While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 120: Clash part 1

Chapter 120: Clash part 1

With the most immediate threat taken care of for now, I can take a look around to assess the situation. With insane energy disturbance in the air, I can easily judge that it couldn't be caused by this ability of mine alone. 

My guess is that the sudden infusion of my hostile energy just as she was going to release all that she had in one, overwhelming attack on what was left from my hut, the delicate equilibrium that she kept her energy in got broken and resulted in her own energy ripping her apart!

I guess I understand why people think that cultivation is a struggle against the will of the heavens. It's hard to imagine the highest authority giving such a dangerous gift to humans willingly! 

As someone from the earth, I can easily understand why this logic is wrong all the way in its assumptions. Back in my original world, the power of lightning was deemed as a domain of gods, but with enough development and understanding behind it, humanity turned it into one of the most important tools that ever got invented!

With no electricity, there would be no computers, laboratory equipment, complicated calculations While it was impossible for barehanded people to cast lightning or receive them, with enough tools, one could very well use it to cause the destruction! While our technology back on earth didn't get developed to that point yet, the scientific foundations were in place for a good chunk of time already!

Going back to reality with my mind, I finally spotted another opponents. I guess this expert dashed forward, unable to handle her emotions, excitement or whatever drove her to attack us. Following her in a quite a bit of distance was a small group of people nearing the spiritual cultivation level. 

What a stupid move.

If they really judged us to be a threat that required an enriching essence level of expert, what would those small fries amount to? Unless

As I take a quick look at the spot where Pengu has fallen, I can see that he is slowly trying to get up. While it's not in the best shape, Eve is already kneeling near it and trying to tend its wounds while ignoring the bloody rain falling on her from the skies. 

That's my woman! Nothing can faze her!

But there is no time to marvel at her insane reaction time and ability to push everything aside when the situation requires it!

As I let my body fall down to the ground, I calculate the distance that will separate me from the incoming group of enemies. If I'm not wrong or something disastrous won't happen, I should have comfortable two minutes to prepare for their assault.

Landing softly on the ground, I take a windslord from my storage ring. Even after rummaging through my personal equipment, I can't find anything suitable for being called clothes. With no other choice, I cut some holes here and there in the pelts gathered during our previous hunt and swiftly throw them on myself. 

After making sure there are no any hidden wounds on my body or leaks in my aura, I prepare myself mentally, before jumping right into a dash towards the incoming enemies.

What would take them about a minute to cover in a hurried walk, takes me less than five seconds. Appearing out of nowhere right in front of their eyes, I don't hold myself back any bit and slash horizontally with my epic sword.

As my rage born from seeing Pengu attacked and my peaceful time with Eve disturbed is translated into a hit, I instantly see the results of my attack. Out of twelve people standing in my way, the leading duo is instantly cut in half about one and a half meter above the ground, with the following wind-wave smashing their insides backwards at their comrades.

With my momentum requiring some kind of outlet, I simply land on my legs, allowing the kinetic energy of my body to get transferred right into the ground. While it's not a hard deed for a cultivator, I force the ground to rise and disperse into a cloud of dust. Burying myself around two meters deep, I can feel a layer of rocks getting crushed under the sheer weight of the force that I transferred into it. 

Not wasting this precious cover, I slash my sword upwards, totally clueless where the possible enemies might be. While the dust hid me from their sight, the same can be said about them! But my action isn't aimed at hitting anyone, even if I would love to achieve this at the same time. 

Most of the times, when someone creates a cover for himself, he will try to regroup with his friends, change position or hinder enemy movements. All in all, its mostly used as a tool to stall the fight, so they couldn't expect that the first action that I took was to disperse it with another wind wave and jump at them!

With my upward slash creating enough momentum, I kick the ground to launch myself into the air, before slashing lightly behind me to ride on the wind-wave towards my enemies. Because I'm in no position to use my sword in such close combat, I use my superior reflexes steeming from my maxed out stats to grab the neck of the closest enemy. 

Recalling the sight of hurt Pengu, mu fury rages again as I pump my energy through my left hand, effectively frying the insides of my opponent skull. Turning around, I pull now dead body over myself as I fall flat on the earth only to feel at least a two different hits instantly connecting!

If not for my impromptu shield, I might have actually get itchy from those attacks!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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