Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again?

Chapter 79: Pryster’s Saying (2)

Chapter 79: Pryster’s Saying (2)

“Now, I... I am Cayden’s fiancée.”

Judy’s hand, concealed behind her back, began to tremble involuntarily.


The unfolding incidents were too harsh, shaking and turning Judy’s heart upside down.

It was painful enough that the marriage agreement was broken. Yet, he was already engaged to someone else.

Perhaps a political marriage is always like that... but it was still painful.

This news, that trampled even the hope of reconciliation and getting back together, was the final blow to Judy’s heart.

“....I did not want to hide the truth just because it is uncomfortable.”

Daisy still avoided eye contact.

Judy knew that Daisy meant no harm. However, if there was one thing Daisy had overlooked, it was the fact that Judy already had feelings for Cayden.

If only Judy had heard this news after the pain had subsided...

She didn’t know how many years it would have taken, but she longed for a reality where she could hear this news when she was more composed...

She recognized, of course, that these were her own whimsical desires, yet the hope for feeling less pain couldn’t possibly be considered her fault.

And yet, inexplicably, Judy hid her thoughts.

She understood that Daisy wasn’t at fault. It would be unjust of her to blame her.


However, she wasn’t able to utter any typical words that might come out in such a situation either, like congratulating her, or saying that she is fine.

All she could show was that she acknowledged the fact. That’s all.

Judy prided herself on hiding her negative emotions when she faced Nera’s unreasonable actions again and again, but now she couldn’t.

Her first friend, with whom she thought she would spend her whole life, was torn from her and was with the person in front of her.

The vividness of this fact brought overwhelming desolation.

The woman in front of her will lead a happy life. However, how much suffering would she, who was left behind, have to endure?

It would be a future where she would be further persecuted by the Ice family. Her kind father, the only one who treated her well, would leave someday too. What would she do then?

Eventually, Daisy looked up at Judy, who became quiet.

And sensing Judy’s feelings, which were obvious to even a fool, Daisy looked away.

She knew there was nothing she could say.

Again, the two fell silent.


“It’s the last time.”

I stated it definitively.



The twins didn’t respond. Was it a tantrum or stubbornness? Either way, they exhibited a consistent demeanor that only I could sense.

“Haah… If you skip classes every day, what’s the point? You didn’t come to Academy for this.”

“...I already know everything they’re teaching.”

“No, Keirsey, you’re not being scolded because you aren’t learning. You’re being scolded because you’re being irresponsible.”


Asena’s stern face… Keirsey’s sullen expression…

Looking at the two of them, I finally let out a sigh. They just had a fight with Grandma; there was no need to scold them further.

Silently, we headed towards a nearby lake.

The twins were sitting on Storm, and I was leading him by the reins.

The journey to the lake was beautiful and exhilarating, but my mind was troubled.

I thought that given time, twins would eventually adjust. Once they understood that I wouldn’t back down, even if it saddened them, they would let go.

It’s not as if our relationship has soured or that I was trying to leave because I was angry. After all, wasn’t I trying to be their support from afar?

In most families, it’s uncommon for all members to stay together till the end. The heir of the family stays in their domain, while others leave for marriage or to pursue their duties.

It’s not like twins didn’t anticipate this. So, even though I decided to leave on my own accord, it’s not an unusual choice.

I didn’t understand why they were still struggling to accept it.

Especially... Asena.

Keirsey is sentimental and often throws tantrums, so that was understandable. But it was surprising that Asena was acting the same way.

When we were alone, she showed her love for me and I knew she cared. But usually, she was stoic and unflappable; when a problem arose, she always adapted accordingly and found a solution.

Yet this time, she behaved more like Keirsey, shedding tears now and then, not letting go, even getting angry with Grandma.

This left me puzzled about how to deal with this situation.

I shook my head and got out of my complex thoughts.

Listening to the chirping of birds, I walked along a forest trail thick with trees.

Thankfully, the path was still flat since people often passed through there.

Just as a peaceful atmosphere was beginning to set in, I said:

“Guys, at least don’t fight with Grandma.”

Of all the issues, this was the one I didn’t have to think twice about.

It was a clear mistake that crossed a line. Something I had to reprimand them for.

“Grandma is getting old. We should be her support, not give her more worries.”



“You should give her a break... right? So-”


Asena cut me off bluntly.


Stopping in my tracks and looking up at her, I saw her glaring at me.

“...I can’t yield.”


“If I yield, you will leave, how can I-”

“-Whether you yield or not, I’m leaving. I’m just saying there’s no need to get heated-”

“-Enough already!”


At Asena’s shout, the air froze over.


Leading Storm to a tree that grew beside the forest trail and tying the reins to it, I let out a sigh.

“....Get down.”

I told the twins.

Seeing that they didn’t budge as if they were scared, I offered them my hand.

Keirsey and Asena took my hand one after the other and descended from Storm.

After helping them sit on a tree stump, I squatted down.

