Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again?

Chapter 65: Alliance (8)

Chapter 65: Alliance (8)

After the award ceremony ended, the twins approached me and Judy, taking turns looking at us.


Feeling embarrassed by Keirsey’s remark that my cheeks were red, my gaze involuntarily turned to Judy. But I hurriedly shifted my gaze and touched my cheek with the back of my hand, feeling uneasy. 

In truth, my cheeks had turned red because of the brief conversation with Judy, but for now, I brushed it off.

"....I guess I got embarrassed from the applause."

However, even with my seemingly normal response, Keirsey's face gradually hardened.

Before even understanding why she was acting this way, I approached her and grabbed her shoulder.

Since the attention of the nobles was focused on us, it seemed appropriate to have any discussions inside.

"Come on, let's go inside."

But at that moment, Keirsey removed my hand from her shoulder and swiftly caught my wrist.


And while firmly holding my caught wrist, she slowly interlocked my fingers with her other hand. Her fingers slipped naturally between my fingers.

I couldn't react in time to her swift movement and ended up giving her my arm.

Usually, such actions would be no problem, but the issue was that we were in front of noble families now. The distance from the platform was short, so many gazes were still focused on me.

There were two problems:

The first was etiquette. It was inappropriate to show such affection in front of so many people.

The second issue was... our displayed relationship.

Externally, I didn't have this kind of relationship with the twins.

Since they spread rumors about me, they were able to emphasize the pure-bloodedness of our family, but as a result, they had to fight with me several times. I, too, had to endure harassment due to such rumors.

Suddenly trying to reverse that and show a good relationship here would not be favorable. Especially in a gathering like this, where not only the nobles of the Academy but also many other noble families were present, we had to be extremely cautious. There was no need to unnecessarily draw attention.

Honestly, it was confusing. They were the ones who pretended to be distant from me in the first place, and now they were taking a different stance in front of everyone.

It wasn’t even like they were unaware of how important one’s political image was.

Seeing Grandma looking at me with a puzzled expression, I acted quickly.

"....Even at the platform with Judy earlier, in front of everyone-"

While she was speaking, I naturally pulled my arm away, as if unintentionally.


"Keirsey, let's first go inside and then we’ll talk. Got it?"

Then, with a smiling face, I quickly walked toward Grandma and greeted her, letting her know that I had finished my task.

Like that, Judy also returned to her place, and Asena also came back to her seat soon.

Only Keirsey stood frozen in place, looking at her hand that I had let go.

Grandma asked in puzzlement.

"Why is Keirsey acting like that?"


"Asena, go bring your sister."

In the end, when no one was watching, I secretly asked Asena, who sighed before bringing the frozen Keirsey with her.

That's how the day ended for me.

✧ ✧ ✧

Asena couldn’t keep her focus despite the important schedule that followed.

The topic of Cayden’s wedding had shaken her too much.

Just the imagination of him leaving made her heart race and feel anxious.

"That's not true!"

Momentarily distracted by a noble who banged the table and raised their voice, she rolled her eyes.

The meeting was in progress.

Several nobles were seated around a large round table, voicing their opinions for their own families regardless of rank.

Of course, there were differences in speaking rights and attention, but since it was a place where discomfort could be addressed directly without formalities, several issues were being resolved.

Everyone spoke about their own families or discussed matters with allied families, but still, such gatherings held significant meaning. No matter how much it seemed like a show, it was a necessary occasion.

There were also cases where attention was drawn to hostile families.

Such cases were mainly directed toward Asena.

If someone said to her,

"Our territory residents are suffering from crimes happening at the border of the Duke’s land,"

Asena would respond like a doll,

"...I will take note. We’ll strengthen security and ensure that criminals are punished. Please also warn your territory residents to be cautious of ill intentions."

After giving such a response, she waited for the next statement.

Liana watched from the side. 

As it was a meeting of nobles, only the heads of families, heirs, or elders took part in it. Keirsey and Cayden were absent.

As the meeting progressed, more and more topics poured out.

Talks about ownership of mines.

Talks about inter-house trade.

Even sensitive topics about conflicts and territorial borders were discussed.

Even when the evening approached, the meeting continued.

As the sun gradually set and the nobles began to feel tired, Liana, who had been silent all along, took action.

"...So, is the discussion over?"

Although she hadn't said a word while observing Asena throughout the meeting, no one could deny the fact that everyone was aware of her gaze.

In any case, as Ice and Pryster, the most powerful families after the royal family ‘Lucilder’, were present, everyone expected something important to happen.

