What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 464 This One's A Self Proclaimed King

Chapter 464 This One's A Self Proclaimed King

The plan actually went surprisingly well.

The Orcs had first retreated deeper into the cave to escape from the fire, allowing us to gather outside the cave without getting shot. I then made use of my Aeromancy to blow the smoke deeper into the cave, making sure all the smoke went inside instead of out.

Those Orcs probably thought they could handle the smoke better than the fire and stayed holed up inside the cave despite the smoke filling up its interior.

It took a while but then we heard the sound of coughing coming from inside.

That was followed by a weak squeal before something crashed inside the cave.

The crash seemed to be the cue as the thunderous echoes of multiple Orcs stampeding their way towards the cave entrance could then be heard.

All of us got ready, our vanguards arranging themselves in a semicircle to surround the cave opening.

I had to create a rapier for Delmare using [Shadow Forge] to temporarily replace the one she broke so that she was not unarmed.

The shadow weapon wasn't as strong as the rapier she had originally but it would have to do for now.

The Orcs crashed through the burning wreckage, a few of them catching themselves on fire as the others behind them forced them out of the cave.

"Let's go!!" I yelled.

Everybody jumped in and started the massacre of the Orcs while they stumbled out of the cave, the monsters barely able to put up any resistance as they were still choking from the smoke or panicking over the fire.

Our party didn't even need to try that hard since the Orcs seemed to have also abandoned their weapons in their panic, leaving them completely defenceless against us.

The only time I needed to use my Iatromancy was to heal Odeta who had to knock down an Orc that had set himself on fire and ran into her.

Just as we were cutting down the last of the Orcs, a male Mahun stumbled out from the cave while coughing and choking.

Huh… Could he perhaps be a captive of the Orcs?

Was the cave used to store Mahuns they captured too?

I was about to rush forward to heal the Mahun but Katsuki blocked me from doing so.

"Eh? What's wrong, Katsuki?"

Before my Inugami maid could answer, the Mahun started to scream, "What the fuuuuuck?! Who the fuuuuuck?!!!"

[Screened] please do your work.

[Name: Bob Brown

Title: Off-Worlder Transmigrator, Self-Proclaimed Main Character, Self-Proclaimed King

Race: Mahun


45 Strength

52 Dexterity

208 Endurance

669 Magic


Leadership (Tier 3), Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 1), Axe Proficiency (Tier 2) Club Proficiency (Tier 2)), Hunting (Tier 2)

Magic Skills:

Kalomancy (Tier 4), Mana Management (Tier 3), Pyromancy (Tier 3), Geomancy (Tier 3)]

Oh wow, it's been a while since I last saw another Off-Worlder.

Err… He has the Kalomancy skill, so does that mean he was controlling all the Orcs around here? Or maybe he creates all of them?

At tier four of that skill, I remember you can even create monsters out of thin air.

I guess he might also be the one who directed the Orcs to build the Stronghold.

He coughed a few more times before turning towards us and scowling, "You fuckers!! What the hell did I do to you?!!"

Emilia huffed at him, "We saved you, that's what. Least you could do is to show some gratitude. I take my gratitude in Creas by the way."

"Save me?! Gratitude?! What the hell are you talking about?! I never asked to be saved! The only kind of gratitude I'll be giving you is giving all of you a quick death!!"

Odeta gave him a weird look, "What are you talking about? Have you gone crazy or something? Weren't you captured by the Orcs?"

"Ha?! You don't know anything!! All I'm doing here is creating my own kingdom and you people came along and ruined it! I should be asking for compensation!"

Yep, this guy was responsible for the Orc Stronghold… He definitely used his Kalomancy to control or summon the Orcs around here and made himself the leader.

There's also one more thing I have to check…

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Are you kidnapping people to make them part of your harem or something?"

"Ha?! Like I care about that! All I want is to create my own kingdom here! I even managed to solve the housing problem before you people came and knocked down my wall!! Who the fuck are you guys?!"

Ok, at least he's not abducting people to put inside his cave.

Lisa turned to me while pointing a finger at the Off-Worlder, "Is this guy crazy?"

I don't even know how I should answer that question… I think maybe we can call him delusional? That sounds more closer to how he's behaving.

I gestured at the area around us, "Umm… Sorry but… Do you know what this place is?"

"What are you talking about?! This is my territory! The Kingdom of Brown!!"

Uwaa… He already gave it a name…

I shook my head, "This place is where the Royal Knights of the Lehcarouc Kingdom would come to train… In other words, this place belongs to the Lehcarouc Kingdom… It's not your land to claim."

"Well I don't see any signs around that says that!! That means it's free land so it's mine now and you're all intruders! I demand compensation or I'll sue you for trespassing and destruction of property!!"

Oh damn… Are we dealing with a male Karen?

All of my party members were clearly confused by his behaviour and a few of them were even slowly backing away from him, clearly thinking he was a deranged psycho.

Even though I wasn't able to see Tiara's face clearly, I could tell that she was definitely not too pleased at the words this guy was spouting, considering she was still the Princess after all.

Emila crossed her arms, "In case you don't know, there's a quest commissioned by the Guild for the destruction of the Orc Stronghold here. If the Guild themselves have advocated for your destruction, then that means you're not a registered or acknowledged entity which also means you have no land to trespass into and neither do you have any legitimate property for anyone to destroy. You are at best a vagrant and at worst a bandit."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Ha? What is this guild you speak of? Who are they to decide whether I'm legitimate or not?!"

"Oh wow, you don't even know something like that? Are you even a registered citizen anywhere? Or were you born and raised amongst the Orcs?"

Judging by how things have been going… I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got dropped here directly and immediately used his Kalomancy to try and build an empire for himself.

The Guild must have then picked up on the sudden increase in Orc activity and since it coincided with the Knights being out of commission because of the demons, they posted such a quest for Mercenaries to take up.

"Fuck off! You don't know me! You can't judge me! I claimed these lands for myself so I am King here!" He screamed, even stomping his foot to prove his point.

Emilia turned to give me an exasperated look, signalling with her eyes that she was not going to entertain the guy standing in front of us anymore.

I snapped my fingers, "Alright then… Err… I guess we're sorry about your house so we'll just leave now and report that the mission was a success! I would advise you to go somewhere else to build your little kingdom though. Maybe somewhere in the far northeast? There might be land for you to claim there with no problems!"

Lisa probably knew I was thinking about the area north of Nomed Metropolis since that area was kind of a wasteland after the disaster with the Tree of Life. Surely no one would complain if he were to build himself a settlement there right?

Actually, scratch that… Pretty sure a number of people will definitely complain about a new power popping up but that's still better than what he's doing now and it'll also be none of my business.

"What the fuck?! Do you think I'll accept something like that?! You come into other people's homes, make a mess out of it, then think you can just leave when you feel like it?! You've got to pay!!"

I gestured to him, "Isn't this exactly what you're doing but to the Lehcarouc Kingdom as well? Don't you think that they would not take your sudden appearance in their home well and take action on removing you out of it by contracting us to do it for them?"

He furrowed his brows at me, "Fucking capitalists! You think I'll be intimidated by that?! No! I've claimed this land rightfully for my own! You can't chase me out of it!"

I was about to point out the fact that this had nothing to do with capitalism and more to do with him being unreasonable when he raised his hands and caused a new group of Orcs to suddenly appear around him.

My party immediately fell back around me, all of them prepared for another fight.

Hmm… Can't say I didn't expect it to end with violence…

Alright… Guess we'll have to use force.

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