While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 136: Trouble at the shop part 2

Chapter 136: Trouble at the shop part 2

As soon as I spoke those words, the entire area froze. I guess they didn't read enough face slapping novels to understand the implications behind my words! Oh, I can't wait for everyone to start laughing and ridiculing me! What is a face slap with subverting the expectations?

"Sir, if you have some kind of good business, I would like to invite you to the private chamber. We can then discuss Sir's matter in detail without causing problems to other customers."

Yeah! I will finally show them the power of my frontha wait, what? Why is the manager acting polite, like someone well versed in customer service? If that's the standard act of the clerks, why did this female attendant lashed out at be earlier?


"Initiating implementation of the basic paths!"

"Please wait!"

Just as everyone in the shop was frozen, I stopped moving as well. While I could see, hear and feel everything around me, with some bouts of energy trashing around my insides, I was unable to move or react at all!

"Sir, is that okay with you?"

While the manager was getting anxious at my lack of reaction, I could feel Eve's worried stare at my side. Yes, feel, because I wasn't even able to turn my eyeballs to see it!

"Bart, are you"

"Just like I guessed! When faced with real politeness that would solve the entire situation, he can only stall for time! Let me comprehend him right here and now!"

Before Eve even managed to finish her words, Baxhar instantly seized the initiative and jumped towards me. While my significant other instantly flared up and tried to put her defences up as to protect me from his assault, because of our shared cultivation, the currents of the energy running amok inside my body caused her to be unable to exert any strength!

Just as Baxhar managed to grab my shoulder, his hands suddenly disappeared, with his body being pulled away by someone!

"Forgive this stupid one for coming to conclusion. This sir seems to be going through some kind of cultivation ordeal, am I right?"

God damn it! Even when I was unable to move, even when Baxhar probably felt what kind of state I'm in right now, why did this guest of his acted like that? If he dared to make a move on me, I would have such a great opportunity to slap his face to the ground! Isn't this a damn cultivation world? Where is the justice? Where is the law?


"Initiation finished."


"Forgive me for a moment, sir."

Resting my hands on my knees, I took a sweet moment to breathe in and out a few times, before rising back to the straight position.

"Just like sir over there said, I'm currently in the middle of rather unusual cultivation, hence my momentary lapses of consciousness. With that said, I would love to continue the business inside a private chamber, as I'm worried that some people won't be able to hold their hands near in near their own pockets if I were to explain myself here."

With my opportunity to humiliate Baxhar gone, I could only resolve the situation and keep my dignity. Well, his guest already showed him his place, so that should be enough, shouldn't it?

"Please, follow me then."

Unbothered by the momentary risk of turning this commotion into a typical fight, manager sighted with relief before proceeding to the deeper part of the shop.

"You got lucky this time, but I can't wait to see you being thrown out of the shop! They do not accept beggars here!"

As we followed behind the distinguished man, I could hear Baxhar tantrums accompanying us on our way. In just a few moments, the manager leads us to a remote corridor, before opening one of the many doors located in it. A few seconds later, we were sitting around a small table with the bag of our shopping lying under it.

"Forgive me my manners, but would it be all right to drop the formalities? Since we are conducting business, I believe that using the honorifics and titles would only prove bothersome for all of us. Is that all right with you, sir?"

Contrary to my expectations, instead of forcing me to cut straight to the chase, the manager started with relaxing the atmosphere. Even with that, he didn't offer us any drinks, showing that he wasn't yet sure if we are the real deal.

"Sure thing. As to not waste your time, let me show you what did I bring to sell here myself. While I know that this place is for buying stuff, I believe that you won't be able to procure those items on daily basis, making this a rare opportunity for this shop to restock on them."

While saying those words, I took down some of the loot, gathered from the demonic beasts in the mortal enlightenment area of the forest. 

With every next item that I placed on the table, the manager's face was turning initially brighter and brighter, only to shift into shades of whiteness as my movements didn't stop after only a few items! When the amounts of various parts of the beasts reached around ten, he raised his hands in obvious request to stop, while dropping his head as low as it was humanly possible.

"Sir, forgive me for my haughty attitude earlier. With what Sir have presented already, I don't believe that I'm suitable for the transaction of this magnitude. If I may, can we consider the wares that Sir picked as a small present from our shop for the trouble that the rude assistant from before caused to Sir's party? I would also like to excuse myself for a moment, to bring someone capable of conducting the business on this scale!"

With his hands falling on the table and holding its edge, this manager actually bowed his head to me with an apoplectic look on his face!

Is this common loot from the demonic beasts really that valuable? Then it's better to strike the iron while it's hot!

"Sir, there is no need to stand on ceremony! I don't want to cause any more trouble for this shop, and attracting attention in my current state is the last thing I'm looking forward to. What if we solve this situation in this way. I will place those items in your custody while taking the wares that I collected with me. At the same time, I would like to receive a small sum of coins, that won't cause any troubles for the daily operation of the shop. As for the rest of those items worth, I will either just visiting the shop at a different date to collect the rest of the money, or just use it as a credit to let me or my close friends keep restocking our supplies here. Is that offer acceptable for your side?"

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