Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 130: Infiltration 17

Chapter 130: Infiltration 17

The content behind the mysterious door was unknown. There was no one that could know it except for Min. Or Timo as Lia hoped. However, she couldn't ask him herself.

The only person Lia could fathom to help her was Maria but it would be hard to get a hold of her. So, the next best person might be Nana.

Just on time, Lia made it back to catch Timo leaving and the students finishing their training. Zero's eyes slightly lit up seeing Lia but quickly dulled when she approached Nana. Zero pursed his lips and walked away.

Lia quickly whispered to Nana, "Meet me in the back again."

Lia was referring to the spot behind the dorms.

When Lia turned back around to the other students, Zero wasn't there anymore. But now she couldn't spare him any time.

Lia went to her office to collect her stuff and put them in her room, then she made her way to meet Nana who already waited for her.

"What did you want to talk about?"

In the midst of the thick trees, the two females stood, dark shadows mirrored on their faces.

Nana stepped to the side as Lia approached her, her glasses reflecting the barely visible white of the moonlight.

"I've discovered something," Lia leaned against a tree and took a deep breath. Many thoughts and pictures flashed through her mind but she banished them into a part of her brain that wouldn't see the light again.

"There's a room underneath the first building but it's locked with a password."

Nana rarely showed a solemn expression. She could guess from Lia's tone it was important, "You need the password."

"Yes," Lia actually didn't want Nana to do this as it would put her in danger if Timo got suspicious.

"It's ok," Nana took the burden off Lia's mind and reassured her. It wasn't hard for Nana to guess what Lia wanted her to do. The only problem was how she did it.

But before she could let Lia worry, Nana continued, "I'll figure out a way to ask the commander!"

A bright smile met Lia and she sighed at Nana's cheerfulness. Despite what Nana has been through, she was still able to smile happily.

"So, don't worry!" Nana also wanted an opportunity to prove herself.

Since she's met Lia, it has always been Lia or the others who saved her, Nana never had the chance to do something for them. Even if this was something small, Nana wanted to do it.

"Are you sure?" Lia still wasn't at ease.

"It is! Now go to bed!" Nana pushed Lia towards the dorms.

In front of the dorms, Lia saw the fleeting figure of Zero who instantly retreated from the doors when he was caught again by Lia.

Big steps were enough for Lia to catch up to him and turn him around by the shoulders, "How was the training?"

"What do you care about?"

"Didn't I tell you I care?"

Zero turned his back to Lia mumbling, "Okay," before he dashed away.

Lia walked to the teacher's dorm. At the lift, she met another unexpected person.

"Ah, Miss Kim!" The headteacher Lasso greeted Lia.

"Headteacher, what are you doing at this hour?"

"Went to the capital for some drinks," now that Lia looked at him closer, indeed he had a red tint on his cheeks.

"By the way, "Lasso moved closer to Lia, "The first years will have their first field mission in a few weeks' time."

Lasso giggled a bit but for Lia, this news was a chance for her to grip.

Lia excitedly took Lasso's hands, "Please headteacher, can I accompany the students?"

Lasso was a bit perplexed, "Which ones?"

"The third building! I really want to experience their progress!"

Lasso laughed, the alcohol went to his head, "Of course! Miss Kim's after all a great teacher! You can go with them, I'll arrange it for you."

The lift opened on Lasso's floor and he stepped out.

"Thank you, headteacher!" Lia bowed but told herself to remind him tomorrow in case he forgot, seeing how intoxicated he was. Was it even alright for a teacher to let themselves go like this on a school premise?

It didn't matter though, in a few week's time, if everything went according to Lia's expectations, this infiltration mission would be finally over.

In the large, soft bed Lia laid and stared at the ceiling. The time when she had to face Min was slowly counting down. Seeing Leo alone was already tugging the strings in her mind, pulling her forwards being hesitant. How would she feel when she saw Min again? Would her anger soar tremendously or would her worst fears come true?

Not long after, Lia fell asleep, hugging the blanket tightly.

A few days later, Lia was with Zero on training field 4 between building 2 and 3. Zero came into her office and wanted to show her his progress. Of course, the way he broke it to her was as defensive as ever.

"I'm pretty good now," Zero held his head high as several students stopped to watch him. Their whispers reached his ears but he paid them no heed.

Zero was still disliked by many. Compared to before however it has gotten much better. Zero was slowly able, through his efforts, make a better impression on others. Yet his old, 'close' friends still didn't forgive him for what he has done.

Zero put a broken plate on the ground and held his hand over it. Purple light surrounded it. A second later, the plate was restored.

"That's not all!" Zero hastily said, afraid that Lia thought he could only do that. Lia slightly smiled at his eagerness but then her smile dropped the instant Zero pulled out a knife. Ready to cut his own arm.

Lia rushed towards Zero and took the knife away, "I know you've put in a lot of hard work. It's amazing but don't harm yourself."

Zero hung his head low, "I just wanted to show you."

"You did," Lia patted his head, "It's unbelievable you can heal."

"Right?" Zero's eyes lit up.

Now Lia was sure that Zero could even repair her soul. His field trip was still a some time away, Lia hoped Zero could greatly improve.

"Yes, work hard."

"You can leave now," embarrassment caught up to Zero. He coughed lightly and continued to train.

Lia left him alone. She still had a bunch of work to do. Even if she was to leave the academy soon, she still felt the obligation to properly do her work as a teacher. The responsibility she had to do her best for the students.

Despite some of them aspiring to work for Min, they couldn't be faulted. The public blindly followed everything Min did with awe and praised him as the Ghost King, without knowing the true terror of motives that loomed behind his great faade and the reputation he built himself.

Lia closed her eyes. Various images floated in the darkness. Beautiful ones, sad ones until they all collided with each other forming a storm that sucked her consciousness up.

Lia ripped her eyes open and saw Nana waving her hand in front of her. Nana's wide eyes turned sad, "Lia," she whispered and gently wiped a tear from the corner of Lia's eyes away.

Lia was too absorbed that she didn't notice she cried. Why was she crying?

"The commander's suspicious," Nana knew it's best to change the topic, "But I managed to find out the password!"

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