When Bright Moon Encounter the Dark Clouds

Chapter 37: Wu Yu 06 (1)

Chapter 37: Wu Yu 06 (1)

I have never gone to a hospital with a girl in the past and never would have thought that having Tan Jiao with me would be such a fun and somewhat troublesome experience.

I explained briefly that I had fallen from a slope to the E.R doctor, but I received a look of disapproval from Tan Jiao. Then she proceeded to elaborate on the incident, even using gestures at some points. Doctor, it was this high of a slope. The ground was uneven with rocks and tree roots. After I found him, he was unconscious for at least five minutes.

The doctor was a young man with a friendly face. He became interested when he heard the explanation. Oh? Thats how hard he fell? How did he fall?

I was about to say it was an accident to end this meaningless conversation, but Tan Jiao let out a sigh before pulling a chair to sit on beside me. Doctor, I cant tell you too much about this, but we were pursuing a criminal. He went after the criminal but ended up injuring himself.

Oh Oh Turn around, let me check your wound.

Receiving the gaze of an attentive doctor and her sparkling eyes, I turned around speechlessly.

She seemed somewhat different from when I first met her one year ago, where she seemed cheerful and happy while possessing an air of coldness and hostility. Now that I had spent some time with her, I found that her hostility was merely her protection against strangers.

She was actually very warm, hospitable, and kind.

After conducting a detailed check of my head wound, the doctor asked about my body reflexes. However, the questions were not directed at me, but at Tan Jiao. She answered all the questions in great detail, with at least a hundred words for each question. She described everything vividly with a measured cadence as though she was telling a story. An author she is.

After that, the doctor told me to get a CT.

Finally, I had some time alone as she could not follow me to the CT room, but her wide, sparkling eyes immediately greeted me when I came out. We sat outside the CT room, waiting for the result. After a while, she said out of nowhere, Everything will be fine.

I did not feel an ouch of worry for myself. Yet, when I turned to look at her, I was greeted by her unwavering and calm expression. Her thick, raven hair was hanging beside her peaches-and-cream face.

Suddenly, I felt that what she said previously made some sense.

Having a companion when visiting the hospital loads up the dry and dull moments with liveliness and vibrancy. As for whether I needed her with me, I only had one answer for her.

We went back to the doctor with the CT report and found out that everything was fine. However, the doctor cautioned, Although the results of the scan are good at this moment, it's hard to determine when an intracranial hemorrhage might happen. Even though there's no bleeding now, that doesn't mean it won't appear sometime later. Therefore, for the next few days, you should carefully observe for signs of dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. If you spot something wrong, come to the hospital immediately.

Naturally, the doctor said this to Tan Jiao seemingly without recognizing my presence in the room. Sure enough, Tan Jiao put on a somewhat worried look after hearing that and muttered, While we were on our way to the hospital, he did pass out for a while.

Is that so? the doctor asked with a tensed face.

Yes. Let me tell you

Tan Jiao, it was because I was tired. I had to interrupt them.

Oh. the two of them let out simultaneously.

Then we left the hospital with me carrying the medicine and some miscellaneous items. As we left, I saw her holding the receipts in her hand with a gentle frown. She mumbled something as if she was calculating the amount spent. Soon, her eyes flicked over to me and said, Do you think we could get Shen Shiyan to reimburse you for your hospital bills?


Its around four hundred Yuan and youre not making a lot of money.

The tone of my voice cooled down considerably as I asked, Why should we ask him for reimbursement?

You got injured because you were serving the public. Shouldnt the police be responsible for your medical treatments? she said with a sense of righteousness.

I replied stubbornly, Theres no need. Dont look for him.

Tan Jiao pouted her lips briefly and said nothing, probably because she sensed my unenthusiastic attitude.

Her thinking is too simple. Ask Shen Shiyan for reimbursement? Am I still a man if I do that?

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