Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 3


Chapter 3

Deus, stepping out of the ruins that had become a desolate field, seemed to lack the energy somewhere in his stride. Alex followed beside him, reflecting on the deeds committed by Deus.

The castle lay in ruins, and countless corpses screamed in the abyss of hell. Humans couldn’t hear it, but the demons were built differently.

“Well, you did it quite spectacularly.”

“Oh, just with this much.”

“By the way, do you have any intention of returning to the demon realm and becoming the Demon King together?”

“No. I don’t want to do anything like being a Demon King.”

“Aren’t you already an excellent Demon King? The moment you came out of the three worlds, you tried to seize the largest kingdom in the human world and even tried to take the princess.”

Deus walked a few more steps silently, then turned his head to look at Alex.

“Is that what Demon Kings do?”

“Of course.”

“If not a Demon King, can’t an ordinary human attack a country?”

“It’s not that you can’t, but… do you want to become an ordinary human?”

“No, it’s not like that. I just don’t want to be a Demon King. If I had to choose, I’d rather be the king since I’m going to live in the human world from now on. I can’t be a slave.”

“That’s extremely drastic.”

“If I have to be a king, it’s better to be the king of a big country.”

Alex clapped his hands and stopped.

“You’re truly an excellent Demon King. How wicked is your thinking?”

“I said I’m not going to be a Demon King.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“Well, that’s…”

Deus fell into thought. Alex spoke to him while looking at him.

“Are you thinking of quietly taking over a small country and playing the inconspicuous king? Is that what you’re thinking?”

Deus remained silent without answering. Alex opened his mouth again.

“Since you’ve caused quite a stir this time, let’s be quiet next time. That would truly be a Demon King-like way of thinking.”

“I told you, no!”

“That long silence is answer enough.”

Deus closed his mouth. Alex spoke sincerely to his master.

“Return to your Demon King’s castle. After another 20 years of mastering the Demon King’s martial arts, your power will be complete. By then, the demon realm will be entirely yours.”

“I don’t need it. I won’t be a Demon King.”

“Return to the demon realm and strengthen your power. Become a complete Demon King and attack the human world. Perhaps this time, our Demon King army may succeed.”

Deus’s eyebrows twitched.

“What do you mean ‘perhaps’? It’s not even ‘perhaps.’ Aren’t you, the Demon King’s closest ally, also uncertain?”

Alex, for the first time, wore a bewildered expression. “Oh, well… because we always lose.”

Deus’s face twisted with irritation. “Shut up, Alex.”

A prolonged silence hung between the two deities. After a deep thought, Deus spoke again.

“I’d rather be a warrior.”

“What? I didn’t catch that.”

Deus opened his mouth, eyeing Alex, who was leaning in to hear better. “A warrior.”

“The heck?”

“Don’t joke around.”

“You’re the one who shouldn’t joke, Your Highness. A warrior, really?”

“It’s quite a good idea. If you want to hide a tree, do it in the forest.”

“But you’re not a tree; you’re the Demon King.”

However, Deus’s ears had been blocked for a while.

“Isn’t there something like a training ground? You know, by the time the war with the demon realm starts in 20 years, there’ll be a severe shortage of people. By now, there must be a tremendous lack of them.”

“Do you even know what a warrior’s profession entails?”

“How can I know how to become a warrior? I’m your loyal maid and martial arts instructor, Your Majesty.”

Alex cleared his throat and continued, “Well, first, a special birth is necessary.”

“I’m already special. Born as the child of a dad who can impregnate just by holding hands.”

Alex flinched at Deus’s words. “That’s… And trials from evil!”

“You mf, I just remembered? You tormented me a lot during my teaching days.”

“It was discipline!”

“People who hit always say that. From the perspective of the one getting hit, it’s just torment.”

“It’s unfair.”

“Anyway, let that go. So, what’s the next condition?”

“There must be a divine calling.”

“That’s just something you claim to have. Since it’s between you and the gods, no one else can know about it.”

“…Isn’t it obviously impossible? Demanding holy waves from the Holy Blue Sea in the Holy Realm.”

“Darn it.”

Alex tilted his head again. “Come back with me. Your Majesty, there’s still much for you to learn. There’s a mountain of things to do.”

“I said I won’t.”

“Why would the Demon King become a warrior? Warriors are only for the bloodsuckers.”

“Oh, that’s it!”

Deus’s expression brightened with realization.

Alex asked “Are you thinking of some nonsensical idea again?”

“I know what kind of warrior I wanna be?”


“I wanna be the Hero’s ally!”


“It doesn’t matter if the companion isn’t a bloodsucker. Anyway, warriors overcome difficulties, and you just rely on your companion to fall first.”

“It’s a terribly twisted way of thinking… but it’s not that far-fetched from reality.”

“The hero goes through hardships, and I quietly enjoy the honey from behind. How about that? Glory is mine, and the hardships are his.”

“You’re truly wicked.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Deus laughed and spoke again. “The hero won’t make a significant impact until 20 years later. Whether they were just born or are yet to be born. The current bloodsuckers are only the outdated ones from a generation ago.”

“There’s no hero now.”

“The adventures that the current warriors undertake are nothing impressive. Even if they capture a dragon, they can’t catch a named one.”

