While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 15 - Old Friend? Part 1

Entering the club, Adam's mind was ringing.

His sensitive senses were overwhelmed by the loud music, and each bass beat would act as a bullet to his mind.


His hunter senses were screaming at him to leave this area, but Adam went against the warnings and adapting to the situation, Adam's Hunter's mind lowered his hearing's sensitivity as he continued into the club.

Looking around him, Adam was disgusted by how people would spend their money on harmful things, but also couldn't completely suppress his lust seeing beautiful females wearing alluring and scarce clothing.

"Don't touch me, I have a boyfriend," screamed a girl.

"I don't see your boyfriend anywhere so you can go out with me," refuted a thug as he approached her closely with two goons behind him.

The screams was ignored by most and the sound of the music and the flashing lights was distracting them anyway, but it didn't go unnoticed by Adam.

Adam was far from heroic and knew better than to get involved in other people's business and cause himself unwanted problems.

The young lady, seeing the hooded guy notice, bolted towards him in her heels and grabbed his arm.

Adam, whose senses were suppressed by the noise, wasn't fast enough to react and was gripped by the young lady arm in arm.

"This is my boyfriend, so leave me alone now" she screamed at them with Adam's arm in arm with her.

"So this is your trashy boyfriend, lend me your girl for a while or you won't like what will happen to you," he threatened while cracking his knuckles.

Adam pushed the girl off him and shrugged his shoulders uncaringly as he walked out of the club nonchalantly.

[I have seen enough of these stupid people and can't be bothered to get into a useless altercation] he thought.

Fixing his hood that was pulled back slightly, he walked out of the club without caring about what happens to that young lady who was being harassed by those thugs.

Taking off her heels she rushed after the hooded figure, who she saw as her last hope and wanted to use him as a distraction to get away from the thugs.

Adam slowly walked out of the club and turned left to return to his apartment, but what he didn't expect was for the girl to run after him and stand in front of him.

"What do you want," he asked as he continues walking past her.

The three thugs rushed out of the club.

"She went that way, look he really is her boyfriend," notified one of the goons pointing at Adam who stood with the girl.

Sighing, Adam was frustrated that she got him into a problem, that had nothing to do with him, and that those thugs were harassing women and annoying him.

{Hostile beings are coming towards you} alerted the system.

As he heard this, he was tipped over the edge and could no longer be patient with them.

Looking at their stats the leader was completely average while his goons were slightly stronger than average, but were really stupid.

"Look what you got me into, but I will help you out this once" stated Adam calmly.

Pulling up his sleeves Adam signalled them to attack.

"He is too arrogant, get him" ordered the leader who withdrew a flick knife.

Seeing the knife she realised how real the situation was and how regretful she was that she had gotten a stranger into such a dangerous situation.

She was overwhelmed by everything that was going on and couldn't stay calm.

Losing consciousness, her body fell backwards, but luckily Adam sensed it and caught her in time before she hit her head on the ground.

Laying her on the ground, Adam rushed towards the three thugs to get the battle over with.

The two larger goons charged at Adam wildly launching wild fists at Adam.

The fists were easily dodged, and despite the disparity in size, Adam was still stronger than them physically.

Launching both his fists, each one in each of their solar plexus, that is a sensitive spot between the stomach and the chest, which instantly winded them and knocked them unconscious.

"Don't come closer, I can let you go this time, just leave" shouted the leader in fear, trying to intimidate Adam.

Adam just chuckled and launched a fist into the thug's temple and knocked him out in a single strike.

He knew his identity was hidden by the night and his hood and wasn't scared about any consequences from such weak thugs anyway.

His efficiency in battle was unrivalled due to his Hunter's mind and only used one strike for each of them to knock them all out.

Seeing the unconscious young girl that lay there on the ground, Adam pitied her situation and decided he would take her back to his apartment for the night, then tell her to leave in the morning.

Adam had no reason to be cautious of her and could sense she was average, and although she had gotten him into a problematic situation, she was merely trying to escape from the men harassing her.

A hooded male figure wearing an all-black carried a girl wearing a short dress down the street.

Walking back into the building he received suspicious looks from the security and what he was doing seemed very criminal, but they didn't pry, and Adam couldn't care less about what they thought and was only trying to help somebody out.

He seemed to recognise her somehow, but didn't remember where from no matter how much he thought about it.

Climbing up the stairs he placed her on the ground outside his apartment outside as he opened his door.

Lifting her up again he placed her on the bed in the guest room and covered her with the blanket letting her sleep, while he returned to his room and had a good night's sleep as if nothing happened.

Waking up after feeling that his body had enough sleep, he checked the time to see it was now 9 am. Changing into another set of the same clothes and placing the old set in the laundry, he walked out of his room while putting on his shirt and his jumper.

There was a girl who sat at his kitchen counter and turning to see a chiselled figure guy put on his shirt was shocked, but couldn't help but stare.

Putting on his shirt he looked eye to eye with the girl and finally recognised her.

Looking at the black hair, and features she could slightly recognise, apart from his now red eyes and muscly and more handsome body, she also seemed to recognise him.

"Adam?" she blurted out.

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