing her throat, Aika placed one hand on her chest and lifted the hem of her skirt slightly in a slightly bow.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miyuki-chan~ I am Kiryu Aika, the sole female member of the group~!”

“Y-Yes, it is nice to meet you as well, Kiryu-san.”

“Eeeeh~? Please call me Aika-chan instead! Kiryu-san is too formal!!!”

“I-I understand. Then… Aika-san?”

“Mm, good enough~! Let’s get along, Miyuki-chan~”


Aika sat back down and she began adding several spoons of sugar from the little ceramic container to her cup of coffee as Miyuki took her seat next to her brother. 

“Well then, there are several things I’d like to discuss. But first, I’d like to tell you about our “background” that we received from the Chat Group. This is very important because you and the Lieutenant Colonel are also involved in our story.”

Miyuki gasped and Tatsuya’s eyes widened slightly from Yuuji’s words, having been caught off-guard by the information he was telling them.

“Lieutenant Colonel… Lieutenant Colonel Harunobu Kazama?”

“Yes. Aika, would it be fine if I tell them my background first?”

“Sure~ We have the same background anyway~”

“Alright. Then firstly, Aika and I were supposedly artificially engineered magicians meant to be the greatest by the now destroyed unnamed organization.”


This time, his surprise was even more obvious as his piercing eyes grew even sharper while Miyuki’s eyes widened in shock before glancing at her brother. 

 “Surprising, isn’t it? Well, there is no need for you to worry. It is just a “story” the group chat had created and made it believable in reality and to the people related to it. Aika and I never actually experienced it. To us, it is just a memory, akin to a story we read in a book.”

“I see… So this is what is meant by background, huh?”

“Mm. We never actually experience it, but we have the memory, and anyone related to it will also believe it to be true. Any evidence that would prove its legitimacy would also exist… I think.”

“That is… certainly convenient.”


Tatsuya fell into deep thought for a moment, memories of the experiments he was subjected to surfacing in his memory after hearing Yuuji’s words. 

But soon, he cleared his mind and shook away those thoughts and focus back onto Yuuji’s words.

“Please, continue.”

“Alright. The unnamed organizations were destroyed by us with the help of the Lieutenant Colonel. And it seems like we are now under him and have joined the same battalion as you, Tatsuya. During that time, the three of us had worked together on a mission, which we could use to explain our relationship.”

“A mission…”

Tatsuya looked down to his cup and began going through his memories related to the “mission” Yuuji referred to, but nothing came up.

“Judging by your reaction, perhaps members of the group chat are exempted from this?”

“I think so… I do not remember what mission we went on together, or even if you are in the battalion.”

“I see… Well, then I guess it is the right decision for us to talk about this first before meeting anyone else in this world.”


As she listened, Miyuki couldn’t help but be speechless. This Multiverse Group Chat her brother told her about… The only reason why she believed him at all was that she knew he would never lie to her. But everything her brother had told her about it was unbelievable beyond imagination. 

The fact that there are other worlds beside them, that he could communicate with them, that there was a fiction based on their world that predicted their future, and even received extremely expensive items and Godly Powers like the one he received. Everything sounded like the ramblings of a fever dream of an unstable person!

But… the proof was before her. They were right here before her. The people from another world that her brother got to know from the group chat. 

And to integrate their existence in the world, the multiverse group chat could even bend reality and people’s memories without them even knowing about it… 

It was… beyond unbelievable… What sort of magic could it accomplish…?

No… Could magic even achieve such a thing…?

Upon finishing giving Tatsuya details of his and Aika’s stories and the powers they’ve received, Yuuji finally took a sip of his now slightly lukewarm coffee as Tatsuya processed the information he gave.

It was surprisingly very delicious despite already being lukewarm, almost on par with the coffee his aunt made. There was a sophisticated depth of bitterness in the coffee that was perfectly balanced by the slight acidity, giving it a richer, more profound taste, and leaving him with a pleasant aftertaste. 

Then as he finished his cup of coffee, Tatsuya looked back up to him and spoke.

