Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 154: Mortal World 20

Chapter 154: Mortal World 20

In the hotel room, a hundred unknown feelings swirled around. The temperature was neither warm nor cold. Solely tenderness and anticipation crashed with each other, the particles shattered around the sole two people in the room. One on the bed, the other one sitting next to it.

"You know the motives of Min?" the surprise and expectations made Lia's voice hoarse. A moment of silence had followed after Yano asked her if she wanted to know.

Yano tilted his head and a scowl appeared on his face, "Don't call him by his name."

"Oh, I mean the Ghost King," Lia realised that she has been referring the Ghost King as Min. No one that wasn't close to him or knew him personally would do that. Why did she do that? She wasn't this careless usually. It was just that she was used to it and she felt comfortable around Yano enough to let her guard down, not that she would admit it to him.

"Why are you calling him Min?"

Even though Lia has already corrected herself, Yano didn't drop the topic.

"Does it matter?"

"It does."

Lia sighed, she really had no idea what was going through his head. Was it perhaps jealousy? If it was then it did make Lia fuzzy inside but she put on a blank, indifferent face, pretending not to see the obvious displeased look of Yano. Lia cautiously thought about her words.

"You should call your enemy by their name."

"Hm, you really have your way with words," Yano finally smiled and Lia wanted to pull the blanket over her face again. This was too embarrassing. He knew she was lying but still dared to point it out so blatantly, on top of that he even gave her a compliment. At least she hoped it was and not him just teasing her. On the other side, his smile made his words seem genuine.

"I hope in the future you can smooth talk me like this."

It took a second but now Lia got his intention. This!

She turned her head away from him. Her sweaty hair clung onto her forehead and it looked like baby hair. It was endearing in Yano's eyes.

"Can we return to the topic?"

"Alright," Yano complied. His hands hovering above her head before he retracted it again. He let such a good opportunity slide but not to encourage her anger to stab him further, he decided it was best to retreat right now.

"During my second year in the aca-"

"Wait," Lia turned back to him and stopped Yano, "Are you sure you want to tell me confidential information like this? Aren't you afraid I might be a spy?"

Even though Lia's goal was to stop Min and an ally like Yano would be the best, she didn't understand why he would tell her about important secrets so easily. Did he really believe and trusted her or was it confidence? Confidence that even if she would tell Min, Yano, with his strength, would easily stop her? For some reason, Lia hoped for the former.

"Why?" Yano was genuinely surprised, "Didn't you just say yourself that the Ghost King is an enemy?"

"That's true" but Yano never said that he also viewed the Ghost King as an enemy.

"Also, it's too late to keep secrets from each other, you know about my power and I know about yours, our life forces are compatible, so what else more intimate could we share?"

This was indeed right, apart from Lia's true identity and appearance, Yano knew the two most vital things for an immortal. Their power and their lifeforce. More than that, Lia's life was already subject to Yano once as she allowed him to purge Min's power.

Yet the most vulnerable thing and the most treasured thing for an immortal was their lifeforce and if two life forces were compatible with each other- there was no more intimate bond than this.

"And," Yano continued, his stare not leaving her, "Itt doesn't matter if you turn out to betray me because I'll always trust and support you. So trust me a little bit more."

These words caused Lia to slightly choke up. Why? Why did Yano have so much trust in her? It bordered, no it was already unconditional. Why was he acting like this towards her?

And trust in him? Willingly or unwillingly, Lia has subconsciously trusted Yano since the beginning. All the things she allowed him to see, all the things she allowed him to do if she didn't trust him, then would she confide in him?

Slight tremors tore on Lia's heart and she nodded. It was scary, giving someone else control over her life, and having someone else's life in her hands- yet it was also beautiful.

"During the time in the academy, I've overheard the Ghost King's plan to turn both worlds into a paradise only for ghosts as he recruited the ones you know now as the private army. The others, Mil, Skyla, Holn and Lu are the only ones that know of it here," Yano explained.

"So your goal is?"

"You don't seem to be surprised," Yano grinned, "Well, you referred to 'Min' as the enemy so I let it slide."

"Should I be thankful?"

"You should."

"I'm not."

Yano sighed and put on a sad expression, "You're always so mean to me"

Lia glanced at him and indeed he was giving her his puppy expression again. She ignored him. Yano's sigh this time was long and unbelievably the dramatic kind of sad. Lia continued to ignore him.

"The goal is obvious, stop Min, but we want to continue to take care of the Mortal World too, this is our personal mission."

"Personal?" what did Yano mean by that?

"I'll explain in the future," Yano's finger gently caressed Lia's cheeks and he seemed too absent-minded. He didn't even notice that Lia was staring at him and inexplicable feelings rose in her. She quickly turned away.

"My goal's also to stop the Ghost King," after a while of being caressed by Yano, Lia finally spoke up. Realising what he was doing, Yano quickly retracted his hand and cautiously looked at Lia, but she didn't seem to mind and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to make her angry again.

"Didn't I tell you?" Yano's little smile returned, "We're perfect for each other."

"Go away," this time it was Lia who scowled, Yano laid his arms next to her on the bed and just stared at her with a lovestruck expression she wanted to punch away.

"No," he just said, but then added, "I'll support you as much as I can, I'll stay in the Mortal World but will come back to find you in the Immortal World. So just wait a bit for me, I'll join you soon."

"How can you even find me?" once again Lia was reminded of the fact that Yano didn't even know how she looked like. When she's back in the Immortal World, she would discard this identity forever. Also, the person Yano seemed to like wasn't Lia but it was Kim. Lia had to remember this fact.

"I will," Yano took Lia's black strand of hair and kissed it. He was tempted to lay everything bare but it wasn't time yet. He didn't want to reveal that he knew.

"When will you come?" Lia fought against this question making it past her lips but in the end, she lost, she wanted to know the answer. Even though he said soon, when was soon?

"As soon as we're finished here."

"Go away."

Yano laughed and kissed her forehead, "Sleep a bit more, we'll head to the others tomorrow morning."

Yano disappeared and Lia couldn't admit but wished he would stay. But then she realised a crucial point, if Yano's and the others' goal was to stop whatever Min has planned in the Mortal World, how could he think that Lia alone could stop Min in the Immortal World? Did he know she had allies? She did mention she needed to go back to help the others, so maybe Yano drew the conclusion from this.

Without thinking much more, Lia cuddled into her blanket and felt her cheeks slightly burning. She shook the heat away and then fell asleep, wondering where Yano was sleeping. But Yano wasn't sleeping, he used the opportunity while Lia was asleep to continue purging vengeful ghosts until the next morning.

He was used to endless sleepless and working nights and days, so this was nothing too unusual for him.

Once Lia woke up, they headed to the next area where Mil was. Out of all captains, Mil's power was convenient but also a huge disadvantage. Since Mil was a support type and not a fighter. His ability didn't help him much to purge a large amount of ghosts or actually any ghosts at all, so Mil's area was the one that was at the most disadvantage.

Just when Lia and Yano arrived, the horrible sight, even worse than they've expected, met them and caused them to frown.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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