Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 146: Mortal World 12

Chapter 146: Mortal World 12

Back at the base, Yano brought Lia to her bed and tightly wrapped her in a blanket. After he made sure she was comfortable, he wiped her last tears away and proceeded to go to the base.

"Yano, over here," Skyla called Yano from a room. Upon entering, the five mortals slept on small beds while a few exorcists applied treatment.

They were put to sleep.

"It's nothing serious, they'll be fine," Skyla explained.

"Ok," Yano drew on each of the mortals' heads a circle. It shimmered in golden before disappearing into their skins.

"They shouldn't be able to remember anything," Yano got up to leave when Skyla stopped him.

"Is Kim alright?"

Yano was confused for a second to figure out who Skyla meant before he softly said, "Yes, don't worry."

Skyla watched Yano hurry away. Probably back to her side. Skyla felt Yano's power and abilities were really too unfair. How could someone possess almost everything?

Also, this Kim, although Skyla liked her, she couldn't understand why Yano was so into her. This was their first time meeting, wasn't it?

The only female Yano has ever shown an interest in was the suffering ex-fiance of the Ghost King, Lia. But now she wasn't even alive. It was too unfathomable for Skyla.


Something hot and heavy gripped Lia's body and she, on a beat, ripped her eyes open.

"You're awake?''

In this dimly lit room, Lia laid in her bed and as she turned her head, she saw Yano sitting next to her bed on a chair.

She wanted to stand up. Wanted to but couldn't.

Yano has wrapped her so tightly in the blanket, she could barely move.

"Please free me," Lia refused to look at Yano as she said that. She just remembered the embarrassing moment between them and couldn't bear to face reality. She wanted to forget it.

"Alright," Yano's voice was gentle and coaxing. She didn't want him to think she was weak or soft, enough to falter at something small, so his tone made her angry.

That time was just an exception because she has stored everything inside of her for a long time until it came to a breaking point where she couldn't keep it to herself anymore.

Lia sat up and felt a bit dizzy.

"Take it easy, you only slept for two hours," Yano gently pressed her back on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Lia talked to the wall.

She really didn't look at him. She'd hate herself if she did because she knew she was going to falter.

"I was afraid you'll be lonely without me."

Lia could hear the playfulness in his voice, "Even if I'd never turn to you."

"Ah," Yano sighed, "My clothes are completely wet and your eyes are still red. I wonder."

"Be quiet!" Lia pulled the blanket over her head. So annoying! So, so annoying! She was lost at that time, that was why she turned to him, allowing him to touch her!

"I like watching you sleep," another cheeky and creepy statement made it past his lips.

Lia glared at the inside of the blanket before she felt suffocating and only allowed her head to lurk out.

"How are the mortals?"

"They're doing fine, don't worry about them," Yano's sneaky hand stroked Lia's head but, surprisingly, she let him. No matter what she said or did, it was useless. He still did as he pleased. Also, because it felt good. A little bit.

"With a bit more training, you'll become better."

Lia felt tears welling up again and couldn't stop herself from blurting out, "Why are you so nice to me?"

Taken aback, Yano retracted his hand and thought, "Am I?"

So he was fooling around! Lia didn't know she was pouting unwillingly and seeing her, Yano laughed.

"Because you're cute," he finally said.

All oxygen vanished from Lia's lungs. Because she was what?

No one has ever called her cute. There was nothing cute about her and she didn't like it that Yano had that notion of her. Even if he was teasing her.

Lia decided to ignore him before she heard him say, "Because you're my purpose. Something for the first time I wan-"

Lia quickly rose to cover his mouth. In her eyes was slight panic while in Yano's was only gentleness and another emotion Lia never wanted to experience again.

Yano was just fooling around, she told herself. He didn't mean it.

"Please leave," Lia dropped her hands and went back to hide under the blanket.

Love at first sight? Was it this?

Lia didn't want to love again, didn't want to sacrifice all of her for a man.

Especially not someone like Yano who didn't look like he could truly fall for one person. Especially not Yano, who didn't even know how she really looked like, who she really was and who knew nothing of her.

The affection and love in his eyes were all fake. He was deluding himself into liking her and consequently deluding her. It would be best to keep her distance from him. Cold men like Min could never be loved and flirtatious men like Yano should never be loved.

Lia would never fall in love again, never love anyone ever again. All she wanted was to escape the shackle of the past and start a new life.

With no love or romance being able to shatter her. All she needed was to live with her friends peacefully and watch them being happy. That was enough.

Such things as love or family, she didn't need to experience anymore.

The next morning came and Lia didn't appear at breakfast, nor did Yano come to bother her.

So, he got the clue and left her alone, however, even though Lia should be happy about it, it slightly stung. For the training, Lia also didn't want to go, instead, she headed to Skyla.

"You're not training?"

Lia shook her head.

"Why not?" Skyla asked without getting the clue.

"Because, "Lia only said.

"Ha, understood. Don't be mad at him, he's annoying but a good person. Yano really likes you, he's never shown-"

"I don't care," Lia coldly said and Skyla dropped the topic.

"My bad," despite Skyla being fierce, she also had a soft side to her.

"Sorry," Lia became conscious of her attitude and apologised.

"It's ok, you guys need time," Skyla patted Lia.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," currently Lia sat in Skyla's room.

"Sure, fire ahead."

Lia took a deep breath and asked, "Can you show me how to use the internet?"

"You want to learn it?" Skyla grinned, "Turn on the laptop."


Skyla pointed at a thin rectangle metallic thing. For the next few hours, Skyla taught Lia all there was and Lia finally got the hang of it.

"You already learnt the mortal alphabet?" Skyla was impressed.

"Yeah, it was hard work."

"I feel you, took me a whole damn month!"

"Sorry for taking up all of your time."

"No worries," Skyla stood up and jumped once, "I've got a mission, you coming?"

Lia shook her head.

"Avoiding Yano?"

Shocking and surprising, Skyla read Lia like a book. Lia only coughed once but didn't say anything. For some reason, she felt too embarrassed.

"Suit yourself, you can take the laptop and use it, just return it when you're finished."

"Thank you," Lia was actually excited about this mortal technology.

Back in her room, Lia searched for her actual goal. Since she didn't want to train with Yano anymore, she had to find another way to practise.

It was also better to stop here because, at this point, Yano couldn't help her after all he shouldn't know about her ability to control corpses and of the Immortal King's identity.

Therefore what Lia needed was a place brimming with corpses. A cemetry as the morals called it. The nearest one wasn't that far away.

Having noted the location, Lia left the base and made her way to the cemetery, anticipating how well she could do with her lifeforce now, instead of her soul.

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