What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 521 Using The Ultimate Weapon On Boss Mary

Chapter 521 Using The Ultimate Weapon On Boss Mary

"Gahhh!! We've tried this ten times already!!" Odeta growled out in frustration after our most recent defeat at Mary's hands.

Katsuki wiped my mouth after I finished the plate of chocolates that she had made for me.

Selene sighed, "I already knew that winning against Mary is practically impossible… And she's not even using her full power against us either…"

I decided to speak up then, "You know… We don't really need to beat her right? We just need to get her bell?"

Groelle scratched her head, "But it's not like we can just snatch it out from her side right? Katsuki already tried it on our eighth time and she was guarding it quite closely…"

Tiara frowned, "Is there anything that the Head Maid is weak against?"

Almost immediately, everyone turned to look at me.

I tilted my head, "What?"

Everyone turned back to Tiara and some kind of silent message seemed to have passed between all of them, which caused a shiver to go down my spine.

Err… What was that about?

Lisa suddenly raised her hand, "I'll do it! Let me do it!"

Delmare followed her in raising her hand just a split second later, "N… No! I… I'll do it!"

Do what?! What are you two talking about?!

Selene also joined in for some reason, "As… As the leader of As… Aster's group… I should be the one most suitable!!"

I cleared my throat, "Ahem… What are you planning to do to me?"

Katsuki started explaining to me helpfully, "Mistress, they believe we would be able to use you as a way to get Mary to hand over the bell."

… I mean… I could already do that from the start by simply asking her to do it but… Something tells me that this wasn't what they had in mind…

"... How?" I asked.

Lisa grabbed my arm and squished it in between her chest, "We can have sex in front of her!! Then while she's distracted, one of us can just go and snatch the bell from under her nose! It's perfect!!"

I freed my arm from her grasp, cupped her cheeks, then gave her a deep, long kiss on the lips before pulling away.

Lisa just stood there, completely stunned and staring at me with wide, unblinking eyes.

I giggled, "I love you, Lisa. But if you just want to make love with me, there's no need to go such a roundabout way to ask for it, you know?"

I released her from my embrace and looked at the others, "Ok, so what's the real plan? I know Mary wouldn't hurt me directly but I feel rather scummy if I was to use this against her though."

The others seem to wake up from a trance after hearing my question.

Delmare then pointed to Lisa, "Aster… Can I have that, please?"

Well you just have to ask~

I grabbed her hands and pulled the Siren to me, giving her a kiss as well.

Delmare kissed me back, her tongue slipping past my lips to wrap itself around my tongue before I pulled back.

"Auuuuuu…" The Siren moaned, her face completely flushed red.

So cute~

Odeta grinned, "Alright! Then that's the plan! Let's go challenge her again right now!!"

Eh? Wait a minute… What's the plan? Did you guys discuss something while I was kissing Delmare? Wait, wait… Where are you dragging me off to?!

Before I knew it, we were back in the same cave for the eleventh time with Mary standing opposite us.

The key difference this time was instead of being positioned all the way in the rear of the party, I found myself standing all the way at the front for this encounter.

It was so odd that even Mary lifted an eyebrow when she saw my position.

Err… What do they want me to do here? Are they really intending me to rush up to Mary and take the bell from her directly?

"Alright! Let's do this! Watch closely Head Maid! We're going to take the bell from you this time!! Go, Sister Aster!!" Odeta cheered.

Wait, no… What?

Before I could consider if she really meant for me to start attacking Mary, my top was suddenly pulled down to reveal my chest, albeit still wrapped in my bra.

Ehhhh?!! Wait?!! Lisa??! You were serious?!!

"Look at this, Mary! Aren't Aster's tits divine?!" Lisa boasted, her hands reaching forward from behind me to start groping me.

Mary blinked once, "That goes without saying, Lisa. I'm sure everyone here knows that already so why are you stating the obvious?"

My Infrid clicked her tongue, "Not enough huh… Then how about this?!"

