Why Did I Have to Enroll

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Lesson 6. For the goodness of the teachers is as high as the sky is 2

Once Ban Yu-won had a chance to catch his breath, the space began to change again. The ceiling, which was quite high, gradually lowered, and the torches hanging on the wall were snuffed out one by one. Just looking at the atmosphere, it seemed like a ghost-type monster similar to the ones they encountered before would reappear.


As soon as they heard the sound of something crawling on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, they knew that wasnt the case.

Tower Spider.

Light, guessing the enemys identity, muttered. What was the point since he was already showing a striking presence with his sword radiating brightly from him? Ban Yu-won was convinced that there was no person less suited to stealth than Light with his loud shouting and glowing weapon.

By the way, a Tower Spider.

The Tower Spider was a unique monster that frequently appeared regardless of the level and was one of the monsters that symbolized the Tower. Why were spiders the monster that symbolized the Tower? It was because their abilities and strength were randomized every time they appeared! Since they couldnt be defined, they were the most appropriate monster to describe the Tower.

If it appears in Room 4, its normal that its not that strong. But after going through that trap room, I cant be sure anymore.

After confirming the rest were ready for battle, Ban Yu-won sent a signal to Eve. Eve, changing into a rifle, just received an additional Acid supply and was ready to use it.



Kyigit, kyiiiiiiiiiigh

Eves bullets rained down upon the spiders. Surprisingly, the Acid Bullets that melted the monsters in Room 2 at once didnt kill a single spider in Room 4, and it wasnt able to pierce their hide nor melt it. He couldnt tell if this was suitable for the level of difficulty of an ordinary Room 4, but at least for Ban Yu-Won, these guys didnt seem easy.

Eve, keep shooting. Dok Go-yeon, I think you should act this time.


As Dok Go-yeon spread her palms and pushed them forward, a huge pressure flow swept away the spiders. The only thing Ban Yu-won could read from her movements was an overwhelming Wind.

In the process, the bullets Eve fired were also sent flying, exploding into bits of shrapnel that shredded the spiders legs.

This is the strong wind you have been looking for.

Its really windy.


After that display, Dok Go-yeon only let out a light sigh. Meanwhile, Ban Yu-won was stunned by her attack that would be appropriately described as a giants palm sweeping across the Tower.

Ill leave it to you to take their lives. Oh, there is no other queen as merciful as me.

Dok Go-yeon gracefully backed away, eliciting a laugh from Ban Yu-won.

You are not my queen  but yes, thank you. Light, take the rear and Ruchel the top.


Relax, calm down!

Light, who wielded a wide-area weapon comparable to that of Dok Go-yeon, could easily cover their backs, and Ruchel, who had keen senses, was able to watch out for any hidden foes.

Ban Yu-won ran forward after giving instructions to the rest. Since Eve could knock away the spiders, shouldnt he be able to finish them himself?!



This wont go through.

He was disconcerted. He struck the disoriented spider laying in a heap at the front, but his blade was handily deflected just by its carapace. Sure, Ban Yu-won didnt use Sewing, and the concept of Assassin and Blood Poison wasnt effective here, but still.

I mean, what.

Ban Yu-won hastily changed his stance and fired a quick stab. Luckily, this time, he could smash its head and kill it.

[You stole 0.5 Life, 0.6 Physique, 0.4 Devil, and 0.2 Carapace from a Tower Spider. Carapace is a concept that humans cannot possess.]

Despite Dok Go-yeons help, the concept of language was at a level that left Ban Yu-won satisfied. But it shouldnt keep going like this.

Do I have to just repeatedly stab and fall back like this? Even if it were my sister, she wouldnt be able to do that.

It caused a lot of fatigue, and there were also disadvantages in that the transition to the next movement wasnt as easy as compared to slashing. If he had a concept related to cutting, he wouldnt have to worry about thisoh wait, didnt he?

Ill just absorb it now!

Ban Yu-won laughed at himself. He had a total of 20 Snapping from Room 3! Of course, since it was a concept that couldnt be possessed by an individual, he couldnt use it directly, but if so, he could just give it to his sword.

Ban Yu-won immediately affixed it to the Beheaders Longsword.

[It has excellent compatibility with the target, and the depth of Snapping granted to the Beheaders Long sword has been increased to 30. The depth of the Magic Sword has increased to 30.]

Im lucky.

He never considered the possibility of such harmony. Still, looking back, the Beheaders Long Sword he was holding was a real Magic Sword with the most terrifying history among the artifacts his grandfather brought over. Since he put the concepts of Snapping and Cutting into the relic that contained Beheading, how couldnt it be harmonious? Rather, he wondered why the concept of Beheading or Snapping hadnt been combined already.

Then, shall we?

Even though Dok Go-yeon swept away the spider swarm with a wave of her hand, they would wake up and attack again if left be.

Ban Yu-won gritted his teeth and moved forward, swinging his long sword again. At that moment, he felt a strange sensation that took over his body. The overwhelming Snapping he felt in Room 3 passed through his mind.

Shortly after, his swing decapitated the spider.


It wasnt a very good feeling, but more like hed just been wielded by the weapon. However, he might be able to realize the true meaning of Snapping on his own without having to borrow Dok Go-yeons power this way.

Lets try it.

Ban Yu-won rushed the swarm of spiders on the floor, swinging his sword. The intense will of Snapping in the sword slashed and split the spiders by forcibly modifying his movements. Ban Yu-won didnt force himself against it but conformed and tried to follow the path the sword violently led him to.

