Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 157: Mortal World 23

Chapter 157: Mortal World 23

The rest of the country swarmed by ghosts was quickly purged thanks to Yano's reinforcement. It took them a bit over a week but everything has returned to its usual state. The mortals were still grieving but the cities were functioning again and the mass panic disappeared.

There were only five days left till the full moon, and Lia dragged the arrival of it but was also eager to see everyone again. She didn't know how to feel. She had a great time, albeit busy and stressful, with everyone here. The even better thing was that Lia's power improved at a great speed. She could control up to ten ghosts now.

It was only the beginning of the pinnacle of her powers. To commorate their efforts, they wanted to celebrate, but everyone knew that this was only the first stage and even worse events would come in the future.

They had to focus on strengthening their defence in the cities and making sure that the talismans were functioning properly as well as finding out the spy, and getting in contact with other countries to see how things were faring over there.

For the last few days, Yano clung onto Lia more than ever. She couldn't even go one step without him being behind her, Lia's veins threatened to pop, "Isn't the captain supposed to do his work?"

"Let's train," Yano smiled sheepishly and then added, "Don't forget you said you'll call me by my name."

"I can't seem to remember," they were on their way to the meeting hall to discuss with the others.

"L-" Yano quickly stopped himself and smoothly said, "Liar! You can remember you just don't want to."

"If you know it don't ask," Lia swung her hair back and entered the meeting room.

"You don't always have to be so cold towards me."

"Having a couple fight again? Can I join? Can I? Can, can, can I?" Holn was enthusiastically twirling on his chair.

"Shut up," Lia drew a line, "Stop trying to lump me together with him."

Yano sulked and showed Lia his puppy eyes. The others scowled at that sight and even Lia put on a scowl but her heart actually moved.

"Screw off Yano, no one wants to see it," Skyla was annoyed and condemned Yano for his ridiculous act. If she knew Yano would act like this around a girl, she would've never let him be anywhere near her to witness this cringe-fest.

"Ok, ok, back to topic," Mil caressed Skyla's hand and Skyla immediately coughed as her cheeks were tainted a red hue.

"I've called you to discuss about Kim's biggest wish," Mil started off dramatically.

"What? Shouldn't we discuss the future-"

"Shhh, my dear," Holn braided Lu's hair who almost fell asleep, "You don't need to worry about that, you're only here for how many days? 5? You need to enjoy!"

"Enjoy what?" Yano had a bad feeling, he wanted to keep Lia for himself, what did these clowns have now planned? But what was this biggest wish Mil spoke off? How come he didn't know of it?

Yano gave Lia an aggrieved look which she ignored but her finger quickly moved to his hand before retracting it again. She was bumping him! Yano's mood improved quickly. A triumphant smile appeared on his face and Skyla scowled even more. He was acting like a complete fool.

"Say it, what's her biggest wish?"

"Are you jealous, Kim told it Mil but not you? Are you? Are you? Must feel bad huh, oh poor Yano-" Holn hit the table as Lu pushed his head down.

"Sorry," Holn meekly said as Yano glared at him.

"Say it quickly before Yano's going to burst," Lu spoke up. Lia felt like that everyone secretly loved making fun of Yano, she also enjoyed it.

"Kim's wish, the very big important wish we are going to grant is, to visit a restaurant! Actually," Mil pointed at the powerpoint presentation, "I've made a detailed list of all the places we need to check within these five days, so the schedules gonna be pretty packed. Everyone's going to love it."

"Is that really Kim's wish or yours?" Skyla gave Mil a look and he pleaded with her the same way Yano did with Lia, then he gave a sad look at Lia but Yano quickly covered Lia's eyes so she didn't have to witness this abomination in Yano's eyes.

"It was mine," Lia came to Mil's rescue while pulling Yano's hand down.

"You don't need to cover for him," Skyla sighed and smiled when she saw how excited Mil was.

"Why didn't you say earlier? I could've taken you out without," Yano narrowed his eyes at everyone but Lia, "Them."

"I don't want to be alone with you," Lia coldly said and Yano gave her his best puppy expression.