"I’ve understood the situation now. I don’t think we’d need to worry too much. Our identity might only be revealed to our soon-to-be friends during the attack in Yokohama, so there shouldn’t be a problem until then.” 

“Mm. I agree.”

“For now, shall we test your powers first before we began discussing our plans for the future? In truth, I’m very curious of your and Aika’s power. It sounds… extremely powerful. " 

“Sure. We received all the information we need to know in regards to its principles and how to utilize it, but we haven't tried it in practice. We were uhm… too busy exploring our residence last night."

"Hehe~ Yes we were~ It was sooooo fun~"

Aika giggled happily as she recalled the “fun” they had the night before and how they finally cemented their relationship as lovers. It truly felt like a dream, and every time she realized it wasn’t, she became even happier!

"I see. I'm quite curious about your house as well. May we come and visit?"

"Sure, you will always be welcomed. You can even come tomorrow if you’d like. We’ve explored a bit, but there is still a lot of places we haven’t seen. We can explore it together if you’d like."

"Thank you. I look forward to it. Then, let's go."

Tatsuya turned to his sister and tapped her shoulder softly.

“Miyuki, would you like to come as well?”


Tatsuya tilted his head a bit upon getting no response from her. He then placed his hand on her shoulder and shook her abit.

“Miyuki? Miyuki.”

“E-Eh?! A-Ah, yes, onii-sama?”

Miyuki instinctively straightened up her posture and looked at her brother in surprise as she snapped out of her daze. 

“We were about to head to the lab and try out the powers they’ve received for coming to this world. Would you like to come?”

“A-Ah, yes…”

Letting out a deep sigh and calming her heart, Miyuki stood up from her seat and followed after her brother, Yuuji, and Aika into the underground lab of their house. 


Arriving within a large empty room with tall ceilings, white walls and floor, and tempered glass in the underground level of the Shiba household, Miyuki entered the familiar facility where she had done some of her magical training and experiments with her brother, following after her brother, Yuuji, and Aika. 

She kept her eyes to his brother’s friends as she walked, wondering what sort of “power” they’ve received that has apparently been granted by the multiverse group chat application as well. Yuuji had apparently explained it to her brother, but she missed it because she was lost in her own thought. 

But fortunately, she could still sate her curiosity now that they will be trying out their power. 

“Shall we start?”

“Yes. Is there… any item I can use?”

Yuuji looked around and the large room was empty. Completely empty. As it is used for magical training and experiments, there are almost no items in the room, barring a few cameras for recording purposes. 

“Oh, that’s right… Wait a moment, I will go grab something.”

“Ah! Yuuji, you’ll be trying out your “Gravity” right? Then you can try it on me!!! Make me float~!”


Miyuki tilted her head for a moment and her eyes widened in surprise. 

Gravity… Could it be…?

Her widened eyes locked towards Yuuji. Could it be a variation of weight magic…? Perhaps he is capable of a far more powerful weight magic than normal?

“Do really want to be my guinea pig? This is my first time doing it, you know? Even though I’ll be careful, I still don’t know how it’ll turn out.”

“It’s fine~ I have “Perfect Heal”~ I’ll be okay~”

Eh? Perfect heal…?

It was yet another magic she had never heard of. But judging by its name and her words, could it be something similar to her brother’s “Regrowth”? 

“...That’s beside the point. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Fufufu~ Then you should be extra careful, okay~ If you hurt me even a little bit, I’ll demand a full-day cuddling session~”

“...Are you sure? At this point, I’d rather do it to myself first before you. Yes, let’s do that instead. I’ll try it on myse-”

“Geez! I want to experience it first! Wait in line!”

“Hah… Alright. But I won’t do anything crazy, okay?”

“Yes yes! Let’s just start already!”

“…Then can you stand a bit further?”

Aika walked a few meters away from Yuuji and the others in excitement and turned towards Yuuji, waving her hand with a bright smile. 

“I’m ready!”


