Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 13: Red Light District

Chapter 13: Red Light District

It was said that far back in the past, during the reign of the first Ghost King, Family Z who still had their unattainable power, built the Red Light District in order to wantonly enjoy themselves without having the Ghost King reprimand them.

Since then it has been generations and yet the Z family was still as disgusting as ever. Lia sneered as she stood in front of the gatekeeper.

Illusion magic. The Z family was famous for their illusions back then. It was obvious that they used to be very strong just from the fact the illusion outside the gate hid such a large district and from the fact it remained until today.

The gatekeeper was a tall man clad in a black robe with a helmet and mask that hid his face. He stood in front of Lia and was at least two metres tall, Lia almost looked like only half as tall as him.

"What does a fair maiden wish to do in the forbidden district?" his voice was deep and rough, yet there was a strong power behind it.

"What else should a fair maiden do here?" Lia gave him a small smile.

Innocent? Fair? Maiden? None of these words fit her.

She wasted all of her life waiting for Min only to give her first time to him. Back then, she felt inexplicable joy but now it was nothing more than disgust and the nauseating feeling of being defiled.

"I wish to entertain," seeing that the gatekeeper didn't say anything, she continued to coax him.

"The truth is the very man who risked his life to save me, frequently visits here."

"So, your wish is?"

"To be with him for even a night."

The gatekeeper remained silent.

"I know this is not the right way but what can a desperate maiden like me even ask for?"

"How did you find out about this place?"

"A woman in love can do frightening things," her lips curled up.

She knew more than anyone else what stupidity love prompts someone to do. She would never do it again.

"Leave now, this is no place for-"

"It is exactly a place for someone like me," her simple dress that was neither revealing nor inappropriate still sparked a certain sense of longing that males desperately wished to rip apart.

"It will be a terrible experience to leave a woman denied of her own feelings."

In these past few thousand years, she had spent it all on training and reforming herself to a new person. She must capture people's hearts, be charming, be innocent yet cruel, vicious and ruthless. Beautiful, peerless yet blood-thirsty and gruesome.

Unattainable yet desired.

"Love cannot keep you safe," the gatekeeper was right.

Love could only kill you. Especially, in the Red Light District, women were nothing but objects used to pleasure the lustful and disgusting males who would love to stick their meat into everything.

"I'll be safe, you don't need to worry about it."

"You will not be able to leave."

"Then shall we do a bet?"

The gatekeeper shook his head, "Very well, you can enter but your confidence will one day be your downfall."

Lia simple nodded and entered the Red Light District. She almost laughed at the sight, no matter how fancy and elegant the immortals decorated this filthy place, it would be nothing more but an immoral, degrading and vile dump.

The ground was of black granite, the houses all had three floors and red lanterns hung from the roofs, giving the whole district an alluring, intimate vibe. Men and prostitutes walked on the streets, seemingly in love.

The buildings reminded of little mansions, white and posh, the white an eye-blinding contrast to the dark ground yet it all seamlessly flowed together underneath the black shine.

Lia covered half of her face with the sleeve of her dress, mimicking the coy, shy and 'innocent' women. Her eyes were curved pleasing to every man. Her light smile was mirrored in her brows.

She perfectly blended in with all the other females trying to lure in customers yet compared to them she let no male close to her, nimbly evading their line of path and quickly determining the way to the most famous brothel in the district.

This brothel was the largest of all the buildings, twice the size. Its entrance was lasciviously decorated with lanterns and scent candles. Lia's lips turned down, it was too tacky.

The entrance hall had a marbled staircase leading to the upper floors. It looked straight out of a billionaire's house, yet the excessive rooms on the floors that were open to see from the lobby couldn't hide the cheapness.

Once Lia entered, a man in a suit instantly rushed to her, "Miss, you might have come to the wrong place."

"Is that so?" Lia paid him no heed and walked up the stairs. The male was very distressed as he followed and wanted to stop her.

"Yes, I remember all of our staff and you're certainly not one of them!"

"Well, for tonight I am," her face was still hidden behind her sleeve as she arrived on the first floor.

"Please leave or I'll call the security!" the male lost all of his patience.

"I've heard the son of the Z family is an avid customer. I'm very interested in him and my services are far better than any of your girls. So get him for me today," she entered one of the room but it was occupied.

"Apologies," she coyly said and the male inside the room only had eyes for her.

