What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 483 My Siren

"Come back whenever you want!" Valeria waved as we left her shop, her skin practically glowing after our sex session.

In case you were wondering, I did end up buying that negligee alongside a few other dresses that she had recommended.

Delmare also had the same 'glowing' look on her as we made our way through the city streets that were already engulfed by the darkness of the night. It seems like we spent longer than I thought enjoying each other's bodies…

Not that I'm complaining of course.

Since it was already quite late, we were planning to make our way back home but Delmare obviously did not want our date to end yet.

Thus, we were taking the roundabout path back home and just simply strolling arm in arm and enjoying the atmosphere of the city.

The city was still quite bustling at this point of the night, most of them doing their own shopping in the Merchant's District with a few couples like us also around and about.

Some of them nodded at us in greeting as we walked past while most of them just ignored us. There were a few who were openly ogling at us though, but I just ignored them since they were quite clearly inebriated. 

That was until one of them reached out and grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Hey… Pretty lady~ Wanna fuck?"

I pried his hand off my wrist, "I'm sorry but no."

I expected him to get angry at my rejection but he simply shrugged and left without a second glance back.

Just as I was feeling relieved that it ended without an altercation, a scantily dressed female Nekomata sauntered up to me and intentionally thrusted her chest out.

"Hey there~ You looking for a third in your fuck tonight? I can be your third~"

I cleared my throat, "Umm… No thanks."

She huffed but also went away like the first guy.

It was then I noticed that such interactions were common along this street with people propositioning to others quite openly here.

Is this the red light district of this place? Or is this just something normal at this time of the night?

No, definitely not the latter since I've explored the city streets at night multiple times before… This must be unique to only this street in particular.

"Should we take a detour?" I asked.

Delmare nodded, sharing my sentiments in wanting to avoid this crowd.

We decided to walk through one of the parks nearby, thinking that we could at least find a bit of respite here.

Well… We did… Sort of…

Various moans and slapping sounds were coming from the bushes and along the path, which would have been awkward if we hadn't already had sex not even an hour ago so we just treated that as background noise.

As long as nobody was coming up to try and drag us into their activities, we didn't really care.

Delmare tugged on my arm as we neared a small pond in the middle of the park.

'Can we sit down for a while there?' She wrote.

I nodded and we diverted our path towards the pond.

A lesbian couple was busy eating each other out nearby but we ignored them and sat down by the edge of the water.

Delmare then took off her shoes and released her concentration on the spell, allowing her legs to change back to her tail.

She let her tail dip into the water, causing a small ripple to form that propagated along the surface of the water.

"Ehehe… This reminds me a little of the cave~" Delmare giggled while looking at the pond.

"The cave where we had first met?" I asked.

She nodded, "I wonder how my sisters are doing? Do you think they are doing well?"

"I'm sure they are. Who knows? They might be on some grand adventure of their own right now."

She leaned her head on my shoulder, "Ehehe~ But I think I got the better deal though~ Being with you… It's a grand adventure by itself~"

I reached down and slipped my hand into hers, our fingers entwining with each other's, "I think I should be saying that to you though~ If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here tonight either~"

Her hand squeezed mine in response, "But it was you who brought me out of that cave and showed me the World…"

"Well, I'm still working on the second part of that. We've only seen one small part of the World so far."

"Ehehe~ Then I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the World with you, Aster~"

We stayed there for a while, simply enjoying the view of the pond in front of us while ignoring the moans of pleasure coming from the lesbian couple a few feet away from us.

One of them let out a scream which I assumed must mean that she climaxed, prompting Delmare to turn to me with a deep blush on her face.

"As… Aster?"

I giggled, "Do you want another round? I don't mind."

"Ah… Ahh… Umm… I do but… That's not what I… I want to tell you something!"

I turned to face her and found the Siren looking back at me with a serious look in her eyes.

Realising that she must have something important to tell me, I turned to face her, showing her that she had my undivided attention.

She suddenly got shy and started poking her fingers together while looking down, "Ahh… Ahh… Umm… We… We've been together for… A while haven't we?"

I nodded.

Her tail started to swish around, "Umm… That… We also intend to explore the World together, right?"

"Mmhmm~ You also want to let more people hear your singing, don't you?"

Her tail stopped moving and she looked me back in the eye again, "I… I have decided I did not want that anymore, Aster…"

"Eh? Ummm… I know that your Siren magic might be a little problematic for everyone else but I'm sure we can find a way to deal with it?"

She shook her head, "That's not it… I… I have decided that I only want Aster to hear my singing. I don't want to sing for anyone else but you, Aster."

I blinked a few times as I took a moment to comprehend her words, "Umm… Really?"

She nodded, "I… I didn't tell you but… I tried to sing in front of the others without channelling magic into my voice a few times for others but… Aster already knows it doesn't feel good for me right?"

"You have told me that before, yes."

"I realised now that even if I were to sing with all my might… I would not feel satisfied if you were not the one I was singing for. I… Only feel good if I know that Aster is listening to my singing."

I giggled, "I understand. Ehehe~ Then I'll do my best and be your personal audience for life~"

She gasped, "Do… Do you mean that?!"

I tilted my head, "Of course~ I mean… I like to listen to you sing from the start so if this is what makes you happy, I willdo that~."

Delmare lifted my hand to hold in hers while she leaned closer to me, "Then… Can I ask something of you, Aster?"


"I… Can I… Can we kiss?"

I sucked in a breath when I heard her request, "Are you… Fine with me?"

She nodded, "There can be no one else for me but you. You have already accepted me and I don't intend on going anywhere else… And… And I'm already part of your harem anyway right? This is just… Making it official… It's not like I feel jealous that Lisa gets to kiss you all the time…"

Ah… She's jealous.

I reached up and held her cheek with both my hands, pulling her closer to me until our face was mere inches apart.

"You know that once we do this… You're mine right? And I'm never letting you go?" I whispered. "Even if you were to regret this--"

"I will regret it if I do not accept this," She interrupted me, conviction clear in her eyes.

I smiled before I moved my face closer to her, my lips parting.

She closed her eyes and did the same, her hands wrapping themselves behind my back.

Our lips met in the middle and I felt her breath on me, my Siren sucking on my lips as she deepened the kiss.

I prodded her lips with my tongue and she guided my tongue in with her own, inviting me to taste the insides of her mouth.

Her grip on my back tightened and I pulled her closer to me as well, our tongues entwining with each other's and enjoying our first official kiss to the fullest extent.

The need of air eventually made us separate, leaving a trail of saliva that bridged in between our lips as we sucked in lungfuls of air.

Our eyes met and I found pure, unadulterated adoration staring back at me.

"Aster… I love you… I love you…" She moaned, her hands sliding up my back.

"I love you too, Del~"

Both of us moved at the same time and our lips met again, the figure of me pushing her down on the ground could be seen reflected on the lake as we started another round of lovemaking right there.

Well, we're already in a place that others are having public sex anyway so no big deal~

So excuse me while I make love to my Siren here~

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