Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again?

Chapter 98: Weight of Vengeance (2)

Chapter 98: Weight of Vengeance (2)

I left the Pryster estate as quickly as I could. There was always the chance that I might be pursued again.

I pulled out some coins from the pouch I’d taken with me and bought a hood to conceal my face.

Thus, the only ones who had seen my face by the time I left the estate were the gatekeeper of the castle and the merchant who sold me the hood.

I set out on foot, heading aimlessly for the next city.

The distance that seemed short when traveled by horse took quite a while on foot.

It was two days after I began walking that I arrived at the first city.

This was the territory of the Cecil family, vassals of the Pryster family.

Fortunately, not the entire territory had been surrounded by walls, so entering the town wasn’t much of a challenge.

Had there been walls, the guards guarding the entrance would undoubtedly have recognized me.

The guards at the castle gate had a knack for remembering faces. They wouldn’t forget me, the eldest son of the Pryster family.

In any case, after settling down in a village, I managed to get a meal and some sleep.

Everything felt unfamiliar.

The food was cold and smelled strange. The bed was hard, and there were bugs crawling about.

When morning came, my body felt sore.

It reminded me of the fatigue after training.

But I suppose this is something I’ll have to get used to.

I adjusted my hood and left the inn.

There was a commotion nearby. A crowd was gathering.

Seeing no reason to avoid it, I followed the crowd.

Upon arrival, there was a man standing on a wooden podium, wearing finer clothes than the commoners.

He loudly proclaimed, “Listen up, everyone! Cayden Pryster, of the Pryster family, has been exiled from his household! Should someone appear claiming to be Cayden Pryster and show the Pryster family crest, you are under no obligation to heed them!”

I looked up at him, giving a faint nod to myself.

Asena had already begun her actions. I hadn’t doubted her threats, but this was faster than I expected.

But if that’s the case, she must be keeping her promise of despising me as well-


-I couldn’t quite pinpoint the emotion I felt at the moment.

Murmurs spread among the people. Their conversations were clear in the midst of the crowd.

“What on Earth happened?”

“Isn’t it that guy? The commoner adopted by the Prysters?”

“Now that the Pryster heir has come of age, they probably discarded him.”

“...But, if Cayden stood before me, I’d still be too scared to defy him.”

“Really? If he came before me, I’d want to give him a good beating. When else could you hit a noble?”

Adjusting my hood, I took my leave.

The distance from here to the next city was considerable.

Walking won’t suffice.

I’d need to rent a carriage or find another means.

“Let me remind you! Cayden Pryster has been exiled! He is no longer a Pryster...”

As the man continued, I quickened my pace.


Gazing quietly at the city walls, I spotted merchants sporadically leaving the city.

There was a reason I was standing here.

I couldn’t rent a horse, so I had to buy one. But naturally, with the money I had, it was far from possible. Even paying a coachman to take me to the next city was quite a burden, especially considering I also had to cover food and lodging.

So, the plan I had in mind was to offer my protection services in exchange for a ride on one of the merchants’ wagons.

Many wagons entered the city, but I could only watch the ones leaving from my vantage point.

But now, that too had come to an end; My eyes caught sight of a particular wagon.

Considering the goods they were transporting, they seemed underguarded. The few guards they did have appeared to be in less than peak condition, making it an ideal opportunity for my approach.

Perhaps, in their greed to sell a significant amount of goods, they’d neglected their safety.

I moved to block the wagon’s path.

“Out of the way!” the coachman shouted.

Pulling down my hood, I addressed them. There was no way they’d recognize my face - they didn’t seem to be well-connected with nobles.

“I have a request!”

“We’re not interested! Move now, or we’ll force you!”

“Don’t you need more guards?”

At that, a well-dressed individual, presumably the merchant, seated next to the coachman, seemed intrigued.


“I’m quite skilled with the sword. It appears you could use some extra protection. In exchange, take me to the next city.”