As Yuuji raised his left hand up towards Aika, a whirling wind of psion began to emerge from around him, and quickly turning into a powerful storm that created strong gusts of wind that managed to slightly pushed Miyuki’s figure away a few steps back. 

“This is…!”

This amount of psion… It was so overpowering, just like her brother’s…

Miyuki braced herself, lowering her center of gravity, as she shielded her eyes with her arms from the powerful gusts of wind, all the while transfixed on Yuuji’s figure with widened eyes. 

This was the first time she had ever met anyone with such a staggering psion count other than her brother.

“Nggh… This is even more than I thought…”

Focusing his intent on suppressing the raging storm of psion emanating from himself, Yuuji managed to instinctively calm the psions down and get it back under his control. 

“Phew… Alright, you ready Aika?”


Yuuji activated his magic, and another one in succession. Then without any sign of magic activation, Aika’s figure began to float.

“Woooow~!!!! This is amazing~!!!”

“T-This is…! Onii-sama!”

Miyuki immediately turned and look at her brother as Tatsuya watched Aika’s floating figure in amazement. 

She continued to float until she was around three meters in the air before stopping, and she was now suspended in midair. 

Miyuki slowly turned towards Yuuji, who seemed more relieved than anything after seeing that Aika is completely unharmed. Or rather, she’s completely fine, playing around in the air, flailing around with her arms and legs and moving around slowly in midair. 

“T-Tsubakihara-san…? Is this… flying magic…?”

Sustained Gravity-Control type magic… It is something her brother had been trying to accomplish. The Loop Cast System he developed was especially meant for him to achieve creating a modern form of flying magic. 

She had always believed that her brother, her amazing, brilliant, and genius brother would be the first to achieve it. And yet, before her… Aika was floating in midair, completely free.

Had Yuuji truly accomplished something her brother hadn’t yet?

“No, this is not true flying magic.”

“Eh? What do you mean…?”

Yuuji and Tatsuya both let out a helpless smile at Miyuki

“Miyuki, what could you be thinking about that you missed Yuuji’s explanation about his and Aika’s powers?”

“P-Please forgive me, onii-sama! It seems like I was still a bit too shock by the fact that they came from another world…”

Miyuki felt her cheeks blush, realizing she had did an oopsie before her beloved brother. It was very embarrassing!

She lowered her head in embarrassment, but then she felt the familiar, warm hand of her brother on her head, rubbing it softly and ever so gently.

“You don’t need to apologize. Yuuji’s magic isn’t the normal weight type magic we know, nor is it a sustained gravity-control magic.”

“Then… What could it be…?”

“His true ability is the manipulation of the fabric of space.”


Her eyes widened in shock once more as the words left her brother’s mouth. 

The magic to manipulate the fabric of space itself… Could such a God-like magic even be possible…?

“Everything that has mass curves the fabric of space around them. The more mass they have, the more curvature it causes onto the fabir of space. You understand this, correct?”


“Yuuji’s ability allows him to change or even create new curvatures in space and choose what it affects at will, allowing him to completely negate the Earth’s gravity that is acting on Aika and make a new curvature that causes her to “fall” up slowly into the air.”

“How unbelievable…”

Miyuki looked up towards Aika and stared at her in mix of pure shock and amazement as she floated beautifully in the air, just like a fairy.

“It is just as Tatsuya said. And because I’m the one controlling the curvature of space around her, Aika can’t control her movement in the air apart of simply using her arms and legs to push against the air to move. So, it is not true a true flying magic since she can’t control it herself. But…”

His feet began to lift up from the ground as Yuuji’s figure slowly ascended and began floating. 

“It is a different story if I do it to myself.”

As soon as those words left his mouth, his figure seemed to blur for a moment, and in an instant, he had tore through the air with incredible speed, heading straight towards Aika.

“Uwah-! Y-Yuuji!”

Aika tried to dodge the charging human bullet heading towards her at terrifying speed and flailed futily in the air. But as he was about to hit her, he dodged around her figure, moved behind her, and pulled her gently into his embrace by her waist and rested his chin on her shoulers.

