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Chapter 206 ~ Talent

Chapter 206 ~ Talent

No natural light of day could seep into the depths of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. 

Even within the first floor, upon entering the massive doors into the subterranean burial chambers, no light of the sun would shine upon those within. There was only darkness, some which even artificial sources of light could not penetrate. 

The light of the sun was not a necessity. Most creatures that lived within Nazarick possessed sight that could pierce through even magical darkness, while some used tremor, heat, or sound to navigate their surroundings. 

Even those without such capabilities were ones who lived within parts of Nazarick where artificial lights, even an artificial sun, illuminated its surroundings. 

The ninth floor of Nazarick, named the Royal Suite after its function as the main living quarters of the Supreme Beings, was one of such floors illuminated by magical items and artificial lights. 

And while no natural light could pierce into the deepest depth of the tomb, every single creature within was still aware and capable of maintaining their day night cycle. Some through items such as a clock, some through magic, and some through their innate ability to constantly track time, direction, and any details with uncanny precision. 

Albedo awakened from her night of the most wonderful of dreams. 

Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the pair of beautiful, golden pair of eyes with slitted irises. 

The night with her beloved, the night they became one, and the night he filled her with happiness and engraved his love into her soul… Everything seemed like a dream to her. 

But she knew, from the warmth she felt within her womb and the sight before her, that it was real. 

Her lips curled into a wide, beautiful smile. Her cheeks flushed lightly as her mind and body relived the pleasure and sensation she was subjected to the night before just by seeing his visage. 

‘Fufufu~ Yuuji-sama’s sleeping face… I wish I can immortalize it in a painting~’

She had woken up earlier than she would normally precisely for this moment. To witness the sleeping visage of her beloved. To sear it into her mind and have it painted and made into her nth dakimakura of Yuuji later on. 

She was the Guardian Overseer of Nazarick who possessed the outstanding intelligence, combat abilities, grace, and decorum befitting her position as the holder of the highest-ranking position within Nazarick, second only to the Supreme Beings who created it. 

A woman of immense intelligence and wisdom. Yet, a beginner when it came to romance and love. 

This was the first time she had ever felt such immense and wonderful emotions. This was the first time she fell in love, and had that love reciprocated. 

And while she had read many books and learned about romance from the few romantic stories she could find within the great library of Nazarick, Ashurbanipal, experiencing it first hand was a different matter altogether. 

When she was before her beloved, she was no longer the Guardian Overseer of Nazarick. She was simply Albedo, a woman who had just found her destined one and love of her life. 

She did not know how to act before him. Aside from the few knowledge of sex and information about Yuuji’s preference from Aika, she knew nothing on how to express herself and her immense, overwhelming love for the man before her. 

Worry had filled her heart, afraid that Yuuji would not love her if she were to ever accidentally overstep her bounds while showing her overwhelming love for him. 

However, she remembered one piece of advice Aika had given her. That was to be herself and learn to be better by communicating with him. 

Albedo moved her hands down to her womb and closed her eyes. The warmth of her beloved’s seed that still existed within her womb warms her heart and body, soothing her anxious and worried mind.

She smiled, and inwardly thanked Aika for advising her to ask Yuuji to use the magic that would prevent his seed from leaking out of her womb. 

Unfortunately, the seed that filled her womb would not be capable of impregnating her this time. 

To her disappointment, Yuuji had made his seed infertile using magic. Being in such turbulent times, when danger might still lurk within the unknown world they’ve found themselves in, having a child would bring more risk. 

She would not be in optimum combat capabilities during pregnancy, and the stress from the duties and responsibilities she must uphold as the Guardian Overseer of Nazarick during such turbulent times might affect their child negatively. 

That would be the last thing she’d wish for. 

In the end, she agreed with him, as she too would like her child with him to be born in more peaceful times. And she will work her bones to dust to create such a world for their beloved future baby. 

No, babies!!! 