Okay, I can feel the weight on my body getting lighter. Next, lets read the will contained in the sword.

So, Ban Yu-won was trying to read the meaning of the sword. His movement that seemed to be dragged along was gradually corrected, and his speed increased. Although he couldnt be compared to Light, who threw a slash of light that wiped out a few spiders at once, or Ruchel, who crushed swathes with a single blow, nevertheless, Ban Yu-won was definitely doing his part.


Dok Go-yeon watched with interest. She saw Ban Yu-won failing to cut through the spiders carapace for the first time, and then immediately after doing something she couldnt see, he could cut down one. The momentum emanating from the sword in his hand was stronger than before, so it was possible to guess what he might have done.

Intuitive and overwhelming skill, yet so easy to wield.

Dok Go-yeon dared to define the overwhelming power Ban Yu-won wielded as such. But what was interesting was that what Dok Go-yeon saw wasnt all of Ban Yu-wons abilities.

Since the sword has been strengthened, it was swinging him around, but he calmly understood his condition and started to adapt.

It was as if he was recreating what they saw in the room earlier. Of course, the speed of his attack was much slower, but it became heavier, and his posture stabilized. Although it might seem impossible right now, he would sooner or later arrive at the true meaning of Snapping.

There was no room for Dok Go-yeon to intervene.

How long did it take me to learn the Three Disasters?

She was said to be the best prodigy in the Martial Arts Society. However, seeing Ban Yu-won made her want to beat her past self, who was proud of her talent. Of course, it was him she wanted to beat the most.

Ugh, this is exhausting. At this rate, well take forever to.

When Dok Go-yeon saw Ban Yu-won acting weak, when he was the one hurting her soft heart, she grew determined again.

I should have it.


Ban Yu-won, feeling a chill, thought that another Elite Monster had appeared, so he opened his eyes wide and searched around the walls, but there was nothing in sight.

But as his concentration broke, he felt his arms were getting stiff. Had he not been taking the concepts of Life and Physique from the spiders during battle, he might already be lying down. Well, he could be satisfied with this much.

Hey, Dok Go-yeon, why are you standing still? You have to shoot that wind again!

Youre doing well on your own. Did it help you grow?

Dok Go-yeon responded calmly. Hearing those words, he unintentionally read his internal code and now noticed his Martial Arts had grown to a whopping 70. Although he hadnt yet mastered the concept of Snapping, he had grown explosively as his swordsmanship was influenced by his growing understanding. He was pleased, wondering if it could reach 100 by the time he left the Tower.

Still, I wont give you the sports drinks because Im doing it all alone.


But those were separate things. It was pretty cute to see her pout as if she couldnt understand, but it was still a promise, so it was unavoidable.

There are fewer now. Eve, save the bullets.


Even though Eve was in the state of a Magic Gun, for some reason, they hissed like a snake and changed back to their natural club form. They knocked around a few more spiders, smashing their heads. Surprisingly, it was even recovering the spent bullet casings!

Its stronger than you.

Eve is part of my fighting power.

He asked Eve to keep a few of them rather than kill them all and then claimed the concepts left on the battlefield.

[Life: 148

Physique: 87.9

Magic Power: 114

Soul: 365]

Okay, this is perfectly above average.

Ban Yu-won wondered if he should laugh at the general students who looked down on him for the difference in specs he overtook in a week. Or should he admire his potential?

But it wasnt just that. The Tower exploration had only just begun. On Friday and Saturday, if he dug deep into the Tower and awakened his potential, hed be able to get close to the special class!

Its an external call.

External? Why at this time?

Light, admiring the sports drink Ban Yu-won handed out, suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows and murmured. A second later, Ban Yu-won noticed his student ID vibrating.

Theyre telling us to come out of the Tower?

What? I still havent had the chance to warm up. Besides, I havent had any of that sweet drink yet.

This early?

Ban Yu-won muttered in surprise, and Dok Go-yeon shook her head. Meanwhile, as they battled in Room 4, with about a third of her hair darkened, Ruchel was staring into the air, seemingly uninterested in their conversation.

Are there no more notifications?

It would be difficult to send a long message from outside. Besides, this is a message from the principal, not Professor Yoo Mina.

Its for all students.

I dont like it.

Dok Go-yeon responded sharply.

It hasnt even been two hours since we started. It doesnt explain why; I cant understand.



When Dok Go-yeon showed her intent to ignore the message and continue their exploration, Ruchel let out a weak moan.


Ruchel, huh?!


Ruchel violently pulled at Ban Yu-wons and let out a strange moan.

Ban Yu-won was convinced early on that there were no normal people at this party, but he didnt think that Ruchel would completely go mad. He signaled to Light and Dok Go-yeon to help, but they were looking beyond the dark, not toward him.

Maybe they felt something similar to what Ruchel had.

Thats why they told us to leave.

Lets go. If you think about it, it was strange from the beginning, and the Professor warned us before entering the Tower about Irregulars.

But my student ID isnt working.

In response to Dok Go-yeons calm reply, Ban Yu-won reflexively checked his student ID. It really wasnt working.

The sense of crisis amplified all at once.

Grrrits coming.

Ruchel said, pulling Ban Yu-won behind her.


It was then that he realized that Ruchel was trying to protect him.

Clatter, clatter

Clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter, clatter.

On the floor, on the ceiling, on the wall, on a scale that couldnt be compared to before. The new swarm of Tower Spiders drowned out any other sound.

The room had turned into an Irregular.

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