Lia walked down the hallway.

"Impossible! Guest Z is a very esteemed man, he has reserved the top beauty for the n-"

Lia sneered. Esteemed? He was nothing more than the son of a murderer.

She turned to the man, "Is this room free?"

Caught off guard, he nodded before he realised she made herself comfortable in the room.

"You cannot do this. Listen to me! I'll call-"

Lia grabbed him by the arm and pulled him closer to her. Her little smile illuminated her cold eyes. The male gulped yet he was entranced.

"How much does your top beauty earn? Regardless, I'll double it and you can keep 70% of it."


"Is it not ok?" Lia exerted more force on the grip and the male slightly winced in pain. Her gaze grew colder and he shuddered.


"Then bring him to me the moment he comes and don't disturb us," Lia let him go and her curved eyes reappeared.

The male just nodded and rubbed his arm on his way out.

"Oh, by the way," her voice made him tense up, "Can I compare to your top beauty?"

The male gulped, he felt any wrong word would cause her to viciously stab him. Even though he couldn't die, the aura she exuded literally made him feel being on the verge of death.

Her face was still half-hidden by her sleeve but just from her figure, her eyes and her hair, he could see she was more than qualified.

"Of course, of course!" he said sincerely and then hurriedly left.

Her eyes narrowed at the thought of him sizing her up like an object. What a revolting feeling and to think in the past she would always wonder if she was attractive enough, how she could be more appealing to Min.

Those were unpleasant thoughts and she threw them to the back of her mind.

The room was quite large and the ground was covered in a carpet and quilts that made it more comfortable to sit and lay on. At the end of the room, against the wall was a double-sized mattress with a blanket. Obviously used for body pleasing activities.

There were two windows and the moonlight shone through. The night was dark and the room under its light was calm and silent.

She felt weirdly at ease and briefly closed her eyes to prepare herself for what was about to come, for what she was about to do.

Her hands trembled and her eyelashes anxiously grazed her skin until her eyes fluttered open. She took a few deep breaths.

After Elder Z's son would step in, there was no going back for her anymore. She balled her fist. She would have to kill and kill, walk on a bloody path all alone. She thought about all those years of torture and raised her determination.

Tonight, she would kill the first person and tonight would mark a new change.

Somewhere still deep down inside of her, a fleeting thought captured her mind. She didn't want to do it. She couldn't kill a person. She was too innocent for this.

However, those thoughts were soon swallowed by a murderous desire as the door opened and with an arrogant bearing a male full of himself with a slight smirk strode in. He gave Lia a glance and said as if he was examining his new shoes,

"Not bad."

Then he sat opposite to her and cocked his head back. Lia's eyes narrowed and her lips curled up. She hid her face behind her sleeve again and seductively said, "I'm glad I'm to Master's liking."

In the Red Light District, females would have to call the males their 'Masters', after all, they should be grateful to have these men play with them.

"Very good," he licked his lips and his eyes glided over Lia's body.

"Very good," he repeated and pulled his loose clothes down to reveal his chest.

"Come here," he pointed his index finger at her.

Lia shyly shook her head and walked to the small table behind her with glasses and a bottle.

"Please drink something first, Master, isn't it tradition?" Lia knew that he would always drink first but she didn't think he would skip it today.

"No need," he pushed the cup away from him and his greedy eyes fixated on her.

"I want you."

Lia innerly cringed.

"You're new here, aren't you? The clerk told me you're supposed to be even better than the top beauty," he yanked her to him by grabbing her arm. Lia was alert, she didn't calculate he'd make a move this quickly.

"After all, I had to give up my reservation with her, so you'd better be worth it," he threw her to the ground and towered over her.

His nose trailed down her neck. Lia's eyes widened and she silently cursed.

This damned pervert.

"Master, please forgive me," she wanted to grab his hair and bang his head on the floor.

"Master, it'd be better to follow the tradition or else, how do they say, a prey tastes better after being chased."

"That's... true," he stopped and his eyes' dark glint assured her that if he didn't get what he wanted, she had to pay.

She smiled. Sooner or later, he was going to kneel before her anyways.

"Please drink," she poured him another cup. He abruptly gulped it down.

"Another one," she held him a second cup.

"Master, you are very impressive, befitting of the Z family," Lia had to stroke his ego and quickly finish this.

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