Her lips curled into a wide grin, a few chuckles escaping them as she fantasized her children running around and playing with their dear father. 

Just then, Yuuji stirred from his slumber. His crimson and golden heterochromatic eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times, before landing on Albedo’s visage. And his face lit up into a bright, loving smile that instantly melted her heart. 

It was the gaze of someone who saw their most beloved person. 


A soft moan escaped her lips when Yuuji softly pulled her into his embrace, her enormous breasts squished against his warm, sturdy chest. 

Then, her lips were taken once more by his into a soft, yet passionate and loving kiss. 

“Good morning, Albedo.”

“Good morning, my love~”

Her voice mewled lewdly as she greeted him. 

Then, Yuuji placed a kiss on her forehead and pulled her head down to his chest, enjoying the heavenly softness and warmth of her squishy body, belying her level 100 warrior physique, as she nuzzled into his chest. 

He stroked her silky, jet-black hair softly, caressing her pure white horns that adorned her head once in a while, as her black feathered wings enveloped both of their lower half in a warm embrace. 

The bed they laid in was soaked with Albedo’s love juice that continued to squirt out of her with every thrust Yuuji made, and the mix of their sweat after a full day and night’s worth of love making. 

But, thanks to the cleaning spell Yuuji ha casted on the bed as well as their bodies before they fell asleep, they rested comfortably, cuddling, as a comfortable silence filled the room. 

"How do you feel? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No~ I'm fine, my love. More than fine. I feel ... amazing. So full, completed, and most of all... loved. It's a dream come true. Your love is filling me with happiness."

Albedo looked up towards him, resting her chin on his chest, as her teary golden eyes gazed into his. Her reddened lips, colored from the countless kisses Yuuji had given her, curled into a wide smile as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. 

"I feel the same way, Albedo. I can hardly believe how lucky I am to have you... I'm very happy to be with you."

"Ehehehe~ Yuuji-sama, I love you~"

"I love you too."

Their lips connected once more before they both melted into each other’s embrace. And silence returned as they cuddled. 

A few moments later, Albedo moved away slightly and looked up once more towards Yuuji. 

"My love."

"Mm? What's wrong?"

"Uhm... There's something I wish to ask of you."

"Of course. There's no need to be that polite. We are lovers now, aren't we?"

Yuuji smiled softly, and Albedo's expression bloomed into happiness.

"Yes~ Then, I will not hold back."

Albedo nodded and continued. 

"Yuuji-sama, do you wish... to have Shalltear as your beloved as well?"

His eyes widened slightly at her unexpected question. 

Immediately, his mind wondered if she still saw Shalltear as her rival just like in the anime. 

While they still maintained a professional relationship and camaraderie, and could be said to have been friendly, Albedo and Shalltear would get into a heated argument when it came to the topic of who would be Momonga’s first wife. 

However, seeing as Aika had already claimed the seat as Yuuji’s main and first wife, there shouldn’t be such rivalry now. 

He also didn’t see any annoyance or a sense of rivalry in her eyes. Simply curiosity, and perhaps a bit of interest. And if there were more, which Yuuji would expect from such a high-functioning woman such as Albedo, he wouldn’t know for now. 

Yuuji thought of her question for a moment, formulating an answer as he looked deeper into his own heart, and answered. 

"... I do like Shalltear. And although her creator had made her to love me deeply, I still wanted the two of us to grow closer naturally, just like we did. I do not want our relationship to be forced."

"I see..."

Albedo fell into silence for a moment, seemingly into her own thoughts, before her lips curled into a smile once more. 

"I understand, Yuuji-sama~ Then, I shall support you and Shalltear."

"Is that okay?"

"Why would it not be, Yuuji-sama? While I can’t lie that a small part of myself do wish to have you all to myself, I have accepted the fact that I would need to share you with Aika-sama and the other women you wish to be romantically involved with. As long as I am in your heart, I am already more than satisfied.”

She smiled softly, lifting up a hand to caress his cheek as she looked at his surprised visage lovingly. 