The two of them were avoiding my gaze. But I was not the one to let this pass. I had to ask them explicitly now.

“....Why are you doing this?”

“...How many times have we told you that we don’t want you to leave..”

Keirsey grumbled. I let out a long sigh again.

“.....So, let’s summarize.”

I scratched my head and closed my mouth for a moment. I had no intention of speaking until they met my eyes.

But they kept avoiding my gaze, and finally, I had to put my hands on their knees to attract their attention.

As I kept my hand on their smooth, pale knees for a while, they gradually shifted their gaze towards me.

I said.

“So, you’re saying that you don’t want me to leave the family…?”


Asena gave a short nod.

“....But after graduation, I’ll be expelled…?”


This time, she hesitated a bit before nodding.

“....So, you mean you want me to stay by your side as a commoner?”

Once again, Asena nodded.

“See...that’s the problem. No matter how I put it...it’s something I can’t accept. If you know me...you know I won’t accept that.”


“Do you know why I learned to use the sword.....?”

In this beautiful place where the scent of grass rose, a cool wind blew, and the chirping of birds could be heard, I wore a gloomy expression.

“I, a commoner, wanted to stand by your side, even if a little bit… but proudly. I wanted to be more of a help. If I give up everything and live as a commoner...do you know how that makes me feel?”


“.......Hmm. Well, we’ve had this conversation before. I won’t repeat it. I only have one thing to say. I’m leaving, and you should accept that now. I told you I’d be there for you from afar. If you run into trouble, I’ll come running....”


Keirsey started crying again. I moved my hand to wipe her tears, and she squeezed out her voice between sobs.

“...It’s not enough...”


“....Being there for us from afar....it’s not enough...”

My heart started to feel suffocated.

“We’ve been living well together so far, so why suddenly expel me, then? Be honest. I roughly know the reason...are you that ashamed of me?”


“Then… Is there a problem if I...stay in the family as I am? You know better than anyone how hard I’ve worked.”


“If the future you want for me is to be a decoration beside you, it’s no different from a prison. Do you think I should just watch while you fiercely fight in the political battles with other families, powerless and unable to do anything? Asena. If I’m expelled, you know I can’t stand against Duke Ice like before.”


“I want to be involved, Keirsey. Please let me do what I want—”


At Keirsey’s cry, my words came to a halt. Her face looked so desperate that I couldn’t say anything anymore.

From her tear-streaked face, she managed to raise the corners of her mouth into an upward curve.

There was something unsettling about her tearful face adorned with a tender smile; it sent an inexplicable chill coursing through my heart.

She said,

“.......I understand.”


“I understand...that you’re not convinced. So, there’s actually......another reason.”


Asena, who had maintained her silence until now, suddenly seized Keirsey’s wrist.

There seemed to be something that only the two of them knew. I cautiously eyed both of them, assessing the atmosphere.

Asena held her breath and said.

“....Keirsey. This isn’t just about you. If you don’t succeed, then I-”

“-I know, Unnie.”

Keirsey interrupted Asena’s words. My eyebrows were drawing closer and closer.


“....What’s the other reason?”

“I… I’ll tell you.”


I forgot to say anything and just stared at Keirsey. She slipped down from the stump she was sitting on, knelt in front of me, and grabbed my face with both hands.

She said.

“...But, I need some preparation.”

“......What preparation?”

“......I can’t tell you. Not yet...I’m still not ready… instead, Oppa....give me 5 days.”


“.....Once my preparations are done, I’ll tell you....okay..?”


“Put the talk of leaving aside for now....think about it after you hear the reason.”

Keirsey, who had been talking, looked relieved.

However, Asena, who was trembling beside her, seemed so strange that I couldn’t say anything more.

“Just 5 days...okay? Just 5 days...”

Though I had already made up my mind to leave, for some reason, I couldn’t remind myself of that fact after hearing her pleas.


The walk ended in a tranquil atmosphere afterward.

We just enjoyed the scenery, doing nothing peculiar, such as taking a nap or playing in the water.

Keirsey clung to my side, sobbing in my arm, and Asena had her hand wrapped around my arm.

After returning to the academy, I tied Storm back in the stable, and then escorted the twins to the dormitory.

At the end of the prolonged silence, I reminded them once more.

“.... I hope you get along well with Grandma just like you used to. That’s all I wanted to say today.”



They didn’t answer, but I knew they understood my intentions.


All three of us suddenly came to a halt as we walked to the dormitory’s entrance.

Because people were waiting for us at the entrance.

Two women.


Yes. Of course, the moment would come at some point, but it was so sudden that I couldn’t hide my expression.

Judy and Daisy were standing there.

They acknowledged our presence and began to walk towards us.

Only when we were close enough to hear each other’s voices, did Daisy open her mouth.


Her face held the same awkwardness as mine—

“…Can we talk?”

—And also, a slight joy.

But as soon as she asked me, twins, standing behind me, simultaneously gripped the hem of my clothes forcefully.

---  End Of The Chapter ---

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