Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 11: Hatred

Chapter 11: Hatred

In the throne hall, Min sat on his throne and without any expression looked at Maria.

"How is Elder M doing?" Min sized her up.

"Father is apologetic not being able to come to the council meetings, Ghost King," Maria bowed.

"I hope he has a good reason. Well, it doesn't matter. It's up to Elder Z to take care of it."

Maria remained silent. Min stood up and approached her. His hand was coated in green light.

"Since you've refused to attend the academy, I cannot force you, however, if I recall right, the M family's powers back then were healing powers. I hope you can manifest them and provide your services to me," Min held his hand on her head and a sharp pain surged through her body.

Through clenched teeth, she complied, "Yes, Your Highness."

"You can leave now," Min retired to his seat and didn't spare her another glance.

Maria bowed again and made her way outside. In front of the door, she almost collapsed. She could feel the power inside of her but it swirled around so violently, it made her weak and nauseous.

"Maria," Timo held her up.

Marie briefly thanked him.

"Are you alright?" Timo's worried expression made her feel guilty. She nodded.

He brushed her hair out of her face and helped her into a room where she could lie down. She watched him wordlessly.

It has been now two years since the academy's opened. Halfway through the first year, Maria occasionally visited the academy to meet with Yano, Skyla and Mil.

The first time, she bumped into Timo and then every time after that, it was as if fate cursed her and she was destined to meet him at the worst times.

Surprisingly they got along well but they were neither friends not close. Although Timo's gentle behaviour towards her made her feel complicated. She wasn't sure if he liked her or if he was just being nice but even though she didn't want to admit it, she liked being near him.

After the Ghost King made his personal little army out of the families' pupils- Kil, Zayn, Eri and of course Leo, Timo had also joined despite not being from a family. It was because his skills were just too good.

Maria accidentally overheard the Ghost King confining them about his plan and she couldn't believe what she's heard nor wanted to believe that Timo would be involved. What was even more surprising was that all of them supported the plan and even shared Min's point of view.

When she heard it, she instantly let Yano and the others know. Yano, Skyla, Mil together with Lu and Holn requested to be stationed in the mortal world because it was their duty and because they wanted to stop Min.

Yano's powers and abilities were tremendous. Once he received his ability, he instantly became the top students and even rivalled the Ghost King in terms of power. The Ghost King then wanted to scout him but Yano refused, saying it was always his dream to help the mortal world.

It also has been two years since Lia died. Maria wasn't particularly close to her but she admired Lia's strength, her willingness to give her all and her gentleness. The times she interacted with her, Lia's always been kind and nice. It was a pity, she had to end up like that.

Maria closed her eyes and Timo gently patted her head. She really had no idea why he was so caring towards her. It was really bothersome.

Yet Maria knew she was hovering over life and death. Her father, that coward, not taking any sides, made her become a spy. If Min would ever find out she wasn't loyal to him, her family would probably be killed.

Although, she understood her father's sentiment because he promised the hidden families to stay out of the Ghost King's affairs and because he owed them debts in the past, he or better said, she had to supply the hidden families with information. For that, she had to gather the Ghost King's trust.

"Sleep for a bit. I take watch, so don't worry," Timo gave her a warm smile and Maria nestled into the blanket. He was too much for her.


When Lia found the three tombstones, she knelt in front of them for a few 100 years. She had no sense of time nor knew what she was doing but she felt at ease around those graves.

It overflowed her body with a warm feeling which was very comfortable and before she realised, a thousand years have passed since she was thrown into the abyss which equalled a year in the immortal world.

Then suddenly on the mark, it felt like something overtook her senses, and she started to dig out the graves. She wanted to ravage, destroy, take it all in her. Her hands bled as she dug deeper and deeper into the ground.

Her blood poured over the dirty ground but she found nothing. She wasn't sure what she expected. Maybe corpses? At least some bones? But they would've long perished.

Yet although she saw there was nothing, her hands didn't stop even when her skin started to peel off.

Even when out of nowhere vengeful ghosts appeared and crowded her.

Their bloodshot eyes, their transparent sunken skin, their salivating mouths, it all gave Lia a terrible fright. She was never afraid of ghosts since she had powers.

Now, it was different, she was just a normal immortal and her against these ghosts meant she was going to die.

The ghosts came closer and closer to the point Lia could feel their eerie substance brushing against her skin. She wanted to stop digging and run. Escape. But her body didn't listen to her.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" she hated this! She hated it all!

