Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again?

Chapter 85: Countdown (4)

Chapter 85: Countdown (4)

Asena stood outside the classroom, biting back her jealousy. Her gaze fixed on Keirsey as she approached.

When Keirsey was close enough to speak, she asked evenly, “What about Oppa?”

“Don’t worry about it.”


Frustrated, Asena flipped her hair and probed again.

“And what about Judy…that bi#ch?”

“Didn’t see her.”

“How dare she…how dare…”

Asena had certain boundaries no one could cross, and Cayden was one of them. She would’ve found it easier to relinquish her family’s seat of power rather than give him up.

But the fact that someone had toppled him and stolen a kiss—forcibly taking his lips—made her so angry that her legs nearly gave out; No one could possibly maintain their composure after their crush’s lips were forcefully stolen away.

Yet deep down, there was also anger at the fact that Judy had done something she couldn’t do herself. It felt as if Judy, who had confidently expressed her feelings despite having to use some questionable means, was rebuking Asena for tasting his tongue during the night—like a thief.

Asena shook her head.

Acknowledging that wouldn’t change the facts. Judy was utterly unforgivable.

If Judy hadn’t been friends with Cayden, she wouldn’t have hesitated to execute one of the hundreds of plans that came to mind. Those plans would undoubtedly have included a process to inflict maximum pain upon her.

“So, is there anything else Oppa told you?”

“He thought you’d be mad, so he said to appease you.”


It seemed Cayden didn’t know; But the only one who could soothe her now was Cayden himself.

If he would only kiss her passionately - tease her tongue with his - then she might be willing to move past this incident.

However, she knew better than anyone that such an event was unlikely to happen.

Sometimes, Asena wished he could just know how she felt.

If he could somehow discern the passionate feelings she hid behind her stoic mask...

No, wouldn’t he then run away?

Ugh… How could she relieve this stress?



At that moment, Asena’s and Keirsey’s eyes met. They didn’t speak, but it was clear what each was imagining.

The only way to relieve the stress of having his lips stolen was to steal them back.

As she resolved to carry out her plan, it felt as though a refreshing wind blew through her chest, and she could breathe again.

Yes, there were only four days left to confess their feelings anyway.

So, even if Judy did such an unforgivable act… she might have to bear it and move on; she couldn’t make Cayden more angry. But this frustration…


Only tasting his lips!

Only after taking back what is hers... could help her hold on for a few more days.

“After class, I’m going to see Oppa,” Asena declared, calming her emotions.

Keirsey nodded as if it were a matter of course.

Gripping her still-pounding heart and donning her mask once again, Asena re-entered the classroom.


I sat on the floor, wiping away sweat. Judy hadn’t returned for the afternoon class.

The woman who had kissed me in front of the class acted confident for a moment, then, as if coming to her senses, trembled and abruptly ran away.

‘I haven’t seen her since.’

In reality, this incident had effectively blocked any marriage path for Judy.

This academy is where all the kingdom’s nobles gather… And she’s the woman who kissed a noble in front of all these people.

Of course, if it aligns with her family’s intentions, she could find a partner... but given how easily rumors spread in the academy, that won’t be easy.

In this worldview that places as much importance on social status as it does on a woman’s virginity, her action is revolting.

In a world without contraceptives like condoms, a woman’s virginity is the safety measure for preserving lineage. It serves as proof that she hasn’t embraced another man.

And since virginity is so highly valued, a scandal like this brings nothing good. It invites suspicion. Even if one were to become her partner, a woman who already has someone else in her heart could easily be hated by her husband.

...So, ‘it really seems Judy and I are tied together now.’

It was not that I wanted to push Judy away.

But being a commoner, my status was weak and it was difficult to assert my will. Hence, I decided to follow my family’s circumstances.

Considering this, Judy was a hundred times better than me. She gave up her future for what she wanted. Of course, it’s possible that she acted impulsively when she kissed me, without any calculative thoughts... but her choice felt remarkably brave.

As I wiped off my sweat and stood up, I saw, from a distance, a group of students from my department returning to the dorms, hurriedly parting ways.

I didn’t have to see it to know why.

“...They’re here,” I muttered to myself.

And sure enough, the twins were approaching from far away.


“Fine... I’m sorry, okay? Stop being mad. It won’t happen again.”

Cayden tried to soothe Asena’s anger by gently stroking her back, cheeks, and head.

His affectionate tone and touch were calming, but she steeled herself.

She needed to taste his tongue today. They had to kiss like lovers.

While it wasn’t a romantic gesture, she didn’t care anymore.

She stood in front of their dormitory, still not unfurling her arms or expression, as he bid them farewell.

“Alright, let’s stop this. Let’s see each other smiling tomorrow. As for Judy...I’ll talk to her.”


She turned her head to look up at him, breaking her hardened posture.

“...You’re going to see the wench who stole your lips?”

“Watch your language, Asena.”


“Anyway, I’ll handle it. To be honest, I still don’t understand why you’re this upset...”



“Never mind. I misspoke. Go on, head inside. See you tomorrow.”