As Liana opened her mouth, all attention focused on her, and some even adjusted their posture.

Asena was equally intrigued by her grandmother’s actions.

True to her personality, Liana brought up the topic without hesitation.

"Well, I would like to talk about our eldest son."

Asena's heart sank.

Throughout all these discussions, she hadn't felt any emotional fluctuations or stimuli. However, as soon as the topic of Cayden came up, her chest felt heavy, as if it was sinking.

"As you've seen this morning... He is the pride of our family. So, now... I intend to find him a partner."

Asena's heart turned pitch black at those words. Unable to remain still any longer, she reached out under the table and placed her hand on Liana’s leg.


Liana understood her dissatisfaction through the conversation they had in the morning. However, that didn't stop her.

Liana covered her mouth with one hand and whispered into Asena's ear.

"Your brother is also of age. We should find him a partner before it's too late."

"Grandma, not now, but next time-"

Before Asena could finish her sentence, Liana straightened her body and looked at the nobles.

"...Which family wants to be connected with my grandson?"

No one spoke up, but the room grew restless. Postures were adjusted, heads turned, and the sound of people being cautious increased.

Among the attendees were vassal families and allied families of the Pryster and Ice families, as well as many other neutral families and secluded families that didn't belong to any particular faction. Some of them looked towards Duke Ice. It was undoubtedly because of the events in the morning.

Noticing their gaze, Liana added an explanation.

"I haven't talked to the Ice family. I just want to find a partner for Cayden. So, let's not worry about ranks and all."

However, even with Liana's words, they remained silent as mice.


Asena sighed in relief at the sight. Perhaps, because he was an adopted child, it was burdensome for them to offer their own children.

Liana, too, grimaced at their reaction and started to ask them.

"...Interesting. It's rare to find a child as brilliant as Cayden."

Liana's eyes scanned the nobles. Sensing her discomfort, the heads of the families kept their eyes lowered.

Eventually, the tension was broken by Duke Ice, who had an equal amount of power.

"...Don't make it such a big deal. Everyone knows he is a remarkable young man, so I don't think that's the reason."

"...Then what is the reason, Edgar? Could it be because Cayden is of common birth?"

Even in an official setting, Liana belittled Duke Ice by calling him Edgar.

But he didn't pay attention to that and answered honestly.

"Is that such a big problem? He's still a Pryster."

"...Then what is the problem?"

"There were rumors that this child, Cayden, was a foundling in the family. It’s said he doesn't even receive familial treatment. So... no matter if he is a Pryster, if he's shunned, then it's meaningless."

Liana once again asked all the nobles.

"...Was everyone thinking like this?"

Liana let out a deep sigh. This sigh was the most significant expression of her emotions throughout the meeting.

"...So, for several years, all of you held back on proposing a marriage with Cayden for this reason."

Still, no one answered. Liana lifted her head and declared confidently.

"Cayden is my child. I don't understand why there are rumors that he is being shunned. As we saw this morning, he is a young man with a shining personality and exceptional skills as a knight. He even became the champion of the recent competition. A marriage with Cayden signifies a close alliance with the Pryster family. Let's forget about what just happened and talk about a suitable match for Cayden, if there is one."

An eternal moment passed.

In the ensuing brief silence, Asena's lips became parched. Without showing it, she glanced at the heads of the various families, rolling her eyes anxiously.

Still, no one raised their hand. She took short breaths, trying to calm her pounding heart. Fortunately, it seemed like they could move on without any issues.

But, at that moment, someone in the distance started to raise their hand.


And from that point on, the heads of numerous families quickly raised their hands.

One, two, three…

As Asena counted the raised hands with her eyes, she soon lost track of the number.

Everyone began to talk about their own family and daughters as if they were participating in an auction, and the meeting became more chaotic than ever before.

In Asena's eyes, they all looked like demons trying to take Cayden away from her.





Because so many families proposed their daughters to Cayden, no marriage arrangements could be finalized.

✧ ✧ ✧

Asena sat in front of a table inside Liana's residence. Liana smiled and spoke to her.

"Hehe... It worked out well. Now we can find a good match for Cayden. I heard the second daughter of the Mace family is a beauty. Oh, and I heard the eldest daughter of the Valerian family is talented in the arts. The eldest daughter of the Hexter family is also decent. You must know all these girls since they are well-known, but Judy from the Ice family isn't too bad when considering the family..."

Like a girl who had just received a new toy, Liana was excited about finding a match for Cayden.

