What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 479 Wyrmforge Weapons Shop

As I had promised her the day before, I was bringing Delmare out for a date today.

I couldn't plan anything too complicated since I had literally less than a day to plan for it, but she did not seem to mind since her goal was just to go out with me.

I did, however, give Delmare a few options to see what she would rather do and I had taken into account the fact that she would need to use her Somatomancy magic to be able to walk on land, so I included a few options where we would be out at sea.

Surprisingly, she picked the option where we would simply be strolling through the city on foot.

Even though she could only communicate with me through the use of her notebook in this form, it seemed like she didn't mind and simply clung to my arm as we walked.

We were walking through the Merchant's District though it was a part that neither of us had visited before. Our plan for today was to simply let our feet guide us through the city and leave it up to fate to see where we might end up.

So far, we had simply window shopped while arm in arm.

One unfortunate thing about this was that we weren't able to eat snacks on our walk since Delmare needed her throat to be free of obstruction to be able to chant her spell.

That didn't really bother us much though, since we could just stop somewhere to eat if we really wanted to.

Right now we were content with just looking around the shops beside the main street.

I felt a tug on my arm and I turned to see Delmare pointing at the window of a store excitedly, her eyes practically lighting up in her excitement.

I shifted my gaze to see what exactly caught her attention and found that she was pointing at the display at what appears to be a weapons store.

"Are you interested in those?" I asked.

She nodded and I let her pull me towards the window display where several swords, daggers and throwing weapons were on display behind the glass.

Delmare poked her finger on the glass and I realised she was pointing at a rapier that had a distinct blue blade put on display there.

"Oh~ You're looking for a new weapon to replace the one that broke?" I asked.

She nodded, hugging my arm tighter.

The two of us entered the store, a bell chiming above the door as soon as it swung inwards.

"Welcome," A voice came from the store's interior.

My eyes shifted towards the counter to see a young male Mahun polishing a sword while nodding politely at me.

"Newcomers? I'm Elrik and welcome to the Wyrmforge Weapons shop. Feel free to browse and let me know if you see anything you like."

Delmare looked at me and I have a feeling if she could speak she would be squealing right now.

I pointed towards the blue rapier displayed at the front, "Is that rapier for sale?"

Elrik cocked an eyebrow at me, "Yes… That's the Seacharm Elegance. A very beautiful piece isn't it?"

I nodded, "Indeed it is. Is there anything special about it?"

"It has the enchantment of always allowing the wielder to know the four directions of a compass while at sea and it can manipulate water to form around its blade to be used as the wielder commands."

"Could we see it?"

Elrik placed the sword he was polishing down on the counter before stepping out from behind it. He then went up to the display and took down the rapier with both hands, offering the weapon to me.

I then passed the blade to Delmare who received the weapon carefully, her eyes inspecting it critically which was a big change from how she had looked moments before.

The owner was watching us carefully, probably ready to stop us in case we tried to run off or even rob him of this weapon.

I wasn't surprised that he was that wary, since this weapon must be quite expensive since it was displayed there as a centrepiece.

Delmare then took a few steps back and gave the weapon a few swings and stabs to test it out. She then poured her mana into the blade and water appeared around the blade to form a protective shell over its length.

The water seemed to morph itself and changed the shape into a double edged sword, which I assume would cut just as well as a steel sword if Delmare were to swing it at something.

She dispelled the magic and turned to me, her eyes returning to their sparkling look.

"How much is it?" I asked Elrik.

"Two thousand Creas," He answered without hesitation.

Oh, that's quite a lot but I think it's a reasonable price and I can afford it too.

Since Delmare likes it, I don't mind buying it for her.

I pulled out my coin purse but stopped when I felt Delmare tug on my sleeve.

Turning back, I saw her holding up her notebook with a single word written on it.


Oh right, I almost forgot about the most crucial part in shopping…

"That's quite expensive. How about a thousand five hundred Creas?"

He shook his head, "That's too low. You are asking for the weapon that I'm using to attract people to my store right now. A thousand, nine hundred and fifty Creas."

I shook my head, "And how long has it been hanging there without a buyer? I'm practically doing you a favour by buying it from you. A thousand, six hundred Creas."

"I am not in a rush to sell it. A thousand nine hundred."

"Then that means it's quite an old piece right? A thousand six hundred and fifty."

"The age of an enchanted blade does not degrade its performance. Eight hundred and fifty and I will fashion a sheath for you as well."

"Seven hundred."

"Eight hundred. I cannot go any lower than that."


I was about to take out the coins to pay for the agreed upon price when I felt another tug on my sleeve.

I turned to see Delmare presenting a single Large Silver coin to me, a happy smile on her face.

Oh, she intends to pay part of the price herself.

Seeing that happy smile of hers, I decided to just do as she wished and took that coin from her before taking out eight small silver coins from my own coin pouch.

Elrik received the coins from me, counting them out on his palm and only nodding when he saw the correct amount present.

He then gestured to the rapier, "If you don't mind, I'll take it to the back and fit it with a sheath for you to carry it. I assume this lady will be the primary user of the sword?"

Both Delmare and I nodded at the same time.

"Very well, just give me a few minutes and I will be right back. Feel free to browse the other wares in the shop while you wait and do let me know if you see anything else that catches your eye."

He then disappeared to the back of the store through the doorway at the back, presumably to make the sheath that he talked about.

Delmare lifted her notebook again.

'Thank you, Aster <3 I love you~'

I giggled, "I love you too."

Right then, the bell on top of the door chimed again and we turned to see two young boys stride into the store with confident gaits.

"I'm telling you, this place has good enough weapons!"

"Yeah but I don't really have… That much… Eh?"

The both of them stopped the moment they saw us, as though surprised to see us.

"Del… Delmare?" One of them gasped, his eyes widening rather comically. "What… What are you doing here?"

Delmare also seemed surprised at their presence but recovered fast enough to write something in her notebook before showing it to them.

I managed to get a glimpse of what she wrote by peeking from the side.

'Hello Max and Samuel, are you also here to buy weapons?'

The boy on the left read her note before nodding slowly, "Yes… Is… Umm… Is Delmare also here to shop for weapons as well? I didn't think umm… You would come to a place like this."

Delmare scribbled in her notebook again.

'I usually don't. I'm on a date right now.'

Seeing what she wrote, the two boys finally noticed me standing beside her.

"E… Eh?! Wait… Del… Delmare is on a date… With you?"

"This… This can't be possible! But… We thought she wasn't dating anyone!"

Delmare tilted her head while presenting another note, 'I never said I wasn't dating anyone though?'

"No… No way! This can't be possible!"

"Wh… Why… I can't believe this…"

Erm… I'm going to make a guess that these two are Delmare's classmates or something and going by how they reacted to the news that she's on a date… They also have a crush on her as well…

Well… This is awkward…

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