She flipped up my skirt, flashing my underwear at Mary.


… Just kidding.

I'm more confused than embarrassed right now. I've literally seen everyone here naked before and they've also seen me naked too, there's not much to be embarrassed about flashing some panties at this group of people at least.

Mary shared my sentiments as she tilted her head, "What are you doing, Lisa?"

Lisa frowned at her, "Really? Does this not make you feel anything at all? How about this then?!"

Lisa sank to her knees and lifted my foot up before slowly taking off one of my heels.

She then rested my foot on her thigh before slowly running her hand up my stocking clad leg.

"Look at this, Mary~ Doesn't this make you want to be stepped on?"

Lisa… I think the only person who wants to be stepped on here is you…

Mary sighed, "If this is an attempt to get me to yearn for the Young Mistress, Lisa, I will have to tell you that this does not work on me for I have never stopped yearning for her."

Er… What? I mean… Ok… I already know that… Since I doubt Mary would just have sex with me without at least having some positive feelings about me… But that's beside the point…

Lisa smirked, "Oh, but I'm talking about right now, Head Maid~ Why don't you come on over here and enjoy being embraced by Aster here? Don't be shy~"

I thought Mary would tell her off again but the Head Maid suddenly knelt to the ground and placed her hands on the floor.

Her hands then transformed into a mass of tentacles that flooded towards us like a tidal wave.

Ah, so it ended like that after all.

I braced myself in preparation to be hit by the tentacle mass but felt nothing instead.

When I opened my eyes, I realised that Mary had grabbed everyone and lifted them up into the air except for me, giving the Head Maid a clear path to walk towards me.

She stood back up and the tentacles shifted towards her back, allowing her to grow out another pair of arms while she came up to me.

She helped me put back my top and straighten out my dress, even going as far as to help me wear my heels again.

Only when I was completely dressed did she stand in front of me again, a slight smile on her face.

I watched with slight curiosity as Mary reached out her hand to me, palms facing upwards.

"May I, Young Mistress?"

I didn't really know what she wanted but I placed my hand in her palm anyway.

She then took a hold of my hand and pulled me into her embrace, hugging my face to her chest while she stroked my head.

"There, there. Does this feel nice, Young Mistress?"

Oh… Is this her kink? Or maybe some secret fetish of hers?

Considering the fact that she's mostly been watching Mother do things like this to me, I guess I shouldn't be surprised if our Head Maid harboured some thoughts of emulating Mother herself.

But… What am I supposed to do now?

I peeked up at Mary, the Trasif returning my gaze with a motherly smile as she brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face.

"Would you like a cookie, Young Mistress?"

"Yessss~" I answered in reflex, already opening my mouth wide while waiting for Mary to feed me.

She giggled slightly before digging into her apron, fishing out a cookie she had prepared just for me.

Right as the cookie was about to enter my mouth, there was a sudden movement to the side and I felt Mary pull me closer to her until my face had practically melded into her chest. She had also turned away so that she was shielding me from whatever had moved beside us with her body.

When Mary released me again, I realised Katsuki was standing a short distance away with her back turned to us.

Slowly, my Inugami maid turned around to reveal that she held a small golden bell in her hands.

"Thank you for the assist, Mistress," She bowed.

I looked up at where Katsuki had been held by the tentacle moments ago, finding that the tentacle was paralysed by the [Assassin's Dagger] and hanging limply in the air.

She must have slipped out of the tentacle while Mary was distracted and stole the bell then.

That's my Katsuki for you.

Mary giggled while letting the others down, "Well done, Katsuki. It seems like you have won the prize for this challenge."

Katsuki shook her head, "No, Mistress deserves this win for this would not have been possible without her help. Besides, you had also gone easy on me."

"Fufu~ I do not know what you are talking about, Katsuki. But I think you deserve some pats, don't you think so, Aster?"

I licked my fingers clean of the cookie crumbs before nodding, already beckoning Katsuki over.

All I have to say is… She's very fluffy~

Oh wait, did we win?

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