Asena was trapped in her own world, anxiously imagining Cayden leaving with other women.


Liana, who had a bright expression, hardened her face at Asena's strange behavior.

"Asena, stop biting your nails."

-Tut Tut Tut.

But Asena couldn't stop. The voice never reached her.

Finally, Liana reached out and grabbed her hand.



It was only then that Asena regained her composure and looked at her grandmother.

Liana sighed and spoke.

"....Sigh... Okay, fine."

She approached Asena with a worried expression and sat beside her. She then wrapped her arm around Asena's shoulder and whispered softly.

"...I know how much you love your brother. I've seen it back home. He's been like a substitute parent for you after all... How could you not love him? But someday, you had to separate. That's how it goes with siblings. After all, despite the undeniable connection, families too experience an eventual conclusion."


"I know your brother always treated you like his child and you love him a lot as a substitute parent, but now he needs to start a family of his own. It'll be too late if he keeps waiting. Cayden should also have his own children to take care of, don't you think?"

"...Children? Why?"

At those words, Asena thought about Cayden having children. Not a child mixed with her own blood and his, but a child with another woman, mixing their blood in equal parts.

Asena immediately realized that if such a child were born, she would forever resent them.

With Asena's continued strange reaction, Liana eventually frowned.

"...Asena. Cayden needs to have children too. He can't sacrifice his whole life for your sake. That child also deserves to find happiness."

"Grandma, we, I mean, Oppa can be happy by my side."

"Of course, he might be happy living like this for a while. But what about when you both grow old? If there's one thing I've done right in my life, it's giving birth to your father. My life and joy right now revolve around you. But if Cayden sacrifices for your sake and doesn’t have a child, what will his joy be when he's old?"

Asena whispered to Liana, making sure she couldn't hear.

"........I can give birth to the child."

"...Asena, I couldn't hear you. Speak louder."


"...Sigh. Well, at least things worked out today. Asena, there will come a day when you'll understand. You may not like change, but you'll have to adapt. By the way, why are there such rumors about Cayden? He shines brighter than anyone else. It was foolish of me to worry all this time. I thought everyone hated him just because he was born a commoner, but it was because of those rumors."



Liana's expression stiffened as something came to her mind. Her voice sank into seriousness.

"...Asena, since we're talking about rumors... I heard something strange."

Asena, on the other hand, felt the atmosphere becoming heavier. But she thought it was good that the topic had changed since it was getting harder for her not to blurt out her true feelings.

"...Wherever I go, there's always talk about Cayden, especially after today."

But this made Asena's heart feel heavier. Her goal was to graduate from the Academy and quietly return to the estate, but it seemed everything was going wrong.

Liana raised her head, furrowing her eyebrows. Her voice carried a deep anger.

"...Of course, I heard it in passing, but it seems even the students are talking about it."


"...It’s said that Cayden will be expelled from the family once he graduates."

At Liana's words, Asena couldn't help but laugh. Now that Liana had heard the rumor, it wouldn’t take too long for her to find out the truth.

For a brief moment, her heart felt incredibly relieved. She had kept it to herself. But at this moment, there was no need to hide it anymore.

Whatever Liana's interpretation of that laughter was, she continued with a stern expression.

"...Do you know where the rumor came from?"

Asena continued to let out small laughs. Even as she did so, tears welled up and her heart swelled. Perhaps because it had been held back for too long until these words were spoken.


Liana had doubts about Asena’s strange laughter.

Asena looked at her grandmother with glistening eyes filled with tears. It was the first time she looked directly into her eyes since she entered her residence.

With a big smile, Asena spoke.

".....I know where the rumor came from."

Seeing her awkward, wide grin, Liana felt an ominous feeling.

"The rumor... It came from me. And it's not just a rumor."


Liana blinked her eyes. It was the first time Asena had ever seen her bewildered expression.

"...What did you say?"

"When Oppa graduates, I plan to expel him."

Liana's expression contorted more and more.

With a stronger grip, she seized Asena’s shoulders from the front, shaking her with a firm determination, contrasting the previous embrace from behind.

"What are you saying! How... How can you do that to Cayden! He's your brother! From today, that thought doesn't exist! I don't know what you’re thinking right now-"


Asena didn't even flinch at her forceful behavior and instead wore a regretful expression.

"I love him, Grandma."


A tear rolled down her cheek. For Liana, it was the first tear she had seen Asena shed in the last twelve years.

"...And if Oppa is a Pryster... he can't marry me."

---  End Of The Chapter ---

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