Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again?

Chapter 107: Keeper of Promise (5)

Chapter 107: Keeper of Promise (5)

...How did you get here, Judy? Stunned by her sudden appearance, I asked blankly. ...How did you find me?

My body, frozen until now, began to thaw in Judys warmth. Heat rose to my face, and a part of my heart felt warm.

Judy, still holding me in her embrace, said,

...Its because it was you. Because it was you... Cayden.

Her words werent enough to clear my confusion. I didnt even know where to begin.

Out of so many people, it was Judy.

Seeing me still perplexed, Judy slowly explained.

...The Naita Forest, where you disappeared, is being searched by Pryster soldiers.

I wasnt surprised, recalling the conversation I heard while hiding in the trees the day before.

Whether it was Sir Lawrence or someone else... Anyway.

She wiped away her tears, which kept streaming down. The psychological intimacy of the situation didnt allow me just to watch her wipe her tears.

Slowly, I raised my hand to wipe her tears for her. As my fingers began to clear her tears, Judy stopped wiping them herself. She entrusted her tears solely to my touch.

...But Sir Lawrence still couldnt find you... Even in a forest... If you were alive, he should have heard... Its strange he couldnt find you all this time.


In fact... Sir Lawrence seemed to have accepted that you were no longer of this world. How could he think you survived after a body was found...

A body?

Judy nodded. The word body accelerated the flow of tears from her eyes.

A corpse was found, clutching your sword. Everyone naturally thought it was you.

...Has the news spread that quickly?

I was utterly astonished. I thought no one yet knew I had been attacked. Who would pay such attention to me, now a commoner, for news to travel so fast?

...I didnt believe it. I thought there was no way you were dead. Especially since... you had promised to return...


  1. Read Why Should I Stop Being a Vill...

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I couldnt bear to look at Judy, who believed in those words as if they were ironclad. Without Judy... it was impossible to know how things would have unfolded.

Judy then took my face in her hands and lifted it.

Dont be sorry, Cayden. Youre alive, arent you?

She looked sincerely grateful, her expression filled with earnestness.

...Anyway, thats why I started searching the nearby forest. I didnt think youd be in Naita Forest. As I was wandering, Storm started running uncontrollably...


She nodded.

I looked over Judys shoulder at Storm, who was shaking his head and stretching his body.

Judy continued.

While all this was happening, we stumbled upon traces of a band of thieves... They seemed to be moving quickly, as if in pursuit... So we hurriedly followed...

I sincerely thought how lucky that was. Storm certainly had his quirks, but I never expected him to shine in such a situation.

There must have been more explanations Judy hadnt yet shared. Putting aside the many stories yet to be heard, I struggled to get up.

Judy helped me up, offering her shoulder for support.

...Judy, lets postpone the rest of the story for now and run. The pursuit isnt over yet.

...I dont understand. Why would thieves chase you this intensely?... Cayden, they werent just any band of thieves, were they?

I nodded.

It was the Payne family. Sharon Payne, remember?

...Sharon Payne...? The one you got expelled from the academy?

...Yes. It seems she attacked after hearing I had become a commoner.

...The Paynes... Cayden... this is...

A war?

Judy nodded hesitantly, but I shook my head.

...No. Im not a Pryster anymore. What power do I have?... The only place I can turn to now is the Hexter family, and I cant just start a war as soon as I arrive.

As I spoke, I mounted Storm first. My thigh, with a sword wound, had no more strength, and I needed Judys help.

In contrast, Judy swiftly jumped onto Storm. She wrapped her arms around me from behind, securing us both to the horse.

Before either of us could urge Storm on, he began to trot at a moderate pace.

Fast enough to not overburden my injuries, yet slow enough to prevent Judy from falling off.

As Storm settled into a steady gait, Judy resumed our earlier conversation.

...Even after all this, you say we cant start a war...?

...We should avoid war. It leads to death.

It was you who nearly died. If we stay quiet after this, well be seen as weak... even I understand that.

A war cant just be started because I want it-

-I want it too.

At that moment, Judys voice erupted with anger.

...I want this war too.

The hatred in her voice was unmistakable, directed at someone.

Just knowing that she shared this anger was oddly comforting to me. Seeing her furious somehow... made me feel better.

...Even just saying that means a lot to me.

...And Cayden. Ive been thinking, this war is going to happen anyway.


...Youre not aware of your twins condition, are you?

Her words made my heart drop. I couldnt fathom the reason. The condition of my twins.

It was only now I learned of the rumors of my death. What condition were they in for Judy to mention them even now?

...Cayden. After seeing Storm, you know Ive been to Prysters lands. I saw Asena there...

She hugged me tighter and after a long hesitation, murmured almost inaudibly.

...It was pitiful.


...Dont get me wrong. Its not a meaningful statement. Its not about telling you to do something... Its just me expressing my feelings.


...Just... seeing Asena so broken...


It wasnt the best news to hear in my exhausted state. No one would be unaffected by news of their sibling being in such a state.

...Still. Theyll get better once they hear Im alive.

...I dont know. I just dont know...






Whether it was luck or if they had given up, we no longer encountered any of Paynes soldiers.