“...You’re just going to leave like that?”

It had been a long time since Cayden had seen her this angry. Actually, it was a rarity—almost a first. They’d had many fights, but she being mad at him was uncommon.

Cayden scratched his head.

“...Is there something else you want?”


Seemingly exasperated, she held her breath and snorted.

Then, Asena glared sharply at Cayden for a long while.

Not knowing why, he just stood there with a puzzled look. Finally, she lightly tapped her cheek with her finger a few times.

“...Oh, you want a kiss?”


Asena gave a short nod and opened the door to the dormitory.

“...Come in.”

Cayden wanted to give her a quick peck right there and then but knew that Asena preferred to minimize public displays of affection. And considering it wouldn’t take much time, he followed her into the room.

- Creeeak. Slam.

As the twins entered and Cayden passed the door, Asena turned around and closed it abruptly.

Stretching out both arms to shut the door, she held Cayden in the narrow gap.


As the door closed, Cayden felt another wave of strange emotion when he saw the smoldering look in Asena’s eyes.

Something had been off between them since this morning.

As if they had become different people...

He pondered.

...Could it be separation anxiety? That couldn’t be the case.




Shaking his head, Cayden dispelled his absurd thoughts and called out to her again.


She met his gaze with unwavering eyes. Slowly relaxing the tension in her arms, she let him go.

“...I’m sorry, Oppa. Anyway...”

With that, she offered her cheek to him.

At the same time, she spoke to Keirsey.

“Keirsey. Look the other way.”

Keirsey naturally turned her head, knowing that Asena didn’t like it when someone saw her receiving a kiss.

Of course, when they had secretly kissed him, they had done so in front of each other. But in Cayden’s eyes, this was the first time Keirsey had ever seen him giving a peck to Asena. So, if she were to suddenly break the established routine now, Cayden might find it strange.

And to begin with, it was only out of necessity that she had kissed him in front of Keirsey; Asena naturally didn’t want to be seen sharing love with him by someone else.

- Smack.

A soft yet warm, and love-filled sound rang out, and Keirsey turned her head back to its original position and walked over to Cayden.

Taking Asena’s place, Keirsey offered her cheek to him.

Cayden gently placed his hand on top of Keirsey’s head and lightly kissed her forehead.

“Alright, I’m going to go rest now. See you tomorrow.”

He waved his hand.

In the end, the twins also happily waved back at him.


“...Unnie, what about now?”

In the depths of a quiet night, with not even a light turned on in the dormitory, Keirsey cautiously asked.

Normally, she would’ve been lulled to sleep by the enveloping darkness, but Keirsey couldn’t have been more awake at that moment.

Her heart raced so fast it made her limbs tingle, and her senses were sharper than ever.

“...Not yet.”

A seasoned, calm voice responded to Keirsey’s hopeful query.

Asena sat quietly on the sofa, staring fixedly into the darkness.

Keirsey still hadn’t gotten used to this side of her sister.

Asena, who always resolved matters in a calm and collected manner, had always been the more dependable and mature twin—even in Keirsey’s eyes. She wouldn’t even show affection towards Cayden in front of her. Keirsey had thought of her as someone who knew nothing but family matters, at least up until they came to the academy.

But look at her now.

Determined to lock lips with Cayden, she sat calmly, waiting for the night to deepen further.

No pretense, no hesitation. Just waiting for the right moment as if it were a duty, her expression steely.

It was impossible to get used to.

...And yet, at the same time, Keirsey could understand her. After all, the object of their affection was their own brother.

Getting him to respond to their love could not be followed by some chronological order based on who loved him first. Each had come to love him at different moments, and belatedly realized that the other felt the same. And as Asena had said...If only he weren’t a Pryster, all problems would have been solved.

Mulling over this unsolvable dilemma, Keirsey continued to wait in the darkness.

The sound of her heartbeat continued to grow louder.

How much time had passed like that?

“...Keirsey, let’s go now.”

Asena’s voice resonated through the room.

It was a time of night so deep that no other sound could be heard.

Even the chirping of crickets seemed to have quieted, or perhaps it was drowned out by the pounding in her chest.


Keirsey, who had been breathing heavily at some point, started to regulate her breathing.

Her body began to grow excited again, just like before.

Today was the last day.

After today, she would vie for his heart fair and square.

In four days... no, in just three, she would confess her feelings to him.

She knew he wouldn’t easily accept her feelings, but with the possibility of his departure, she had no other choice.

She knew moments of deep agony lay ahead.

Therefore, today was her last deep breath before diving in.

Of course...there was also jealousy towards Judy, who had stolen his lips.


With a spare key, she obtained through the student council, Asena unlocked the door to Cayden’s dorm room.


For some reason, the sound seemed more ominous than usual, but it didn’t stop them.

Suddenly, Keirsey realized how inappropriate her actions were.

She couldn’t even restrain herself within the academy, resorting to breaking into her own brother’s room to share an intimate moment.

Having always lived as the cute, affectionate sister around him, she wondered what he would think if he saw this duplicitous side of her.

