What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 499 Intermission - The Maid Beside The Mistress

Chapter 499 Intermission - The Maid Beside The Mistress

Katsuki waited outside the school hall.

She had already heard the principal announce that they would be moving to the Royal Palace for the end of year party, which was why she was standing here waiting for her quarry.

Naturally, she was not referring to her Mistress of course.

As though on cue, the door she was standing in front of opened and the current student council president stepped out, the boy doing a double take when he saw her.

"I take it that it's done, Sir Daniel?" Katsuki asked.

He shivered, "Ye… Yes… I did as you asked… Aster has been declared my successor…"

Katsuki nodded, "Good. And the members of the council?"

"They have also been selected as… As you requested…"

"Very good. You can leave now."

The boy scampered off without looking back, leaving behind Katsuki who was feeling quite satisfied at the moment.

Just like how Mary had taught her, as Aster's personal maid, it was her duty to ensure that her Mistress's life proceeds with as little disruptions as possible.

The Madam had given everyone clear instructions that under no circumstances should anything else take priority over her Mistress's wishes.

Right now, her Mistress wanted to live a simple life without any hindrances while training herself to be stronger. Which is why Katsuki and the others have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure her Mistress has access to such an environment.

One such thing Katsuki decided to 'change' was the student council.

In reality, the student council of the school does much more than just sit around drinking tea and eating cakes.

They actually have quite a number of responsibilities which include gathering feedback from students, proposing and managing school events, policing the students and also acting as an intermediary between the faculty and the students.

If her Mistress knew of this, there would be no way she would even accept the position of student council president.

But to Katsuki, having her Mistress occupy any position but the top was unacceptable and pretty much all the other servants agreed with her.

Over the past few months, members of the Aster Fanclub have been screened for potential candidates to fill in the spots for the student council.

They will be the ones who keep the student council running and her Mistress can simply enjoy the sweets and tea in the student council room. Perhaps they will just present a few proposals to her from time to time and that would be it.

Nothing much would need to be changed and they could always have members of the fanclub fill in any missing roles if need be.

The student council wouldn't even need to do any policing themselves since the fanclub would be able to do it for them.

It was a perfect plan.

But to be honest, Katsuki was also doing this with a little selfishness in mind.

Members of the student council are allowed to have one servant each in the student council room to wait on them if they were a noble. This was put in place with the idea that they would learn to act like a proper noble when the time came to inherit their Houses or enter noble society.

With that, Katsuki would be able to stay near her Mistress even at school and no longer need to watch from afar.

It took quite a lot of effort for her to reach here but it was all worth it in the end.

Katsuki felt something moving behind her and she looked back, realising it was her tail wagging quite violently.

She sucked in a breath and forced her tail to stop wagging, an action that actually required her to concentrate to achieve.

It seems like she is still in need of training to control her emotions.

The sound of students cheering brought Katsuki out of her thoughts.

She turned towards the source of the noise to see the students filing out of the hall, indicating that they would be headed towards the carriages right now.

Her Mistress will be escorted by Delmare, Lisa and Odeta, which meant that Katsuki would not be at her side for this.

Unperturbed, she simply made use of her Umbramancy and chanted the spell needed for [Shadow Wall], the spell activating without any problems.

With her body shrouded in darkness, she leapt up to the ceiling and hid in the shadows, waiting for her Mistress to appear to follow her.

She knew that her Mistress was aware of her proficiency in Umbramancy, but she had intentionally chosen not to advertise her capability with this magic for this reason.

As of now, Aster was still not aware that she was never truly alone.

Even when she was on her own, Katsuki would always be following her while hiding herself with her Umbramancy nearby.

She had to be ready to come to her Mistress's aid whenever needed after all and this was no different.

Her Mistress soon appeared with the three aforementioned girls, none of them spotting Katsuki above them.

Without anyone noticing her, Katsuki snuck along the ceiling while following her Mistress to the carriages waiting outside, the maid constantly on the lookout for any signs of trouble.


Katsuki allowed herself to let out a soft sigh.

It was another long but fulfilling day and her Mistress was safe at home now.

All her duties were also completed for the day which meant that it was now time for her to retire for the night.

On the way to her room, she found Mary walking towards her own room from the other side as well.

"Good evening, Katsuki," Mary greeted, an obvious cheer in her voice.

Katsuki inclined her head, "Good evening. Was Mistress satisfied with the massage?"

"Oh, she was indeed very satisfied. It's a shame that you can't join us yet though~"

"It is no bother, I just simply need to wait a few more years."

"Fufufu~ How patient of you. Well I shan't disturb you, enjoy the rest of your night. Good night, Katsuki~"

"Good night, Head Maid."

The two of them entered their own respective rooms, their doors shutting at the same time.

Katsuki leaned against the door, sucking in a deep breath before sighing in content.

She remembered how her Mistress had requested to visit her room before but it was simply not possible without any prior preparations beforehand given the state of her room.

The Inugami maid looked around, enjoying the sight of all the various pictures of her Mistress that were stuck on every visible surface of the walls.

"Mistress… Mistress…" Katsuki whispered, her body shivering in delight.

The room was filled with the smell of her Mistress, something that has made her almost lose control of herself in the past.

For some reason, her Mistress suddenly smelled extremely nice to her after her recent birthday.

That's not to say that Katsuki did not think that her Mistress smelled nice before but it was more prominent after that day.

If Katsuki did not put in an effort to hold herself back, her Mistress's smell was enough to block out any coherent thought in her mind and she would not be able to concentrate on anything except the want to be embraced by her Mistress.

That was why Katsuki needed to train herself until she could resist that temptation while in front of Aster.

But now that she was in the privacy of her own room, there was no need to hold back.

Katsuki ran towards her bed and jumped into it, her face diving straight towards the pile of clothes that belonged to her Mistress.

She breathed in deeply, enjoying the scent of her Mistress that lingered on those pieces of cloth.

Of course, the scent was not as strong as compared to smelling it on the person herself, but it would have to do for the Inugami as it was what she had right now.

But even as desperate as Katsuki was, she was not immoral enough to consider stealing her Mistress's clothes.

No, these were clothes that Aster had worn recently and needed to be washed, which was why Katsuki could take them to her room to enjoy them before washing and drying them in the morning without arousing suspicion.

"Mistress… Mistress…" Katsuki gasped, bringing up the dress that her Mistress had worn throughout the day up to her nose.

Her entire body shuddered in pleasure, the maid allowing herself to be lost in her fantasies of being spoiled by her Mistress.

The dress was soon forgotten and she snatched up the stockings her Mistress had worn today, also placing it at her nose to start sniffing it.

The smell this time was even stronger and it caused the maid to let out a moan of pleasure, her body shuddering in delight.

She picked up the dress she had discarded and wrapped it around herself, imagining it was her Mistress wrapping her up in her embrace.

Keeping the stockings to her nose with one hand, she reached over to pick up a picture of Aster by her bedside table.

"Mistress…" She moaned, still sniffing the cloth while looking at the picture.

In her mind, she was imagining her Mistress smothering her with her chest while her beautiful and delicate hands patted her head.

Of course, this was a side of her that she would never be able to show to her beloved Mistress. Should Aster find out, she feared that even her benevolent Mistress would not be able to let something as drastic as this slide.


Still… For now, she just wanted to enjoy this just a little longer.

At least… Until she comes of age.

Then maybe things might change a little.

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