What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 545 Encounter In Front Of The Dungeon

Chapter 545 Encounter In Front Of The Dungeon

?Sebastian frowned at the Auto who was advancing on us threateningly, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The angry Auto let out a discharge of electricity that shot towards Sebastian which pretty much told us what its answer was.

Sebastian raised his fist and caught the lightning with it, not even flinching when it struck him.

I watched as our Head Butler's face turned from a neutral face to a small frown, that slight change in expression somehow causing the air around us to feel ten times heavier.

"I offered a way out and you chose not to take it. In that case, please do not blame me for what happens next."

The Auto looked like it wanted to say something but Sebastian's figure disappeared and reappeared in front of it, his fist cocked back at his waist.

The image of a gun being loaded flashed through my mind right before Sebastian punched his fist forward, smashing it directly into the Auto's chest.

There was a loud 'crack' as the Auto remained in place and I almost thought that it had actually managed to withstand Sebastian's punch.

That was until Sebastian stepped aside to reveal a giant hole in the Auto's chest, big enough to fit a watermelon with space to spare.

The Auto sputtered out something before it collapsed backwards in a shower of sparks.

But if I remember correctly… These things can't die even if their material body was destroyed right? They can simply find another body to inhabit and it will be as good as new.

Is that why it's acting like that?

Sebastian seemed to know that as well as he stepped towards the fallen machine, "So, could I expect an apology from you?"

A garbled voice came from the machine, "Fu… Fuck you…"

Sebastian sighed before lifting up his fist again to punch downwards at where the Auto's head was.

Electricity sparked from his body down to his arm and the Auto actually screamed in pain, except the scream sounded more like a dozen electrical sparks going off at once.

Then, as sudden as it had started, the Auto stopped moving, all of the electrical sparks completely dissipating into nothingness.

Sebastian stood back up and shook his hand casually before turning to us, "Please continue leading the way, Aster."

I pointed at the dead Auto, "Err… Shouldn't we do something about that? And should we be concerned about it at all?"

"Worry not, Aster, I will get someone to deal with it, just focus on your current task."

If you say so…

I continued leading my party down the tunnel, wondering if I would be meeting anymore of these encounters.

And as though the gods heard me, the next thing I heard was another loud stomping coming towards us.

All of us stopped in our tracks and everyone immediately moved forward to hide me behind them, their weapons unsheathed and magic flaring in preparation for a fight.

We were expecting another Auto to show up but it turned out to be a Ground Dragon pulling along a Rejmar carriage.

The driver of said carriage seemed quite surprised to see us, "Oh… Hello there, are you guys lost?"

Selene stepped forward, "No, we are merely heading to the Dungeon down this way."

The driver nodded, "Ah, I see. Then I had better warn you that there's a few Dungeoneers that are also heading there that are being complete assholes, so take care of yourself."

"Thank you for the warning. Safe travels."

"You too, ladies."

All of us stepped aside to let the carriage pass, which seemed to be the lead carriage for a merchant convoy.

Amongst the wagons were trade goods like what I expected and even more monsters in cages.

Then when it reached the last carriage, I realised that it was a cage filled with chained up Mahuns.

Slaves, I assume.

I was expecting myself to feel something from the sight, maybe disgust, anger or just something.

But all I felt was nonchalance.

I suppose the fact that I own a slave myself, even is she isn't exactly treated like one nor does she mind it, acclimated me to such a truth of this World.

I wonder how's that Off-Worlder who tried to go around 'saving' slaves are doing? I'm pretty sure he became a criminal slave himself which only just shows the irony of life.

Once the convoy had passed, I consulted the map again and guided the party forward, the driver's words echoing in my mind about some Dungeoneers being assholes.

What the heck did they do to get them labelled as such?

Oh well, I guess we'll see them when we get there.

Continuing onwards, I was kind of expecting more things to happen along the way especially since I was following such a crude map that I could just barely understand, but surprisingly the rest of the trip was quite uneventful.

Sure, we encountered a giant spider monster along the way but… Odeta killed it with one punch so I guess that doesn't really count as an encounter.

And of course there was a few goblins that tried to ambush us but Katsuki sniffed them out early on and blasted them with a quick [Fire Blast], burning them to a crisp before they could even jump out of hiding.

Then there was that minotaur that was blocking our way but went down really quickly when Lisa shot a [Laser] at it after Delmare distracted it with her singing.

Ok, ok… We met quite a few things along the way but it was all dealt with immediately so there weren't any problems.

We didn't even need to worry about traps since these tunnels were excavated by the Rejmar in the first place anyway. So these tunnels were basically paved roads but underground.

We then finally reached a large cavern that had an opening at the top, granting a view of the sky above. At the very end of the cavern was a single tunnel that marked the entrance of the Dungeon we were looking for.

And standing in front of said Dungeon entrance was a group of people of mixed races whom I assume to be the Dungeoneers the Rejmar from earlier warned us about.

From what I can see, there was a Mahun, a Meslatar, a Trasif, a Nekomata and a Wrunch, with the Mahun being the only male in the party.

I was already having a bad feeling about this so I used [Screened] on the Mahun guy.

[Name: Wata Shiyuusha

Title: Off-Worlder Transmigrator, Self-Proclaimed Harem Protagonist, Self-Proclaimed Harem King, Self-Proclaimed Hero

Race: Mahun


400 Strength

350 Dexterity

380 Endurance

150 Magic


Martial Skill-(Sword Proficiency (Tier 2), Unarmed Proficiency (Tier 2), Axe Proficiency (Tier 2)), Hunting (Tier 2), Tracking (Tier 1), Leadership (Tier 2)

Magic Skills:

Mana Management (Tier 2), Pyromancy (Tier 3), Lumenmancy (Tier 2)]

I knew it… It just had to be an Off-Worlder…

But wow, those titles… I wonder if he even is aware that he has these titles given to him?

They spotted us as soon as we walked into the cavern and the Self-Proclaimed Harem Protagonist waved at us, "Hello there! I see a couple of pretty ladies over there! Could you all be going to the Dungeon as well?"

The Meslatar beside him scowled, "Wata… Are you trying to add more people to your harem again?"

He gestured at us, "Come on Yermine! Look at them! Don't tell me you aren't interested in any of them?"

She turned to us and sighed, "I guess the white haired one is pretty nice… Is that who you are interested in?"

Upon hearing her words, Katsuki, Lisa, Delmare and Odeta all crowded around me in a protective circle, as though afraid that I may be snatched away without warning.

I think you girls worry too much…

The Trasif went to nudge the Mahun, "Hey… Don't you think there's already enough of us? What if you grow tired of us?"

The Self-Proclaimed Harem King laughed, "Ahahaha! Don't worry Eroe! I love you all equally! There's no way I will get tired of you! Didn't I just show everyone how much love I have for you all last night?!"

The girls in his party visibly blushed.

Lisa tugged on my arm, "Aster… You haven't shown us how much you loved us in a while… So how about you come over to my tent tonight and I can receive some of your love?"

Delmare was quick to jump in, "Me… Me too! I… I want to show you how much I love you too, Aster!"

These two are so cute.

Unfortunately their words were not heard by the Self-

Proclaimed Hero over there as he advanced a few steps towards us.

I'm guessing because Sebastian was the only male amongst us, he was automatically assumed to be the leader of this party as theMahun addressed him.

"Hey! You've got a pretty nice group of girls over there! Are you also aiming to be a Harem King? In that case, I challenge you to a Harem Battle!!"

I err… I don't know what I should expect from this interaction anymore…

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