What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 468 You Should Have Listened To The Full Details

Chapter 468 You Should Have Listened To The Full Details

Needless to say, the swindler was less than happy about hearing my demands.

"D… Don't be ridiculous!! What kind of healer charges three thousand Creas just to heal an arm?!"

I scratched my cheek, "Hmm… You were asking for three thousand Creas as compensation weren't you? Isn't this the same thing?"

"That… That's different! You were the cause of this problem!"

"And I fixed it, didn't I? So I don't owe you anything now."

"Tha… That's right!"

"But now you owe me for the emotional damage you caused me. So I'm pricing it at three thousand Creas. Would you like to pay by silver or card?"

He pointed a finger at me, "Don't be unreasonable here! You started this by hurting me! I'm generous enough to lower the price to a thousand Creas so take it or my friends and I will make sure you regret it!"

I turned back to the Guild staff, "Are you guys not going to do anything about this?"

The Guild staff blinked at me, "Umm… Do you want us to do something about it?"

He even emphasised on the word 'want', which let me know that he wasn't doing anything because he believed we would be able to handle this group of people easily.

Otherwise, we would not have been able to return with over three hundred Orc kills.

If I were to tell him that we wanted them to intervene, they might chase away those guys harassing us but I'm pretty sure these guys would just wait outside for us just to harass us again.

In other words, no one will complain here if we just beat them all up.

Well, this is pretty much what you can expect to find in the Commoner's District of the Guild after all. I mean… There's a fight happening on the other side of the Guild right now with two guys punching the crap out of each other while a couple was having sex not a few metres away from them.

Yeah… Totally normal around here…

The rest of my party seemed to be content with leaving it to me to decide what to do with them, most of them seemingly quite entertained while my two seniors were pretty much trying to make themselves look as small as possible.

I turned back to the swindler and did a quick headcount. Twelve guys in total.

I smiled at him, "Alright, let's cut the crap. I have some shopping to do so I don't want to waste all my time on you. I'm also not giving you any money so if you want to fight and think you can handle the party who subjugated an entire Orc stronghold of Orcs, you are welcome to step up. I'll even let you choose if you want to do this inside or outside~"

The swindler furrowed his brows, "You really don't know the position you're in huh?"

He then snapped his fingers, a signal for his friends to move closer to us while cracking their knuckles threateningly.

In response, without my prompting, Odeta also came up beside me and started to crack her own knuckles as well.

The swindler smirked, "You think we're scared of you just because you're an Amrap? Please. We're D ranked Mercenaries, we've fought Orcs before as well."

A quick check with [Screened] showed that their highest stats were barely reaching the hundred range, with the highest one being the swindler's strength at a hundred and five.

Ohh… He thought our entire party earned three thousand Creas in total, which meant we fought with less than thirty Orcs in total…

I was about to correct him when Odeta turned to me with a big grin on her face, "Hey, Sister Aster~ Can I have them for myself? I wanna try fighting a bunch of them all at once~"

"Mmm… You can but… Don't be too disappointed because they're quite weak you know?"

Obviously none of the guys were happy to hear my assessment of them.

"Weak huh?"

"She really doesn't know us…"

"I'm going to enjoy making her regret this."

I took a step back while Odeta took a step forward, the Amrap punching her fists together before lowering herself into a combat stance.

"Come on then! You're all talking big so let's see you prove it!" She goaded them.

I realised that aside from the Guild staff who helped process our quest, no one else was even paying attention to us like this wasn't even worth their attention.

Yep, definitely a daily occurrence for them. I wonder how this place hasn't been destroyed already.

The swindler led the charge towards Odeta, his fists raised in preparation to punch at her.

Odeta easily caught the punch and I could tell even from behind that she felt a little disappointed by how weak his punch felt.

She then lifted the guy with one hand and tossed him towards another guy, sending the two of them sprawling onto the ground.

One of the larger sized men tried to rush towards Odeta in order to tackle her and knock her down but the Amrap merely stopped him by putting her hand on his head and shoving him back to fall on his haunches.

He tried to get up but Odeta's leg came smacking across the side of his face, slamming him down and knocking him out cold.

Two more of them tried to punch her at the same time, only to have their fists caught by Odeta in her hands.

She took that moment to give them a look of pure disappointment before she lifted a foot and delivered a snap kick to the one on the right.

The left guy gaped as his partner was sent flying all the way to crash near the entrance, the man curling up into a ball while grasping his abdomen and groaning in pain.

Odeta then delivered an open palm slap to the other guy's face and I could see his eyes rolling back as he was sent flying to crash on top of the swindler that was just getting back on his feet, knocking him down again.

Three guys tried their luck next, the one leading them even trying to pounce on her.

Odeta casually snatched him out of the air by grabbing his throat and choke slammed him onto the ground.

She then sidestepped the next guy's punch and kneed him in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

The third guy tried to step over his friend to reach her but Odeta smacked him across the face with the back of her hand before he could, also knocking him unconscious.

The last four guys surrounded her, being more cautious now since they knew she was actually stronger than they thought she was.

Odeta did not wait for them to approach her this time and simply leapt towards one of the guys and snatched him up by his foot.

The guy even let out a cry of surprise before she flung him towards the guy behind her, the two of them screaming in a panic before the first guy crashed into him.

The Amrap took advantage of the distracted state of the third guy to kick him in the back of the knee, forcing him to kneel on the ground as he lost his balance.

He was in the midst of looking up when Odeta's fist came flying towards his face, the poor guy being sent flying from the punch and skidding to a stop near the downed man at the entrance.

The last guy was just staring dumbly at his fallen comrades and only came back to his senses when Odeta started to walk towards him slowly.

He raised his hands up in surrender, "Wait! Wait! I give! I surrender!"

Odeta turned up her chin at him, clearly not impressed.

"You join your friends in threatening us and you think you can just get away with just surrendering?" She spat.

Before the guy could respond, Odeta slammed her head forward into his face and sent him sprawling onto the ground, unmoving.

The swindler finally managed to get himself out from under his friends, his eyes widening when he realised that by that time Odeta had already wiped out his party single handedly.

Instead of doing the sensible thing of giving up, he reached for the sword on his waist and unsheathed it to charge at her.

I heard the Guild staff standing up from the counter in a panic behind us. I guess brawls are fine in the Guild but drawing a weapon to attempt a murder was not.

Odeta didn't even look fazed at the threat and merely stood calmly while waiting for him to reach her.

The moment he got within range, she slapped the sword out of his hands by hitting the flat side of the blade before grabbing his wrist and pulling him to her.

"You used a weapon so that means you'll be fine even if I do this right?" She growled.

The guy panicked and tried to wrench himself free but Odeta held him still as she started to chant.

"Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength. I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might! [Body Current]!"

The man realised what she was trying to do and opened his mouth to beg for mercy but it was too late as the Amrap clenched her fist, crushing his wrist with a loud crack.

She let go as the swindler screamed out in pain and collapsed on the ground while clutching his broken wrist.

Yeah… I'm not healing that.

Also… That was cold, Odeta… I like it.

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