All those years spent in this abyss tortured to the brink of insanity and now she was going to die like this, through the hands of the ghosts, all because of him.

All because he took her powers away.

Die! Die! Die! All of you!

She couldn't die now! She wanted to get out and kill him with her very own hands, make him struggle, make him grovel before her. She couldn't die here!

All these ghosts should perish so that the Ghost King wasn't needed anymore. All these ghosts should cease to exist, so he and the families could perish with him.

Her resentment multiplied by the second, it was as if they took form and mingled with the earth.

Finally, her hands stopped moving and she faced a ghost who opened his mouth to suck her dry. Her eyes widened but then a morbid hand tore through the ghost which then disappeared.

As her thoughts violently flew around, she watched the ongoing slaughter of walking corpses tearing through the ghosts.

It was something completely irrational and mind-blowing. How could mere dead bodies kill beings that needed powers to be purged?

Lia relaxed and her mind calmed down. Slowly, her resentment also died down and with it, the corpses sank to the ground, remaining dead as if nothing's happened.

The ghosts also disappeared, Lia rubbed her eyes in fear she was just dreaming. She had no idea what was going on. She spun around and her view fell on the gravestones. On the empty spots now were three names engraved.

She glided her fingers over the carved names and felt the rough surface of the graves. Her body felt warmer and warmer. She was no stranger to powers since she used it for a long time and it was as easy to her as breathing.

However, she wasn't sure if she was the one to move the corpses.

When she was digging, was there something that flowed into her?

She stood up and walked to one of the corpses and put her hand on it. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Her life force flowed within her regularly again, so she focused on guiding it to her arm, to her hand, to the tips of her fingers to let it spill out.

However, nothing's happened. She was disappointed, she knew it wouldn't be so easy.

She tried to retrace the feelings, the emotions she felt when the corpses appeared.

She felt the pure rage flaring up inside of her again and her body was blazing hot. Sweat drops fell, tainting the ground, but something was missing.

It was that little stinging inside of her as if something was ripped apart.

She instantly withdrew her hand. There was no way.

She debated the possibility of using her own soul instead of her life force. What wicked power was that? The ability to control the dead was indeed powerful, but the price paid for it was way too cruel.

However, if this was her chance to once again live and seek her revenge then no matter how vicious, how ruthless or brutal it was, she would accept it and do anything to make it come true.

After her body was reconstructed many times, it was each time arranged a little bit different, while she still retained most parts of her original appearance, she became someone different.

She had no idea what she looked like but just from seeing her hand, her once pale and thin fingers grew longer and more flexible. They looked extremely delicate but a strong pulse pumped within.

However, they trembled as she put her hand on the corpse again. Immortals have fundamentally a different perception than mortals. They could feel each of their organs in their bodies, their life force and ultimately their souls, that was why the idea of using one's soul as a power catalyst was so terrifying.

Channelling the life force into power was harmless and painless since there was an unlimited abundance but the soul was different.

If it was used more and more, if each time a small part was torn away, then the only possible ending was that the soul was going to disappear and leave behind a lifeless fleshy body.

No one has ever lost their soul but if there might be a healthy shell without a soul, couldn't ghosts take over them because ghosts were after all manifestations of souls? And if a ghost took over a body, then what will become of them?

Lia shuddered at the thought but she already promised herself she would take any gamble and if she could revive the dead then the whole world shall fall before her might.

She focused on her soul and slowly tore apart a small fragment of it and flinched at the sting. It wasn't too overbearing, it was just uncomfortable.

Then she guided it just like her life force to her fingertips and ejected it into the corpse.

The soul seemed to enter the corpse but it didn't move.


This one command moved the corpse and it stood up.

Lia was surprised and excited. This way, heaven should pray for everyone who dared to stand in her way.

"Come here," her voice was still rough and dry but had a certain coldness in them that would bring people to their knees. The bright glint in her eyes disappeared long ago and was replaced by an aloof gaze.

The corpse walked towards her.


It didn't move.

"Kill that," Lia pointed at a corpse next to her on the ground before it was viciously torn and minced to bits.

Lia was way too exhilarated at this might. If it could kill ghosts, then surely immortals could also be killed.

She put her hand on the corpse again and tried to absorb her soul. It did work, however, the single piece of soul didn't reattach itself but floated around in her body.

It was a weird feeling and slightly uncomfortable yet that discovery meant she didn't have to waste her soul. As long as she could collect it again she could live longer.

Now, she looked around, it was time to practise.

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