While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 134: Date

Chapter 134: Date

After changing our clothes to a bit more representative ones, we set off to the more urbanised areas of the sect. Just by exiting the mansion we already attracted a fair bit of looks from the crowd, so I can only wonder if we won't turn into a local attraction when we reach the market!

Strolling through the streets while holding hands was another pleasant experience for me. Despite how far we went with Eve, moments like that when we can simply enjoy each other's company didn't really happen yet. If I were to exclude the time when we were basically strangers back when she was guiding me through the premises of this area, we either spent our time fighting in the forest, training in the mansion's courtyard or enjoying small bits of happiness in private.

While my current state didn't allow me to move as swiftly as every single cultivator around me, I was actually quite enjoying our slow pace. The only problem was that Eve, unaccustomed to such a slow speed, was pulling on my hand for almost the entire time of our stroll!

"Do you have any place that you want to visit?"

As someone who spent a lot more time in the sect compared to me, Eve automatically took the leading role in our outing, leading me by hand to any direction she chose so far.

"I think we should go to visit the market. The situation in the forest proved that we really need fully-fledged equipment. While I'm well versed in smithing only, for now, I don't think it will take me a lot of time to get good in other types of craftsmanship."

Considering how Bonger already informed me that upgrading it will lead to decrease in the cost of both primary and secondary level of my crafting abilities, I was really eager to turn into allrounder in this topic!

"Do you have anything that you would like to get? I'm not so sure what kind of armour or weapon would suit you. Even the sword that I gave you back then is incomparably weak to what I am able to create now."

"Hmm To be honest, from what I heard, when one reaches the spirit level of cultivation, only a weapon can actually prove useful. Making an armour sturdy enough to withstand a normal attack of even developing core cultivator would limit one's movement by a great margin. Are you sure about wasting your time on crafting it?"

I can completely understand her. While in the novels I read back on earth there was a great emphasis placed on the weapon of choice, the problem of armour was almost always either disregarded or outright skipped. But if I can make a great weapon by integrating common materials and loot from the beasts, why wouldn't that hold true for the defensive equipment as well?

Thinking that my system is pointed at the RPG style of experience, I simply can't wait to test out whether my idea holds true! Worst case scenario, I will waste some of my attribute points only to be able to create fancy dresses. Considering women character, it will still allow me to earn quite a bit, no matter where I will go. All in all, I can only profit greatly from doing this!

"I'm gonna insist. Looking at what I realised while fighting together, you prefer swiftness over strong attacks. How would you compare your focus on using your physical attack to cultivation specific techniques?"

While others might think that this is a question only related to a weapon, I remember that one time in a specific multiplayer game I had the same mindset. To cut to the chase, I got trashed all around by a bare-fisted guy with a fancy suit. When I asked for his advice, later on, he simply typed a lot of laughing emoticons in the chat window and explained the importance of armour and jewellery!

Can you believe that? While his equipment was top-notch, just a pair of earrings of his gave him a greater attack boost than my costly great-sword!

"While I relied mostly on my techniques back in the forest, it was dictated by the situation. If I were to chose, I would prefer to just get down to the business in close quarters."

That's great! Just from these words an image of the full set of hardened-leather based equipment surfaced in my head. Now, the only thing that's left, is to buy materials!

Arriving at the marked obviously caused a lot of the passersby to direct their eyes at us. Dressed in a fancy Chinese-styled robe, Eve was a plain magnet for male stares. At least, that's what I thought before I saw the look of jealousy and hate in practically every single pair of eyes belonging to those few females that were present at the entrance of the shopping area. 

"What are we looking for?"

While she placed a great amount of trust in my words, it didn't mean that she understood every single idea of mine. Still stuck in the common sense of this world, Eve had some problems in figuring out what could I use to make something actually useful!

"For now, I need some cloth, leather, sewing kits in a great number and basic leatherworking equipment. As for the weapons, I think some rare metal ores and coal should suffice for now. If we stumble upon it, any kind of rare metals like silver, gold or platinum would be of use as well."

It's true that I have no idea what kind of ores should I look for in this world. If I were to be transported into a typical RPG place, I would just ask around for mithril, orichalcum or adamantite, but since its a cultivation world, I can only rely on the system in this regard. With no information about really valuable ores, I can only try to use the typical rare metals to create some jewellery!

"If that's the case, I know just the right place."

Smiling leniently at me, Eve pulled my hand and guided me towards the deeper areas of the great market. 

"While the most valuable materials are available only by requesting them directly from the grand elders or Stella, the stuff that you asked for can be found here."

Stopping in front of a big building, Eve pointed her free hand at the entrance.

Just by the fact that in this stall-focused place an enormous building like this could remain and be still in use meant a lot. 

Just as we were going to enter, we heard a hint of commotion coming from within the shop, before some unknown person appeared in the doors, pulling someone familiar behind him!

"You should be glad that I allowed you to buy this moon-appl! If you can't afford a sun one, don't bother asking me for it!"

With the shouts of the vendor accompanying the duo outside, I couldn't help but stare with amazement at the smaller person.

"What the hell are you doing here, fucker?"

Ah, it seems that Baxhar didn't get over his loss yet!

  1. yes.Its appl. Not apple!

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