“Oh my God! Y-You scared me! Geez!”

“Ahahaha! I’m sorry. I just wanted to test how fast I can go. Turns out, it seems like I could go even faster than this.”

“Geez… I almost had a heart attack…”

Aika felt all her weight left her body and leaned back towards Yuuji, entrusting all her weight to him as she enjoyed being in his embrace. 

“Do you want to fly around a little?”

“Mm… But now that I’ve lost all my strength because of you, I’ll have you princess carry me around.”



Picking up her now “weightless” body by holding her back with his left arm and her thick, luscious, and sexy thighs with his right, he began to fly around the large room slowly. 

“Wooow~! This feels so great~! It feels like I’m dreaming~!”

Aika wrapped her arms around his neck and swung her legs, enjoying the ride her beloved boyfriend is giving her. 

To be lifted up in a princess carry by a super-duper handsome man who’s also her lover and flying through the air… She can’t believe she’s experiencing such dream-like things in reality!

Everything that has been happening to her recently felt like a dream… And especially when she was with Yuuji.

“Wanna do something more fun and exciting?”

Yuuji’s eyes lit up at the idea he just had. And as if knowing instincutally what he meant, Aika’s eyes also lit up at the exciting thought.

“Uhn! Let’s go!”


Yuuji held her tighter and closer to him as she hold on to him tighter, then with a sudden acceleration, they sped  through the air up and down, left and right, and spin around like a rollercoaster.

And as the two began cheering in excitement in the air, Miyuki’s amazement was slowly replaced by curiosity at their relationship. 

They seemed… very close to each other. To be in such close contact with each other, and even touching each other so intimately… 

Miyukii felt her cheeks heating up as she watched them.

“O-Onii-sama… Are they perhaps… in a romantic relationship?”

“Hm… I’m not sure. They are quite close with each other. But they hadn’t said anything about being in a relationship…”

“I-I see…”

Miyuki simply watched the two silently. Her brother said he didn’t know, but… Judging by how close they are, they must be in a relationship. Her maiden heart told her so. 

After a while, Yuuji and Aika landed back down before Tatsuya and Miyuki with brilliant smiles. 

“Aaaahh~ That was so fun~! It’s even more fun than regular rollercoasters~!”

“It is! I feel like I could become addicted with it!”

“Ah! Let’s fly around the house later, Yuuji~!”

“Oh, that sounds fun. Alright, let’s try it!”

As they talked, Miyuki couldn’t help but notice Yuuji’s lack of exhaustion. To maintain such powerful magic for that long and not even show any sign of fatigue… Yuuji was, perhaps, on par with even her brother.

“Tatsuya, should we try Aika’s magic now?”

Yuuji turned to Tatsuya, but he didn’t respond, seemingly lost in his own thought.


“Hm? Ah, wait a moment. There are a few things I’d like to try. Would that be fine?”

“Of course. What are you trying to test?”

“One moment. I will go grab a few items that we can use.”

Yuuji, Aika, and Miyuki watched as Tatsuya walked out of the room. Then a few moments later, he returned with two egg-shaped CADs and his Silver Horn gun-shaped CADs sheathed in the custom holster he wore. 

He placed the two CADs on the floor a few meters away from them and a meter apart from each other, and returned to the group.

“Yuuji… Are you capable of ripping apart that first CAD into bits with your magic?”

“Into bits… Do you mean ripping apart its molecules from each other with my magic…?”

Miyuki’s eyes widened in surprise when her brother nodded his head to Yuuji’s words. To rip apart the constituent molecules of an object from each other… Isn’t it similar to her brother’s innate special magic?

“Mm. I believe you can with your elemental sight.”

“Eh?! T-Tsubakihara-san, you have elemental sight as well?!”

“I have elemental sight as well, you know~”


Miyuki froze as she stared at the brightly smiling Aika in pure shock, speechless.

“Mm. I can. Or at least, I believe I can. It is one of the capabilities of this power that I come to know when I received it. I’ve never actually tried it.”