“Wait, are you seriously considering being a hero’s companion?”

“Do you smell with your ears? Why can’t you understand my words?”

“Smell is the responsibility of my fifth tentacle.”

Ignoring Alex’s grumbling, Deus spread his dream wings wide.

“Leave the exceptional ones who can become the hero and can fight the Demon King, and join in as a companion of someone who is ranked around 400 or 500. Insert myself there, hunt mediocre monsters, and gain fame. That way, I’ll live a life roughly within the top 2 percent of humans.”

“It’s a vaguely specific but small-scale dream.”

“Don’t disregard the top 2 percent, human.”

“If the population is 100 million, 2 percent is 2 million. Tell me something less vague than living as the 2 millionth well-off person in the human world, rather than the Demon King?.”

“Happiness is within my heart.”

“Don’t blur it with saintly words. After all, saints are enemies. It’s a regular job for the Demon King’s subjugation force.”

“Oh, I can’t hear you. So, let’s depart.”

To Deus’s question, Alex only sighed.

A solitary rock lay crookedly in the quiet outskirts field, with a thriving tree standing beside it. In the distance, the Acoma Castle was visible, surrounded by deep-sea trenches and countless carriages moving along the castle gate. Symbolizing the prosperity of the continent, the castle stood grandly.

From a hill where the castle could be seen at a glance, Alex diligently drew shapes on the ground while explaining.

“This is the Horsa Continent.”

“It looks like a horse.”

“Yea. I’ve told you that already during your studies.”

“Anyway, I didn’t remember it deeply since I plan to dye that place with the blood of humans living there. The terrain will change when I descend.”

“Even if you’re the Demon King, chill out.”

“You can’t change the terrain…” Alex sighed

“I could eliminate a mountain or two if I diligently dig and flip the ground for several days…”

“No, I’ll do it with just one blow!”

“One or two castles would be gone, but the units of measurement for nature are different.”

“Being the Demon King is not a big deal.”

“The concept of master is strange. Anyway, the Verde Kingdom is located near the heart of the horse, roughly in the center of the continent. This is the Horsa’s Spine, or simply, the Central Mountain Range. The Holy Castle is located deep within that range.”


“The point is that warriors have no choice but to gather in the Verde Kingdom.”

“Is it too high-level?”

“Yes. The low-rank warriors you desire should be gathered around the head or the butt side of the horse here.”

“The entrance to the Demon King’s castle is here.”

“Yes, near the front leg.”

“Then, what about the hind leg?”

“That would be the Gelon Kingdom.”

“Alright, let’s go. Fetch the horse.” Alex nodded.

“No, it’s not possible.”

“Is it because of money? Should I go back to the palace and get some?”

“In the Horsa Continent, unless you’re a noble, it’s impossible to travel around on horseback. The only available means of transportation are pack carriages.”

“Why is it so inconvenient?”

“That’s how humans are. So, would you like to return to the demon realm?”

“Fine. Then, go get a pack carriage.”

“Walking would be faster. Otherwise, you can board a long-distance carriage operated by the kingdom.”

“Oh, I’ve already tried that. Let’s take that.”

Deus nodded with a fist pump and turned his head away.

“Then, let’s ride that.”

“Thank goodness. You didn’t suggest walking.”

Operating the large carriages traveling between the capitals was the Tornado family’s business. The Tornado family also had its business based in Acoma Castle. Especially, their carriages, with excellent shock absorption devices, were highly regarded. They were promoting it as an advantage, claiming that it reduced buttock fatigue even during long-distance travel.

In the carriage waiting room, there was a prominent sign saying ‘Tornado Carriage, where your buttocks don’t hurt.’

The atmosphere in the waiting room was chaotic. Soldiers were scrutinizing each passenger’s face one by one and searching their belongings.

“It seems like a runaway criminal.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It seems like My Lord doesn’t care much about what’s happening around him.”

“I don’t pay attention unless it’s a big deal.”

“How audacious! Indeed, you’re someone fitting for the Demon King’s position.”

“No need to flatter.”

“It’s not flattery.”

While the two were engrossed in their conversation, soldiers approached. Glancing up and down, they spoke with stern expressions, “We are the Acoma Security Unit. Show us identification that proves your status.”

Deus lazily extended his hand, as if finding it troublesome. “Go away. I’m not a suspicious person.”

Alex chuckled dryly. “Endlessly suspicious.”

“Quiet, human.”

“The affairs of the palace are no joke!”

Deus didn’t bother responding to the rough tone of the soldier, just giving him a disdainful look. “tHe aFfAirs of tHe pAla- stfu dude.”

Even though being told to go away didn’t necessarily carry the weight of authority, surprisingly, the next moment the soldier saluted. “Understood.”

Then, he moved with his comrades to inspect the people in the nearby seats.

“Is it okay to use force like that? Weren’t you trying to blend into the human world?” Alex asked, looking at the soldier’s back.

“Me? Blend in?”

“Yes. You escaped from the demon realm because you didn’t like being the Demon King…”

“And you thought I wouldn’t use the power of the Demon King?”

“Don’t most demons usually hide their power, living as ordinary humans, and then unleash it dramatically in dangerous moments?”

“The money in my pocket is mine. The power in my body is mine too. What’s wrong with using what’s mine?”


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