While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 47: Seniors arrive

Chapter 47: Seniors arrive


The sight of this kid hateful face when I uttered such an insult right in his face was truly a sight worth saving. It is a pity that I don't have a smartphune or a camera to take a photo right now!

"You are courting death!"

Of course, when the leader of the group was too overwhelmed with hate and wrath to even breathe properly, his sidekicks were bound to react in some way. I don't care if they are just following orders or trying to lick this stupid son of a mule arse since they decided to go against me, they will feel my wrath!

"Yes, that is absolutely right! Making fun of his ugly face already made me bored so I would love to switch to, for example, castrating you all!"

With those words on my mouth, I pull out my windslord from the storage ring and lightly swing it in the air, aiming for the shockwave to arrive near one of those small fries.



The explosion of air that I expected didn't come at all! Instead, the atmosphere at the place I was targeting suddenly imploded only to instantaneously erupt back, throwing two unlucky cultivators away with the force of a war-hammer!

Here goes my show of strength Instead of giving teaching them a lesson, I think I crippled them. Well, nothing I can do about it now. If they dare to blame me for it, I can always say that I'm just a measly beast-master with no cultivation to my soul at all!

"What is going on here!"

Just when the things were turning fun, a sudden voice appears in the scene as two elegant men suddenly materialise themselves right in front of me! If not for my insanely high agility, I would've been unable to hide my sword back to the storage ring!

"Oh, enforcers! That's a relief to see you! Those people meant harm to me and my lovely companion! If you would be so kind as to report their behaviour to the sect master, I would be highly indebted to you!"

Since I have no idea how strong those people can be, my attitude makes 180 degrees turn as I switch back to my true, humble and patient personality.

"This is a lie! He is the one who attacked us first!"

Shaken by the sudden appearance of this duo, my love rival manages to finally overcome his emotions and try to explain the things that transpired.

"Oh, come on! I know you have no shame from how you attacked me right after I was rescued by the sect master herself, but You can't expect those respectable seniors to believe that such a weak person like me would attack your entire group of strong cultivators while busy helping this girl to her home! I can bear you mocking me, but I can't say the same for those respectable seniors!"

Ha! If he thinks he can challenge me for who can be more shameless, I will show him whats the meaning of despair! Groweling on the floor, licking the shoes, having my head washed in the toilet They can't even imagine what I went through back on earth! Affairs like this are nothing for me!

"We don't care who started, but we will be the one to end it. If your grudge is buried to deep to be forgiven, settle it with a duel."

Not going to listen to our bullshit anymore, one of the seniors stepped up and passed his judgement.

"I will humbly oblige by my senior ruling!"

Bowing down with my entire body, I pushed Eve's back a bit to make it look that she was accepting this outcome as well. To be honest, looking at her state right now, it was a miracle she didn't assault me right on the spot!

"What about you then? If I recall it correctly, Baxhar it is? Do you have any problems with my judgement?"

Spreading the air of superiority, the talkative senior approached my love rival with a menacing look on his face. It was obvious that they were too busy slacking off on their duty to be bothered by the intricate workings of love affairs between their juniors.

Do you have a problem? Settle it on the arena and stop making things hard for us. That was how those core disciples operated while on duty!

"I will humbly comply with your ruling, Senior!"

Placed in a corner with nowhere to run, Baxhar could only go with the flow. While the end result was exactly the same as he intended it to be, seniors intervention meant that the news of this duel will surely spread among the sect! While the duel won't be called back due to the inner sect laws, he already knows that he is bound to face sect master wrath for picking a fight with someone she just saved!

"The fight will take place two days from now, in the eastern arena of the inner sect. Now, scram!"

As soon as the seniors left, I put a wide smile on my face, grabbed Eve's under my arm and turned around to leave.

"Don't forget about this duel! I will make sure to show you how the world looks upside down in two days!"

Throwing the last bait just before I pick up the pace and start moving, I can feel a light tugging on my robe. Looking down, I can see Eve's eyes gazing right into my face with a look of expectation in them.

"Hurry, please"

With her delicate, silent voice, my mind instantly focuses on one task. No matter what, I need to get us to her home as soon as possible!

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