“Though, if I may be selfish, I do wish to spend some alone time with you as your lover from time to time."

Yuuji smiled softly at the succubus, his eyes filled with warmth, love, and gratefulness, and held the hand that rested on his cheek. 

"Of course. I would love that as well. Thank you for understanding, Albedo."

"Yes~ It is one of the duties I have as your wife, after all~"

The two shared a soft, loving smile, when suddenly, a message came into their minds.

One that widened their eyes with shock.  

[Albedo, there’s something I need to report…]

[Yuuji, it happened…]


A large, luxurious stagecoach galloped away from the Fortress City, E-Rantel. 

It was a large vehicle that could comfortably seat six people, pulled by a quartet of horses. 

The disc of the full moon shone in the night sky, illuminating the land with surprising brightness. That said, racing at full speed through the night was still a foolish course of action. The wisest course of action would have been to pitch tents, light lanterns, and post sentries while they spent the night here. The world at night was not under mankind’s control. 

No, that would not be entirely accurate — no place without light could be considered part of humanity’s world. The night concealed all manner of animals, demihumans and monsters. Many creatures possessed the gift of darkvision, and these creatures often attacked humanity.

Of course, they were not the only ones who would take advantage of the darkness to attack humanity. 

The night, when most humans were at their weakest and desolate, had always been a prime time for other humans to ambush them and strike when they least expected. 

But, such threats were not a point of worry for the occupants of the vehicle. 

Among these occupants were Sebas, with Solution by his side. Opposite Solution was Shalltear, dressed in her beautiful gown. While sitting opposite of Sebas was Lelouch, dressed as “Zero”. 

The coachman they’ve hired, a frazzled, struggling man with a black heart despite without a backbone, sat outside, holding the reins to the horses as their driver. 

At first, a persistent silence filled the wagon. None had spoken a word, fearing it would be rude to be out of turn while in the presence of a Supreme Being. 

It made for an awkward atmosphere… Of course, only for Lelouch. Shalltear, Sebas, and Solution were unaffected by the awkwardness they themselves have created, thinking it was only natural for them to do so in his presence. 

In the end, an hour into their journey, Lelouch gave them permission to act without constraint and relax. 

Of course, they did not do so even though they'd gratefully accepted his orders, at least for another hour. It was only until Lelouch ordered them to relax and talk freely did they force themselves to loosen themselves. 

“Sebas, has our prey taken the bait?”

Shalltear asked with anticipation, excitement, and determination shining deep within her slitted, scarlet eyes. 

This was the first mission she was assigned to, and by none other than her beloved, the love of her life – or perhaps unlife – that she would accomplish with nothing short of perfection. 

She would make sure that everything went according to the plan he and the supreme beings had created. And perhaps, if she did a good job… she would be able to receive his praise. 

Perhaps… even a word of love or a loving touch. Shalltear dared not wish for something beyond them. 

"Yes. Splendidly, as Yuuji-sama had predicted."

Sebas answered. 

"I see. Ufufufu~ That is good. It would be great if we could find the type of magic or martial arts user that Yuuji-sama wishes for~"

Her lips curled into a smile as she lifted her hands up in front of her. Her pure white nails, that she had filed to perfection, shining from the lights of the magical lanterns illuminating the interior of the wagon. 

To appear perfect at all times was the minimum for her, for there was no telling when and where she would be summoned by her beloved, Yuuji-sama, to be of use for him. 

When the time came, even if it was for a simple audience, even her nails must be cut and filed to perfection. Thus, she required a special filer that would perfectly shape her nails and make it appear as smooth as possible. 

Moreover, given the nature of her nails being a part of her natural weapon, her filer must also be an extremely powerful magic item capable of whittling down her extremely strong nails. 

The one she was using now was one of the many magic items given to her by her creator, Peroroncino, long ago. It was given to her along with various other beauty enhancing items, lingerie, dresses, “cosplay outfits”, collars, chains, lubrication, sex toys, and many other items meant for her to use to please Yuuji with. 