He turned and looked over the guards accompanying his wagon. To me, it was clear he didn’t prioritize the quality of his guard detail. If he did, he would’ve hired more competent people.

So, he likely wouldn’t even verify my claims.

After pondering for a moment, he inquired, “Do you know where we’re headed?”

“To the North, aren’t you?”

“That’s true.”

“I’d prefer knowing the exact destination, but it doesn’t really matter.”

“We’re headed to the lands of the Bones family.”

Bones. I remember that name. Mary Bones, a friend of Keirsey, hailed from there. It’s a better location than I expected. From there, it’s a two-day horse ride to the Hexter domain.

The challenge would be getting to the Bones domain, roughly... a five-day journey, I presume.

“That works for me.”

“And your fee?”

“I don’t need one. Just let me ride in any empty space in your wagon, provide me with food, and if there’s an extra horse, I’ll take it. I know how to ride.”


The merchant raised an eyebrow, glancing at the coachman, as if seeking his approval.

The coachman simply switched his gaze between me and the merchant.

The merchant posed another question, “Why should I trust you?”

“By that logic, aren’t all those guards you’ve hired just cheap mercenaries? How am I any different? At least my motives are clear. I just need to head north.”

The merchant eventually nodded, “You make a valid point.”

He gestured with his thumb towards the back, “Go to the rear.”

I flashed a quick smile and headed to the back of the wagon.

I even managed to secure a horse to ride.


The news struck Daisy like a bolt of lightning.

The rough handwriting of Asena in the letter was unmistakable.

Even though Cayden had forewarned her, reading the letter was still a massive shock to Daisy.

She could roughly surmise what had transpired.

Cayden had said the twins loved him and returned to Pryster estate, and just a short while ago, twins must have arrived there as well.

And then this letter arrived.

Cayden must’ve rejected their affections.

What had become of him? That was her biggest concern.

Was he alright?

Perhaps by turning them down, the twins may have caused him harm.

Amidst the confusion, her father stroked his chin.


Given the implications of this news, Daisy looked at her father.

“...What’s on your mind?”

“...He was expelled from the family sooner than expected.”

“...Even so, since the former Duchess, Liana, promised a strong alliance, you shouldn’t worry.”

Daisy tried to reassure her father, hoping that nothing would go wrong. Though unspoken, they both knew the source of this tension.

The fact that Cayden had become a commoner, no longer a Pryster, was the problem.

“...Yes, she did promise.”

“Besides, you haven’t forgotten how Cayden aided our estate’s people, have you?”

“How could I? He saved countless lives.”

“If you change your stance now... it would be abandoning our principles. How could we turn our back on the man who reached out when we were in need? That would be inviting divine retribution.”

“...That’s true, but...”

“But...” At her father’s trailing words, Daisy’s expression hardened.


“My dear, why the outburst...”

Count Hexter snapped out of his thoughts, looking at Daisy. Seeing her furious face, he trailed off again.

After clearing his throat, he tried to soothe her.

“I don’t say this out of spite for Cayden, but out of concern for you. If you lost interest in Cayden now that he’s become a commoner-”

“It’s only Cayden I care about. You don’t understand how fortunate I felt to be chosen as his fiancee.”

“...Is that so? I didn’t realize you felt that fortunate.”

“I do feel fortunate and content. We owe him so much... I want to repay that. Even if not for that, his values and character are truly admirable.”

“...Alright, dear. Don’t be too upset.”

“Promise me you won’t make such comments again. Understood? If he comes to the estate, I want him to be treated with the utmost respect.”

Count Hexter scratched his head.

“Ah, right. Speaking of which, what happened to Cayden?”


“I only know that he’s been expelled from the family, but don’t you think we should find out where he is or in what condition?”


Daisy remained silent, pondering her father’s words.

Seeing Daisy deep in thought, Count Hexter decided not to press her any further. Trying to offer some comfort in his own way, he rose from his seat.

“...Alright. I suppose you wouldn’t know either. I’ll leave first.”

Left alone, Daisy quietly asked herself.

