Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 137: Mortal World 3

Chapter 137: Mortal World 3

This cultural shock was heavier than when Lia first arrived in the Mortal World. She remained frozen in front of the fence that surrounded the whole place to cut it off from intruders and outsiders.

Lia grabbed the fence and pressed her face through the metal gaps. She wanted to take a closer look but the fence was in her way. She could barely see inside the building.

"Quite the way to peek," an amused voice made Lia stop her embarrassing act.

She quickly turned around and saw a tall man. His facial features and his build could only be described as good-looking and handsome.

The little smile on his face made him look charming. His short black hair was a bit messy and graced his forehead. He wore a black shirt that was unbuttoned to his collar, revealing part of his toned chest. His sleeves were rolled up showing his strong arms.

Lia didn't dare to look below his shirt. She only looked at his face, wondering what she should say. She has never felt this way. For the first time, she was speechless and scrambled for words. Even meeting Min didn't hit her as hard as now, rather than that she energetically clung onto Min.

But with this gaze, she was too stunned and a bit flustered. Why in the world did these feeble emotions well up inside of her?

"Not saying anything?" seeing that Lia opened and closed her mouth, his smile deepened.

Yet, only now did Lia realise he looked a bit familiar. Where has she seen him before?

Feeling some sense of familiarity, Lia blurted out, "Are you an immortal? An exorcist? I accidentally used the portal and now can't go back."

Once those words left Lia, she bit her tongue. Why did she do something this stupid? The man's smile disappeared and his charming eyes fell on her necklace.

"Heh, I see," he held up his hand and with his index finger drew a circle in the air and filled it with a pattern. To Lia's surprise, the circle actually became visible and glowed in a red light.

With his fingers, the man grabbed the circle and picked it up like a piece of paper, then he flung it towards Lia and stuck it on her neck.

Lia didn't feel anything but soon the pattern glided into her skin and disappeared again.

"What did you do?" Lia became alarmed.

The man, however, widened his eyes before giving a warm smile, "So, it's like this."

"Like what?" Lia was lost.

"It's as you said. I'm an immortal. What's your name?"

Lia froze. She realised she was still in her teacher appearance, maybe it was better this way. She couldn't trust him yet, especially since he didn't say what he did to her.

Cautious, Lia answered, "It's Kim."

"Kim?" the man broke into laughter, "Good, Kim, I see."

Lia got frustrated. What was wrong with him? For some reason, he made her unbelievably irritated.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself?" Lia followed the man on his way to the base.

"My bad. It's Yano."


Lia stopped. He was Yano? The Yano? The top exorcist? A weirdo like this?

No wonder he irritated her like this. Lia could still remember, the illusion Fourth of the Z family put her in.

Even though it was only an illusion and not the real Yano, he was annoying back then and now that she met him in person he was indeed annoying as well. Lia instantly disliked him.

"Yep, the Yano," Yano spoke out her thoughts and turned to her with a little smirk.

Lia's lips formed a thin line, "Well, the Yano is nothing special as everyone made him out to be."

"You think so?"

Lia could see the amused glint in his eyes as if he was mocking her. Instantly a few veins wanted to pop on her forehead but she remained calm. She needed to be on his good side, so she can return to the Immortal World.

For the rest of the walk, Lia ignored any attempt made by Yano to talk and he helplessly shrugged his shoulders. They entered the base and once again Lia was overcome by shock.

The inside looked not only modern but also futuristic. High-tech gears laid around everywhere and smooth black walls led through the dark blue hallways with the bright lights on the ceilings.

Since this was a hexagon, one hallway circled around the whole base with several running to the centre where they headed to. A few doors popped up every once in a while leading into different rooms. On their way, they met quite a lot of people. They all wore mortal clothes but Lia knew that they were immortals.

However, Yano took Lia straight to the centre that was an open room with four people sitting in there. Three males and a woman.

"Oh, you're back and- who's that?" curiously a guy with blonde hair inspected Lia from head to toe.

"Nothing special about her!" a fierce female shouted at the guy. The blonde guy laughed and ran back to pat her head.

On the other side, the two other males didn't even realise Yano and Lia came.

A smaller male relentlessly shoved paperclips into the taller guy's hair who didn't seem to be bothered, instead closed his eyes and occasionally shifted his position.

"Guys, I thought you were working. Instead, you sent me out on my own while you lazed around?" Yano pulled a small black square cushion for Lia to sit on. It had no back but was extremely comfortable.

"Who's this?" the female didn't look too happy about Lia's arrival.

"Oh, a newbie?" finally the smaller guy noticed Lia and circled with great interest around her before Yano grabbed him by the collar and put him next to the tall guy's place.

"This is Kim," Yano introduced her, Lia nodded, "She accidentally got here, so she wants to go back."

"Accidentally?" the female sneered and raised her eyebrows.

"Skyla be nice," the blonde guy said and in an instant, the fierce Skyla nodded embarrassed, "Ok."

Lia decided to tell them a bit of the truth, "It was accidental. You could say so. Actually, I was pushed into the portal when it opened."

"Pushed? By who?"

"By" Lia couldn't bring herself to say it was one of her students. She still didn't know Zero's motives for doing so.

"It doesn't matter," Yano came to her rescue and sat next to her, "You want to go back, right?"


"Well, that's a bit tricky."


"The gate back to the Immortal World only opens during full moon," the blonde guy said.

"And the next one is in a month," Yano continued.

"What? That's too long!" Lia panicked, "Arent there any other options?"

"No," finally the tall guy spoke.

"What? Got a lover waiting?" Yano cheekily grinned but Lia paid him no attention. In a month? Xavi and the others must be worried by now. Lia bit her lip. She couldn't stay here and waste her time.

"There's nothing you can do. Whatever business you got, it has to wait," Skyla crushed all of Lia's hope.

"Don't be down, Kim! I'm Holn, we'll have a lot of fun here!" the smaller guy said.

"Don't annoy her," Yano pushed him away.

"For now you can stay here until the portal opens," Yano turned to Lia who only nodded.

"Let me introduce the others, the fierce beauty and her lover are Skyla and Mil."

"Hey Yano, w-what the hell?" both of them turned red and looked away from each other.

"Although they still haven't confessed," this Yano whispered into Lia's ear. His hot breath hitting her skin made her tingle inside. She moved away from him.

"Finally, the silent guy is Lu. We're captains, each leads their own team of exorcists," Yano turned to Lia, "But you're lucky, you could've dropped anywhere but you came to this city. It's fate, don't you think?"

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