Her eyes, however, were not on her own nails. But rather, on the beautiful, shining ring of telepathy she had been given by her beloved and worn on her ring finger. 

While it was not an engagement ring or a wedding ring meant to symbolize his eternal love for her, it was a ring that symbolized his care and wish to always be connected to her in spite of the distance between them. 

It was through this ring that Shalltear never felt alone and always be in the presence of his warmth. It had also allowed her to hear his voice asking for her well being and giving her encouragement every night. 

That alone was enough for Shalltear to care for the ring immensely and swore to protect it even at the cost of her own unlife. 

She closed her eyes, brought her hands to her enormous, padded chest, and pressed her lips softly on the ring, just as she would every day and every night since she had received it. 

‘Ah… I miss you dearly, Yuuji-sama…’

The thought of him alone filled her no longer beating heart with an impossible, yet immense warmth, and longing. 

She wished she could complete this mission as soon as possible and return to his side…

Shalltear sighed inwardly, her eyes looking at the ring with obvious longing. 

But, she quickly steeled herself and regained her determination, before turning towards Lelouch. 

"Lelouch-sama, there is something I wish to inquire about. May you please enlighten me to the type of magic or martial arts that Yuuji-sama wishes for.”

Lelouch pulled himself from immersing himself in the documents and reports he had received from Albedo and Demiurge. They explained the current situation and conditions of their agents within Re-Estize and Baharuth, informatif and detailed, yet succinct at the same time. A masterfully made report that was easy to read, even during travel. 

“Something unique and/or useful. It is also not limited to magic or martial arts. People who own Talents, whose usefulness and effect we came to learn from that alchemist boy Yuuji and Aika encountered, are also something we’d like to acquire.”

Yuuji turned his gaze towards Sebas and Solution in front of him. While his eyes were hidden by his Zero’s mask, the simple gesture of turning to face them indicated that his words were meant for them as well. 

“Yuuji, Aika, Momonga, and I wish to gather people of talent and power not only to acquire new knowledge, but to strengthen Nazarick and prevent them from falling into enemy hands. They could also be useful pawns for their plans, or at the very least, bodies to put in between danger and the children of Nazarick.”

While Lelouch did not plan on massacring humans in the war they might have to create to accomplish their goals, he was also not naive as to believe he’d be able to not spill even a drop of allied blood in a war. 

No matter how powerful they were, there would always be a possibility of death when it came to war. 

That’s why they were being extremely careful in their plans, and if they had to sacrifice hundreds of humans for Solution or the lives of the other battle maids, they would choose the former without even having to consider it longer than a moment. 

“Amazing… As expected of the supreme beings! Your foresight goes beyond comprehension…!”

Shalltear looked at Lelouch in awe, a look shared by Sebas and Solution, as they listened to the wise words of the most intelligent supreme being and grand strategist of Ainz Ooal Gown. 

And of course, they did not miss the kindness and how much the Supreme Beings cherished the children of Nazarick from his words. 

The overwhelming love and kindness the supreme beings had given them… They must repay it in full and beyond through their loyalty and actions. 

“I am enlightened. Thank you very much, Lelouch-sama.”

All three of them bowed. 

Just then, the coach shuddered, and they heard neighing from the horses which drew the vehicle. 

“...It seems we have stopped.”


Shalltear — lost as she was in fantasies of just how much Yuuji cherishes and loves her — returned to her senses. Her lips curled into a different kind of smile, like a girl who had just thought up a wonderful prank to play. Sebas too was stroking his mustache as he smiled, while Solution licked her pink, luscious lips as her eyes narrowed dangerously.

Shalltear raised up from her seat and curtsied towards Lelouch, followed by Sebas and Solution. 

“Lelouch-sama, please excuse me as I remove the trash yelling outside for a moment.”

“Yes. Do as you wish with them.”


Lelouch nodded and returned to his report documents. 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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