While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 22: Gaining the momentum

Chapter 22: Gaining the momentum

Moving through the forest at night didn't belong to my list of pleasant ways to waste time, yet here I am, constantly hit by flying branches, tripping on the roots and scratching pestering bugs away.

While my resistance stat probably makes me immune to all the small and big poison in this forest, the constant buzzing of those little bastards puts me on the brink of going berserk. In comparison, Eve looks to be perfectly calm, as if totally not bothered by the whizzing of the bugs.


"Host acquired 'Nightvision' ability!"

Great! Knowing what I should expect from a skill named like that, I instantly notice a small change in my sight. While the terrain was blurred before, I can think sharp edges of the branches, leaves and some of the roots poking from the earth. While it's still far from perfect, It will make the hunt a lot easier!

At first, when I started thinking about distributing my abilities, I was rather at a loss of what should I improve. My strength already was immense, especially while wielding my windslord. I don't want to go down the path of one-trick-pony, relying only on a single attribute to get by.

In the end, I decided to not distribute those points yet. Since we are staying in the same area and hunting the monsters that are getting easier and easier to defeat, investing those points could hurt me in the long run. It's better to think through what profits various attributes offer and which of those would be the most tempting to me!

"Hold up."

Raising her hand and stopping in her tracks, Eve looks into the dark distance. Even with my first improvement in the night vision, I can't see even a silhouette of the enemies, not to speak about any details about them!

"There are fourteen beasts sleeping there. Are you sure we should attack? They might overwhelm us!"

Still worried about being scolded by the sect master, Eve expresses her doubt. It's not like those animals could pose any real threat to us, but if something goes wrong, we won't get away with just a few scratches.

"Yes, but be ready to assist me at any given moment!"

Unable to hold my excitement, I jump forward. By killing only eight enemies of this level, I managed to level up. With the experience required for another level rising by a stable 100 per level, I should be able to gain yet another powerup from this nest alone!

Only after fifteen steps, I spot where the beasts are sleeping. Cracking on the dry weed by accident, I lose my chance to attack with the advantage os a surprise. This small sound managed to prompt two of the beasts to wake up and look my way!

With only fifteen meters separating us, I start slashing. To use the millisecond before the demonic beasts will react, I hold my strength back to keep attacking with short, shallow cuts. Thanks to the specific of my weapon, it doesn't matter if I extend my arm while attacking, it will attack just at the right deep to deal the most damage while keeping the lowest pressure on my hand!

Before my prey manages to prompt themselves up, three enemies are already downed by the cuts, with two more killed by the successive wind-waves. Faced against nine enemies at once, I can't stop moving even for a second!


Twisting my body around, I escape from the trajectory of the enemy paws. Cutting down on the air, I split the attacker in half.


Unable to run to the sides, I can only lower my centre of weight to make another wolf-like beast to miss its bite. Using my sword as a counterweight, I spin myself out of the lowered position while cutting two more enemies in my way.


I reach with my right hand as far back as I can, feeling the raging current of the air as yet another claws whistle a centimetre away from my chest! Forcing my arm back to its usual spot, I use the momentum to slash from over my head downwards, splitting yet another enemy in half!


"Path sword-dancer evolved into the second stage!"

The moment I hear those words in my head, my movements suddenly accelerate! What was a hard and risky move before, now became the most obvious line of defence with the opening for a counterattack! Not willing to give up such an opportunity, I guide the tip of my sword at the height of the last wolf-like beast head, effectively cutting it off.


"Host has levelled up!"


With my improved speed, every attack that I mount leads to a faster and stronger continuation. It feels like the longer I will be fighting, the more powerful will I become!

In a mere moment, the remaining beasts are lying down on the ground, dead. While this was fourteen formidable enemies, I killed them all without the slightest problem! Am I a little bit too overpowered?

With all the enemies down, Eve comes down from the hilltop from which she was observing the battle. From her facial expression, I can read both astonishment and happiness.

"Shall we find yet another group?"

The feeling of levelling up is just too good! I think I can easily get addicted to it! Given the ease at which I can raise my levels, enduring the blue balling method of gaining the attribute points looks like a worse alternative now!

"Sure, if you are enjoying yourself, then why not?


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