As we fled, the landscape changed unnoticed. The types of trees shifted, and even the scents in the air were different.

The rustling and movements of figures in the distance began to sound closer.

As we neared enough for them to be aware of us, Judy shouted.

Were allies! We are looking for Sir Lawrence, please guide us!

And the moment the soldiers saw my face atop Storm, surprised shouts filled the forest.

Lord Cayden!!

Youre alive!!

Summon Sir Lawrence!!

Get a doctor... A doctor first!

Soon, the soldiers, moving as one entity, led us swiftly to where Lawrence was, galloping on his horse.

Noticing our commotion, Lawrence too spurred his horse towards me from afar.

Lord Cayden!!

He brought his horse close to Storm and stretched out his arm to grasp my shoulder.

Lawrence. Its good to see you here.

Youre alive..!

The veterans eyes reddened, but he held back his tears.

...Youre alive... Youre alive...

He repeated those words, unable to say anything else, overwhelmed by the joy of seeing his pupil.

Easy, Lawrence. My shoulder hurts. Loosen your grip.

...Right... Of course... It couldnt have been the end of you, Lord Cayden. Not at the hands of mere thieves.

It was Paynes soldiers, Sir Lawrence.

Judy, seated behind me, corrected him.


Not thieves, but Paynes soldiers.

...That Payne? The Dagger of Pryster, the Payne family?


At her words, something in Lawrences eyes shifted. Whether it was the awakening of the knights fierce blood or a reminder of his oath as a Pryster vassal, a clear trace of anger enveloped him.

But he quickly controlled his emotions and looked up at me as if it was the most natural question.

...This means war, doesnt it?

The news of the Payne familys involvement led everyone to that conclusion. Of course, if I were still a Pryster, I wouldnt have objected to that notion.

But what theyre forgetting is that Im no longer a Pryster. The fact that I was attacked wouldnt easily change that.

I was concerned about the blood of our house that would be shed because of me, a mere commoner. Especially since I had trained and fought alongside Prysters soldiers, the thought of any of them dying because of me was unbearable.

I opened my mouth to refute Lawrences words, but others interjected. The soldiers who had been overhearing our conversation joined in.

Of course, its war, Sir Lawrence!

Lets sweep them away!

We must show them they cant mess with us!

Lets follow our oath!

Before I could intervene, the atmosphere heated up. Lawrence, too, seemed pleased with his soldiers reaction, his expression softening as he looked at me.

I wanted to join in their sentiment. Just seconds ago, I was hesitant to spill their blood, but their eagerness to avenge me stirred my own blood.

But ultimately, I had to cool down the heated atmosphere with the harsh truth.

...There will be no war, Lawrence. You keep forgetting, but Im no longer a Pryster.


At my words, everyone fell silent, the forest quiet enough to hear the birds sing.

...And now that you know Im alive, its goodbye. I cant return to the estate. My destination hasnt changed. I must go to the Hexter estate.

No, you cant.

Lawrence cut me off sharply, saying it couldnt be.


You cant go anywhere else right now, Cayden.

...What are you talking about?

...A lot has changed. You need to go back.

I have to go, Lawrence. You once let me leave.

Instead of responding, Lawrence grabbed Storms reins.

The soldiers also surrounded us, blocking the way.


......You keep saying youre no longer a Pryster, so if I forcibly take you, there wouldnt be a problem, right?


...And remember? Ive told you many times... a knight must always serve their lord.

...I remember.

...Last time, I let you go, Cayden, but I cant do it twice. This time, I must serve the Duchess. Right now...! You dont know about Duchess, Lady Keirsey, and Lady Lianas conditions, do you? You wouldnt know what news Ive received by letter.


I wasnt surprised about the twins since Judy had hinted at it, but mentioning my grandmothers condition again made my heart sink.

...You have to go back. Even if you plan to leave, visit the estate first. You cant just leave like this. How will you get to Hexter estate? If those were indeed Paynes soldiers, theyd be searching for you everywhere. And what about your injuries? ...Stop being stubborn. If necessary, I will take you by force.


Lawrence bit his lip in frustration as he shook me.

Why have you changed like this? If it involved Lady Asena and Lady Keirsey, you would have done anything...! Why are you hesitating over something as obvious as returning! Right now, they think youve passed away!! Their hearts-


I finally cut Lawrence off. I had pondered long enough... but the truth was, the moment he caught me, my decision was made.

I was just a candle flickering in the wind, and it took only a small nudge to change my decision.

Sigh I had thought I would be gone for a long time. I wanted to.

I nodded.

...Alright, Ill return.

As I spoke to Lawrence, the tension in his hand gripping the reins finally eased.

He then spoke again with a softened expression.

...You made the right choice.

...I knew. I knew why I was so reluctant to return, why I was being so stubborn.

Pushing away my siblings was too hard for me. Even when I first left, I clenched my teeth so hard my jaw hurt.

Leaving behind Asenas desperate pleas and curses. Ignoring Keirseys silent tears. Even turning away from grandma, who was willing to accept any choice I made

...If I go back there, will I find the strength I had before, like last time?

I wasnt sure.

--- End Of The Chapter ---

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