"AHAHAHA," Holn had a great time, "Kim, do you know what? Yano has never cooked in his life, he just slaps whatever he sees onto a plate and voila his meal's done, he's the least person to care about food nor could ever cook. You gotta taste his food, disgusting, bland and unappetizing."

"Holn, you really don't want to liv-"

"What? But he cooks for us every day when we were at the base," Lia was confused, Yano's cooking wasn't too bad, it tasted ok and was edible. Lia didn't know why Holn thought he was bad at cooking.

Everyone, even Lu, whistled at the news, "Yano, you never cooked for me once!! We've known each other forever! You don't even cook for your bro! The mortals say 'Bros before chicks'!"

"Oh really?" Skyla wore an aslant smile and Mil instantly froze, "It was just a joke, I didn't mean it! You know no one's more precious than you!"

Skyla crossed her arms and glared at Mil, "Your food's more important."

"No, no, it isn't, you are more important!"

"Fine, you said it, for one week, no extra food."

"OOk," Mil meekly agreed but everyone could see how torn his heart was, he was literally wearing his heart on his tongue.

"Is Yano's food edible?" this was of great interest to Lu, he could still remember that one time when the cafeteria ran out of food and they were too lazy to go to a restaurant, so Yano proclaimed himself as a chef and tried to poison them all to death. He still had a slight trauma from it. Every time Yano went even near the kitchen, Lu involuntarily flinched. It was a horrible memory.

"Yeah, it's not bad," Lia pushed Yano's face away that turned from expectations to a happy smile.

"See guys, I'm a good cook."

"You practised didn't you?" heartbroken Mil choked up.

"Yup a lot, I didn't want you to eat something bad, I practised and studied how to cook a lot, praise me," now Yano didn't even hide what he wanted. Lia's lips formed a thin line. Yano learnt how to cook just for her?

"Thank you."

Yano had to be satisfied with that, "Always," but he was more than happy to receive any kind of acknowledgement from Lia.

"While you almost wanted to murder us," this one vibrant memory, Lu would never forget.

Lia didn't hear what Lu said as Yano covered her ears, "Don't talk bad about me in front of her, you always drag me down!"

Everyone blanked, they've never seen Yano act this whiny. The power of love was really frightening. Mil and Skyla stared at each other before turning their heads away, would they also turn into that thing that Yano was?

The same evening, the six of them started their journey of exploring the food. The first restaurant was a high-end one and quite posh. They had a dress code, so everyone had to dress up. Much to Yano's and Mil's delight.

Skyla's red hair and fierce personality was paired with a long, burgundy dress that reached to her ankles. A pair of black high heels graced her feet. Lia wore a light-blue satin dress reaching her knees that looked equally good in her black or her blonde hair.

The dress was handpicked by Yano who spent a good few hours choosing what would fit Lia. After all, she would look good in anything. Her outfit was paired with nude high heels and her shoulder-length hair effortless flowed with her appearance.

As the group arrived at the restaurant, all eyes turned to them and their jaws dropped in awe. They have never seen any more good looking people than those six. Even celebrities couldn't hold a candle to them.

Yano suddenly regretted his decision of letting Lia wear this. On one hand, she looked stunning and he couldn't stop gushing over her but on the other hand, this meant that other guys could also look at her.

Realising this, Yano quickly took off his jacket and put it over Lia, not noticing that with that action his toned chest and muscle showed through his shirt and made all the females drool and was the centre of envy of men. Yet Lia saw it and was quite displeased. Curse Yano and his handsomeness.

Once they were seated and Lia looked at the menu she was hit with a lot of items she had no idea of but Yano took everyone's menu away and casually said to the waiter, "One of everything please."

When the other guests heard that, their jaws reached the floor and everyone gasped in awe. Too damn cool! All of them were.

"Are they making you uncomfortable? Do you want me to-" Lia pushed Yano away and adjusted her dress, "Don't even think of harming the mortals."

"I wasn't I was just thinking about making them vanish, they'll be at home, safe."


"If wif- I mean if you say so."

Lia gave him a weird look, what did he want to say? But the food came and the night of enjoyment has begun.

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