Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 135: Mortal World

Chapter 135: Mortal World

Lia followed the boy as he took her across the city. Lia saw new aspects of the Mortal World and was in awe as always at all the things she had never seen before.

But she couldn't waste any time exploring this new world, she had to go back. The boy stopped in front of a shop, "Here it is. Imma go now!"

He left her alone with her only option being a clothing store. Lia didn't need a second glance to know that it wasn't what she was looking for.

He was after all a young kid, how could he know of immortals? But Lia took a closer look at the clothes in the window, they really looked like the ones she was wearing.

Maybe the owner had an idea, since the clothes were identical and only an immortal would know about these. With this conviction, Lia went inside the store.

It was a medium-sized place with countless clothes hanging from all parts of the store. Sectioned into different areas, Lia could see that this not only had her type of clothes but also ones that were classified as 'cosplay'.

At the counter sat a middle-aged man, seeing Lia, he pointed at the clothes, "Anything to your fancy, Miss?"

Lia obviously couldn't straight out ask him if he knew about immortals, so she took a different approach, "Who made those robes?"

"Who knows? Some company or what now."


"Yea, yea, you gon buy now or what?" the man got impatient.

This was a dead end. Probably in the past, there were some immortals who introduced this trend but they long had nothing to do with it now. Lia left the store and trailed alongside the streets.

Now she was out of options. Nowhere to turn, nowhere to go.

Suddenly, Lia stood still on the tracks. There was one important factor, she was forgetting. It was the fact that exorcists were stationed in the Mortal World!

She just needed to find them, then she could go back. Lia had to think of a way to obtain the information. Once again, she decided to head into a random place. Night already came and only a few lights were on indicating open spots.

Once Lia entered, she realised where she was. A bar. She wanted to leave but just at that moment, a guy came up from behind and swung his arm around her shoulders.

Lia's face instantly became colder but she let him drag her to the bar counter.

"Which drink, beautiful?"

"Will you pay for me?"

The grin on the man's face grew wider but Lia didn't look at him, instead, she stared straight at the bartender.

"Of course, of course!" the man shouted at the bartender to prepare a drink. It was clear he was drunk. Apart from them, there were 10 more customers, all males and drunk. They hollered and threw glances at Lia. Whistling as well as singing. It was clear it was all directed towards Lia.

The man still had his hand around Lia's shoulders, now it dangerously moved down her body. As the bartender mixed Lia's drink, he gave her an apologetic look.

Lia decided. The bartender was enough. As for leeching and perverted men like them, she loathed the most.

Lia smiled at the man next to her and his hands cheekily trailed below her back. Once the bartender gave her the drink, Lia swiped it off the table into her hand and poured the content over the male.

He stood up shouting slurs at her but the next second Lia smashed the glass over his head, grabbed him by the hair and banged his face onto the counter. What she couldn't stand the most was touched by men she hated. It reminded her of Min.

"What the fuck?" the other customers quickly sobered up. They saw the unconscious form of the man lying on the ground and Lia casually sitting on her chair, massaging her hand.

Her icy face met theirs. They stepped back before recollecting themselves. Lia sighed as the men charged at her. She knew they were drunk but being intoxicated wasn't an excuse for their behaviour. Lia was indeed too cruel with them. One after another one, they landed on the ground not moving.

After Lia has taken care of all of them, the only sound that appeared was the shattering of glass that slipped from the bartender's hands who was too shocked to flee the scene.

Lia indifferently locked the entrance door with a chair and walked up to the bar again. Then she fumbled around the unconscious male's clothes before pulling out his wallet.

With a drop, the wallet with quite a lot of money landed in front of the bartender, "He pays. Give me something sweet, not alcoholic."

"O-Ok," the bartender shook but still managed to fulfil Lia's request, "H-Here."

He gave her a drink and wanted to leave.

"Stay," Lia's cold voice froze every part of his body.

"Ok..." The bartender softly answered as all strength left him. He wanted to glide onto the floor and also pretend to be unconscious.

"They wake up soon enough. They're only unconscious," Lia clarified what the bartender already knew.

"I won't do anything to you."

The bartender relaxed but the next second he was walking on thin ice again.

"I need you."

Lia sized him up before continuing, "You can help me."


Lia downed the drink and nodded. Her slightly misty eyes and the tongue that swept across her plump lips almost lit a fire in the bartender's heart. If only he hadn't witnessed the one-sided brutality she was capable of with her small frame and delicate figure.

"Do you know of any ghosts or exorcists here?"

The male stared perplexed her, "Do you mean any exorcism services?"

The man thought it'd make sense if she was possessed. Lia was silent for a second, "You could say that."

"I-If that's the case, why don't you google?"

"Google?" Lia has never heard of that word.

"Yes, the internet."

"Internet?" Lia had no clue. The man was finally sure she was indeed possessed.

"You don't know what the internet is?"

"I don't?" Lia was as confused as him.

"It's a search engine. You can type in anything and find results," the man never had to explain to someone what the internet was, not even his grandparents. It was a given for it to exist but a young person like her has never heard of it? Did she come from a small island in the middle of nowhere?

"How do I use it? Do I need to be able to read? I can't read," Lia's honesty moved the man.

"I'll help you," the man pulled out his phone.

With Lia beating all customers unconscious and locking the door, the bartender's shift was basically over. Luckily, his boss wasn't in today.

"Then thank you," Lia's heart melted and he eagerly nodded.

"In this city? All exorcism services?" he added as Lia questioningly looked at him.

"For now, yes."

For a while, the man typed on his phone while Lia curiously watched. The Mortal World was really too convenient.

"Wow, there are quite a lot. Who knew people really believed in this," the bartender absent-mindedly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"N-Nothing!" he instantly got a hold of himself, "There are six services here. You can go to their offices. See," the male held up the phone in front of her. Lia was surprised to see a map on that tiny device.

"How do I get there? I'm not from here?"

"Really? Who are you?" it accidentally slipped out. He has never met a person like this. Maybe he was the drunk and unconscious person lying on the ground and this was all a dream.

"I'll print it out for you," the man disappeared and a while later came back with a paper and marked the places.

"If you don't know the directions, you can ask someone."

"Thank you," Lia was really grateful for the bartender's help.

"I'll stay here tonight."


"I don't have a place to sleep."

The bartender really wanted to drop dead.

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