What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 513 Treasure Hunt Training

Chapter 513 Treasure Hunt Training

Third day of training meant a third morning of us running through the snow. It wasn't snowing this time so they made us run two additional laps.

At this point, I think I've settled into a rather comfortable routine.

Now I'm just looking forward to what kind of training we would take part in for today.

Interestingly, they did not tell us to split into our own groups this time and that we should just gather in the village square after our run.

Selene was still embarrassed about our little session yesterday though she tried her best to hide it. I'm betting that she would approach me and ask for it again tonight.

While I was thinking of such things, Sebastian appeared and stood in front of us.

The first thing I noticed was a small, golden bell the size of a thimble hanging on his waist which was not there before.

He swept his gaze at us, "The next training is simple… Head Maid Mary and I have a bell attached to our belt each. Take it from us by any means necessary. This will continue until one of our bells are taken. Winner gets a prize. That is all."

We were still in the midst of registering the meaning of his words before he suddenly stamped his foot on the ground, blowing a wave of snow that crashed into us.

All of us got swept away by the wave of snow that sent us towards the end of the village half buried in the snow.

By the time we managed to climb out from the snow, Sebastian was standing on top of one of the village buildings looking down at us.

He made sure all of us spotted him before he leapt off and ran towards the direction of the forest, disappearing inside it.

Great… So it's everyone for themselves for this… And the fact that he said that this will continue until someone succeeds… I guess they expect this to continue for several days.

Almost immediately, a bunch of maids and butlers leapt to their feet and ran after Sebastian.

I was about to chase after them as well when I stopped myself.

He said there were bells on both him and Mary didn't he? Yet I did not see Mary just now?

If that's the case… Where is she?

Hmm… If I see things from a training point of view, Sebastian might be training us to track, chase and defeat a fleeing target while Mary might be testing our skills in searching and hunting down a hidden target.

So if I was looking for Mary… Where would I be able to find her?

I guess the answer was an easy one unless she was not adhering to her usual duties.

Ignoring the other trainees who were rushing into the forest, I went back towards the campsite before heading towards the building set aside for Mother to stay in.

Stepping inside the building, I found Mother inside sipping tea casually. And naturally, Mary was standing beside her holding a pot of tea.

Mother put down her cup and smiled at me, "Ara, ara? Did my little one miss Mama? Is it time for more cuddles and headpats?"

"Not… Not right now, Mommy."

"Ara? That's a shame. So what is my little one looking for?"

"Umm… I'm after the Bell on Mary's waist," I explained, gesturing to the golden bell in question.

Mary tilted her head slightly at me, "Would you like to come take it from me, Aster?"

I'm not an idiot, I know for a fact that if I was to fight her head on, I would definitely lose.

Before I could think about how to get the bell from her, another person appeared beside me.

"Mistress, I am here to support you." Katsuki reported to me.

I'm not surprised she managed to guess where Mary was as well considering Katsuki's practically her personal student. In fact, I think Mary would be disappointed if Katsuki did not manage to find her.

But even so… I don't think just the two of us would be able to even touch her, much less steal the bell from her.

My prayers were answered as more people showed up beside me, as though they had been waiting for that exact moment to appear.

"Wahahaha! I almost fell for that little trick outside! So this is where Mary is hiding! Let's fight her together Sister Aster!" Odeta laughed while punching her fists together.

"Nghhh! Good thing i had my eyes on Aster the whole time or I might have ran after that butler too!" Lisa pouted at Mary cutely.

Delmare also joined me at my side with a determined look on her face, the Siren even leaving her notebook behind to fully concentrate on the Trasif standing in front of us.

Beside her was Tiara who was already holding her longsword by her side, "I may not be able to help much… But please allow me to participate in this fight as well."

Well… As much as I appreciate them coming to help me, I don't think we even stand a chance even with this lineup…

But then again, the worst thing that can happen to us is that we fail. In that case, we just need to try again and again until we succeed.

Mary placed the teapot she was holding on the table, "Before we start, could I ask how you would decide who gets the bell?"

Everyone turned to me.


Hey, wait a minute, I wasn't the one who decided to fight in the first place? I was only here to see if Mary was where I thought she was and if I had a chance to take it from her without a fight…

I mean… The only rule was for us to obtain it from them by any means necessary. So technically… If I were to ask Mother to order Mary to give it to me, that would work right?

Is it a cheap tactic? Yeah. Do I care? Not really.

I scratched my cheek, "Umm… Perhaps we can defeat her first and then decide who gets the bell amongst us later?"

"Wahaha! That's fine with me! I just want to fight alongside Sister Aster!"

"Whatever the result may be, I will devote myself to ensure Mistress gets what she wishes for."

"Ehehe… Maybe I can trade the bell with Aster for something like… like… Ehehehe~"

I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear what Lisa just said…

Both Delmare and Tiara simply nodded their heads at me to show their agreement as well.

I turned back to Mary who was still waiting for my reply despite being able to hear and see their answers herself.

"We will decide after we have obtained the bell."

Mary nodded at us, "Very well. If you are ready, please follow me through the portal. If you would excuse me, Madam."

Mother gave me a smile, "Does my little one want Mama's help?"

I quickly shook my head, "Umm… No, Mommy… It's ok."

"Ara, ara? My little one is all grown up! Ufufufu~ In that case come over here for a little bit, my dear~"

I wondered what Mother wanted but I still went to her side anyway.

I was expecting her to give me something but she simply pulled me into her bosoms and started cuddling me.

Umm… She's just hugging me without saying anything? Is this what she called me here for?

I was just about to ask when Mother let me go while giggling, "Ufufufu~ That will have to do for now, I'll nedd to have more of my little one later~ Now go and have fun my little one~"

Mary created a portal and stepped through it, leaving us behind.

I turned to look at the others and they were staring back at me, obviously waiting for me to make the decision to step through the portal.

I guess we're really doing this then…

Taking the lead, I stepped through the portal and found myself in what appears to be a cavern of sorts. But instead of a normal cavern, the walls had various glowing runes scattered around its surface, each of them pulsating in unison in a kaleidoscope of colours.

The space was huge, big enough to fit several adult dragons in here early.

There was even a lake here that occupied about half of the cavern, which was suspiciously perfect for Delmare to be able to dive into and not rely on her Somatomancy to fight.

Also, I do not see any tunnels leading out of the cavern, so that means that there was either none at all or it was underwater.

Mary was standing at the far end of the cavern, the maid waiting for the rest of us to step through her portal before closing it behind us.

She then gestured to the walls, "This place is enchanted to be able to withstand any type of damage done to it without risk of collapse. Also, it has the same enchantment of returning anyone it deemed to be unable to fight back to the camp, so you do not need to worry and just fight me with everything you have because I will not go easy on you."

My companions immediately arranged themselves in front of me, all of them prepared to fight the crazy strong maid across from us.

Mary did not look at all concerned about the difference in numbers and stood her ground while facing us with a serene smile, "I am ready, please start whenever you wish."

No other words needed to be exchanged before we charged at her.

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