“Then can you try it with that CAD?”


Yuuji raised his hand towards it and focused his eyes on the first egg-shaped CAD. and created numerous immense curvatures in space all around it, instantly ripping it apart, dissipating into dust, then steam, before scattering.

Just like Tatsuya’s decomposition, Yuuji’s magic had completely misted the CAD in an instant. 

Tatsuya looked at the result in amazement for a moment before turning towards Yuuji with a smile.

“Well done. You’ve completely ripped it apart to bits.”

“I simply made each molecule be “pulled” apart with tremendous force from each other. Just like an object being spaghettified by a blackhole, but in all directions and in an instant.”

“Mm. Then can you do the reverse of it as well?”

“The reverse?”

Tatsuya nodded and lifted up his hand holding his Silver Horn gun-shaped CAD. And as he did, Yuuji’s eyes widened in realization.

“Do you mean…?”

“In theory, it should be possible.”

“...I’m not sure, but let’s try it.”

“Mm. Then on three.”

Tatsuya aimed his gun and Yuuji raised his hand, both focusing on the second egg-shaped CAD on the ground. 

“1… 2… 3!”

Immediately, Tatsuya pulled his trigger and activated his Mist Dispersion on the CAD at before Yuuji activated his magic. 

The egg-shaped CAD glowed brightly for a moment, but instead of misting like it usually does, it returned to its original form, untouched. 

Yuuji and Miyuki’s eyes both widened in pure shock at the result. Even Tatsuya, who proposed it himself, was also shocked at the result.

This was the first time his decomposition was countered…

“I’m surprised… You’ve rebound all the molecules I dispersed by literally bending the space around them and preventing them from dispersing.”

“I’m even more surprised… I know it is possible in theory, but seeing it happen in reality…”

Tatsuya smiled softly and turned towards Yuuji.

“It seems like we won’t have to worry about any future troubles with you and Aika now here.”


Tatsuya lowered his gun, placed it back into his holster, and turned towards Aika.

“Alright. Would you like to test your ability now?”

“Hmm~ I would like to, but no one is injured or sick right now, so maybe another time~”

“I see. Then, if any one of us got sick, let's use that chance to try out your ability.”

“Oi Tatsuya, don’t raise a flag like that…”


Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya returned to the living room, followed closely by Miyuki, to begin discussing what their plans are to solve the troubles they will be facing in the future. 

The case with Blanche, the No Head Dragon’s involvement in the Nine Schools Festival, and the disturbance in Yokohama… In truth, Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya wanted to resolve these problems by preemptively rooting down the masterminds of these conflicts. 

However, after exchanging their opinions and objectively looking at the situation, they agreed to simply prepare as best as they could but not interfere too much with the “flow” of the “story”.

They knew the future right now and they will be able to prepare and react quickly when the time comes. But, that will only be true if the future didn’t divert too much from the future they know. 

If they alter the future too much, they will no longer know what would happen in the, making it much more difficult for them to plan their actions. Their actions might also worsen the situation than before, making it even more dangerous for not only them, but everyone else as well. 

The three of them didn’t want to take such a risk, especially when it would involve a lot of lives…

Thus, after having the lunch Miyuki made while they were discussing, Yuuji and Aika returned home. 

As they waved good bye and walked away, Tatsuya and Miyuki waved back and watch their figure recede into the distance. 


Tatsuya turned to his little sister, her expression still filled with disbelief, worry, anxiousness, and shock.

“Don’t think too much about it. They’re friends of mine. I’ve literally watched and read their “stories”. They are good people.”

Tatsuya said assuringly as he petted her head softly with a slight smile.

Miyuki looked at her brother for a moment. Her cheeks blushing slightly from his touch. 

When considering their situation, she was still a bit hesitant to trust anyone at face value, especially this closely. 

But since her brother said so, she finally nodded.

“I understand. I will believe in onii-sama.”

“Thank you. Well then, shall we go out and buy some gifts to give them when we visit their house tomorrow?”

“Yes, onii-sama.”

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!!

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