‘...Cayden, where are you?’

Although she believed he’d be alright, a faint anxiety began to surface.


A day had already passed since leaving the Pryster estate, making me feel more at ease.

Riding the horse must have had its effect too: Throughout the rather dull journey, all I had to do was to think about what I was going to do.

On the first day, after traveling the whole day, we set up camp as the sun set.

Rather than the dense woods, we chose an open space which felt safer. We lit a fire and had a late dinner. The food wasn’t of the best quality, but it was enough to satiate our hunger. Yet, watching the guards praise its taste repeatedly, I felt perhaps I had been spoilt.

Having lived in a noble house my whole life, my palate might have become a bit refined. Regardless, I expressed my gratitude for the food served and emptied my plate.

Afterwards, the horsemen and merchants went to sleep, while the guards and I decided the watch shifts through a simple game.

Fortunately, I was the first on watch.

I kept the fire burning, lost in thoughts about the events involving the twins.


I let out a short sigh. The guard on watch with me didn’t engage in conversation, which I was thankful for. I needed time to think.

How did things get so complicated? I couldn’t even be sure if my decisions were right. Being human, I had no way of knowing for sure. If only someone could give me the answers.

...I can only hope things work out. If things go as Asena predicted... Maybe it’ll be alright.

Her words of hatred weighed heavy, yet I hoped that’d fade with time.

I wish she’d no longer see me as a romantic interest. While love lingers, anger tends to fade faster. If her anger dissipates, maybe someday I can return to the estate and see everyone - Grandma, Lawrence, the twins.

Perhaps it’s a hope too optimistic. Recalling what I did to the twins, maybe I shouldn’t harbor such hopes.

I promised to stand by them, to be their pillar, yet in the end, I abandoned them. Regardless of the changing circumstances, their reliance on me remained unchanged.

Knowing I was their emotional pillar and still making such a choice, I recognized my shortcomings.

...Yet, I don’t know of any other way. After all, the twins’ desire - the central conflict - hadn’t changed.


It’s not that I couldn’t accept their feelings because I was a sage and couldn’t cross the moral line. Although I acted to save commoner children, I too have committed the most vile act of murder.

I am not a clean person.

Yet, to accept my siblings’ feelings is intense, heavy, and deeply... filled with a sense of guilt.

I’m not as great as they think I am.

I remember every moment as the twins grew. As children. As teenagers. And into adulthood.

I vividly recall the feeling of the twins rubbing their heads against me like cats.

The memory of hearing their gentle breaths and stroking their soft hair is still alive within me.

The bright smile Asena showed only to me. The affection Keirsey reserved only for me.

If I were to accept the feelings of such adorable siblings...

...I would end up laying them down on the bed, sharing saliva and breath, wetting each other’s skin with sweat, and engraving their moans in my ears while pursuing carnal pleasure.

The mere thought is too overwhelming.

Just thinking of it makes my heart race. Out of guilt.

Even if the twins want it, even if grandma says she will understand whatever choice I make...

Aren’t I too filthy to intertwine with my siblings? Am I not too beastly?

Even though I’ve spent almost my entire life for the twins, they’re flowers too pure for me to tarnish.

That’s why I’m running away like this. I would never flee from any enemy if my siblings were behind me, but I couldn’t overcome the gentle advance of my siblings.

Others might call me cowardly, but if they were in my shoes, they’d be speechless too.

Who could share love with siblings they’ve cherished and raised?

My decision was profoundly personal. I’ve lived for twins until now, but this was my own choice.

To be honest, I would even die for them. But… but I could never tarnish them.

Even receiving their hatred and parting with my family is easier on my heart.


The situation has drastically changed - I can no longer keep many promises.

The twins might become villains... No, they already are villains in a way I cannot control.

But I hope their anger is directed only at me. And that they’ll eventually forget me and mature.

...Of course, I knew that even this wish might not come true.

I don’t know. I truly don’t. I can only hope this choice was the right one.

---  End Of The Chapter ---

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