But she cast all those thoughts to the back of her mind—The thrill of their plan succeeding was too intoxicating; Only reclaiming his lips could extinguish the fire that had ignited within her.

They closed the dorm door behind them and tiptoed to Cayden’s room, suppressing the sound of their footsteps.

Without hesitation, her hand reached for his door handle.


The second door swung open.

Listening to Cayden’s gentle breaths, Keirsey exhaled her first sigh of relief.

They entered his room and closed the door behind them.


Startled by the sudden loud noise, Keirsey jumped.

Asena skillfully locked the door behind them.

Watching her, Keirsey couldn’t gauge how many times Asena had done this.

She was just too smooth, too natural.

Then, as if suddenly remembering Keirsey’s presence, Asena, who was approaching him, asked,

“...Should I go first?”

The word ‘first’ made Keirsey’s heart race again. This was it.

They were going to taste that ‘elixir’ once more.

His lips were within her reach.

“...You go first, Unnie,” she whispered. She still didn’t have the courage.

Acknowledging her, Asena climbed onto his bed.

Mounting him with both her arms and legs positioned above him, she hesitated no more and leaned down to kiss him.



The sound of moisture filled the room instantly.

Hearing it, Keirsey rubbed her legs together and took a seat on a nearby chair.

Her heart grew even more restless as she watched Asena, so she averted her eyes.

Only the sounds reached her ears now.

“...Oppa, do you think that will be enough?”

Asena’s voice was barely audible, even to Keirsey.

“...Ah... Do you think a simple peck...ha...would suffice?”

Then, whether his mouth opened or not, the distinctive sound of tongues entwining resonated.

Asena once again transformed, as if she were a different person, revealing her true self to him as he slept.

“Only...Ah...only look at me...smooch...okay?”


“...Someone else...hmm...not just anyone...smooch...your little sister, Asena.”


Unable to hold back any longer, Keirsey called out to Asena.

The moist sound ceased, and Asena’s twinkling eyes met Keirsey’s. She seemed to transform back from the coquettish little sister to elder sister Asena.

“...Why? Don’t interrupt me.”

“...I want to...I want to do it too.”

Asena sighed deeply.

“...I barely even started, what are you talking about?”

“My heart’s pounding so much... Just let me do it once... then you can continue, Unnie. We can take turns, right?”

Asena’s face crinkled as she looked back and forth between Keirsey and Cayden.

Then, she sighed again and dismounted from him.

“...Fine. Make it quick. It’s my turn next.”


As Asena stepped aside, Keirsey took her place above him.

Lowering her posture gently, she lay down atop him.

Embracing him this way felt incredibly good.

Calming herself as she listened to the beat of his heart, Keirsey slowly moved her lips towards his.

“...Oppa...I love you.”

As if rehearsing what she planned to say in three days, she whispered to him.

Then she pressed her lips against his, thrusting her tongue deeply inside.

Sure enough, the pleasure she had craved for days surged through her head. So ecstatic that she nearly forgot to breathe, and so happy that all guilt seemed to vanish.

Her anger about Judy taking his lips also subsided.

“Ha... Oppa... why do you have so much fun with her?”

Just like Asena had, she started to express the words she’d been yearning to say to him.

“...I’m here, you know... Can’t you only have eyes for me?”




“...Answer me.”

With her eyes closed, embracing him, she once again naturally thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Each time, she felt a maddening sensation.

Eventually, Keirsey forgot to speak, pressing her lips against his and thrusting her tongue as deep as she could.

Saliva kept transferring to him.

Every time she probed her tongue, she felt his, which moved weakly in response.

She began to get intoxicated with pleasure.

Lightly straddling him, she smoothly wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

And with some strength in those arms, she pulled him closer. She strived to narrow the already close distance between them even more.

The closer they got, the more satisfaction swelled in her chest.


It seemed like she heard Asena’s voice from behind, but she ignored it.

She pulled him even closer by the neck, moving as if licking him with her tongue deep inside.

“...Kei... Keirsey, wait a moment..!”

Asena’s surprised voice echoed. Keirsey’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Asena’s voice, but...

Just before retracting her tongue, she felt Cayden’s previously limp tongue begin to move of its own volition.


Energy surged back into Cayden’s relaxed body. Keirsey hastily backed away from him, a string of saliva stretching between them.

Cayden’s eyes slowly opened, blinked as he surveyed his surroundings, and then suddenly sat up.

“...What’s going on here?”

“No... it’s not...”

Keirsey, who had been lying on top of him, ended up sitting on his knee as he sat up.


“W...wait, Oppa...”

The now-awake Cayden wiped his lips as he looked around.

His and Keirsey’s saliva was smeared on his arm.

Asena and Keirsey stiffened, unable to say a word.

Cayden looked back and forth between Asena and Keirsey, blinked, and then began to wear a confused expression.

“I...I can explain, Oppa,” Asena managed to stammer out.

Cayden licked his lips and uttered just one word. It was clear to anyone looking at him that he was swept up in a whirlwind of emotions.


---  End Of The Chapter ---

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