While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System

Chapter 6 - New Start

"What the hell" screamed Adam as he jumped up from the trash bags he was sleeping on.

Seeing where he was, he realised he was back in reality and let out a deep sigh of relief that he was still alive, but the memories of being devoured alive still lingered within his mind. ​​

Slapping himself in the face and biting his tongue, he overwhelmed his mind with pain to forget about everything.

"What a weird dream I had, there was a system, and I was transported to another place then I fought goblins and got gold then I ...." he mumbled before pausing, remembering how it ended.

Getting up, Adam felt that his body was full of energy and was in a much better state than it normally was.

Adam used to have a malnourished skinny body, but had a small belly due to never being able to exercise and only being able to eat the cheapest food possible.

But now, running his hands along his arms and stomach, he felt more muscled and meaty than before.

"Maybe it wasn't a dream," he said to himself in awe.

"But if it wasn't a dream, then that really happened..." he mumbled.

The event replayed within his mind as he felt his stomach churn, and the small amount of food in his body charged upwards towards his mouth as he began to vomit.

Citizens walking past the alleyway saw the youth with ripped clothing, vomiting in the alleyway, shook their heads and had expressions of disgust as they assumed he was a drunken homeless.

Adam puked all the food within his body.

His head was throbbing as he stumbled backwards falling onto the ground.

{For completing the Floor 0 Test and becoming the official owner and hunter of the Dungeon System, you gain the Hunter's mind} announced to him the system.

As this was announced within his mind, he felt a surge of power in his mind and he also felt that everything had become clearer.

He felt that he could now think much faster and clearer and felt that all the previous emotions and trauma that were weighing on his mind, no longer seemed to have an effect on him.

Adam felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, but also felt desensitised, and it was as if he no longer was affected by anything.

"The system just spoke to me so everything is real," he realised.

[System have I lost all emotion] he asked worriedly, surprised by how clear his mind felt.

{There is no need for you to worry, the Hunter's mind, enhances your brain power and also allows the host to think faster and clearer and strengthens your mind so you aren't overwhelmed under pressure. It suppresses your emotions, but doesn't remove them} explained to him the system.

As he heard this, he instantly understood and felt that everything in his mind was clearer and he no longer felt as if what has happened to him had as much of an impact.

The youth with long black hair and a plain and calm expression, walked out of the alleyway.

It was now 10 am and the streets of Brooklyn were bustling and full of people, while Adam weaved through the crowds receiving dirty looks due to his ripped and smelly clothing.

Adam couldn't care less about others and was more curious about whether everything that had occurred with the Dungeon System was real.

[System I would like to convert all my 670 gold coins into dollars] he stated within his mind, hoping he could get his hands on some money.

{6700 dollars have been transferred to your account} announced the system.

Adam was happy and excited, but his Hunter's mind made it so his emotions didn't affect his mental state, and he wanted to check at an ATM as he didn't have a phone.

Walking to a nearby ATM he withdrew his card from his bag and placed it in the machine.

Seeing 6720 dollars in his account he had a small smile.

Looking at himself Adam saw that he was wearing ripped and dirty clothes, and now with such an incredible system, where he can earn thousands in his sleep, money was no longer an issue for him.

Looking around the busy Brooklyn streets, he saw the Maxwell Sportswear store that was now very popular and was owned by the billionaire Maxwell Family, but he was never able to shop from there because he would always have to spend all his money on rent and his Aunt's medical bills.

The store he saw seemed to be new and was very enticing to Adam who finally had enough money to buy himself some comfortable clothing.

Crossing the road at the crossing, Adam walked into the store and as he was about to browse for clothes, the bald male security guard stood before him blocking his path.

The tall security guard wearing an all-black suit looked down at the slim youth with long black hair and ripped and stinky old clothes.

"Leave the store immediately, only customers may enter and you obviously cannot afford it" aggressively stated the man.

{Hostile being detected, Status:

Store Guard

Mortal LVL: 4

HP: 167

Strength: 14

Speed: 10

Intelligence: 8}.

Hearing and seeing this floating above the guards head, Adam was shocked and realised that it made sense that even people had stats.

Comparing it with his own, Adam had an advantage in speed and intelligence, but when it came to strength and HP, he was outmatched.

"What are you staring at, get out before you get a beating" shouted the guard seeing the dirty youth staring at his head.

His loud voice caused a commotion and made a small crowd form.

Adam's Hunter's mind which enhanced his battle and survival instincts, and boosted his thought speed, allowed him to stay calm in every situation.

He couldn't care less about the people watching and was prepared to fight if need be.

"I am a customer so can you move out of my way" stated Adam with a calm expression, yet a glint of anger in his eyes.

Adam throughout his life has always been stepped on and mistreated due to his poverty and low status as he always tried to help his Aunt.

Now with the Dungeon System, he wasn't willing to let his pride be stepped on.

[This is my new start I won't let me or my Aunt be stepped on or mistreated ever again], he declared as he glares at the guard.

"If you won't leave willingly I will have to throw you out" announced the guard with an arrogant expression, showboating for the watching crowd.

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