Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 159: Mortal World 25

Chapter 159: Mortal World 25

It took a while before Lia could calm down and now Yano sat next to her on the bed and put her head on his chest. She still didn't want to admit nor could, so she involuntarily pushed him away.

He laughed and rubbed her hair, "Come on, don't pretend. The second you saw me, you came crashing onto me, are we just ignoring that?"

"Yes," Lia straightened her appearance but looked at Yano hesitatingly. She was afraid of the answer but she desperately needed to know, "Yano-"

"Yes?" Yano's eyes lit up as he heard her saying his name. He loved it whenever his name softly came from her lips as if through that he could confirm what he meant to her.

"Say it a few times more."

"Be quiet."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry," Yano reached out to pat her but she pushed him away. She felt even more embarrassed now.

Two times. She has cried two times in front of him. She has never cried in front of anyone more than once. Never. And now he witnessed it not once, but twice.

"Be honest-"

"I'm always honest to you."

"Let me finish talking!"

"Ok, ok," Yano's hand was once again flung away by Lia.

Lia took a deep breath before saying with slight anticipation Yano didn't miss, "What... What's the colour of my hair?"

"It's a beautiful black, just like mine, how compatible," Yano said tenderly but the unmistakable playfulness in his voice was still there.

But this... this was the answer Lia wanted to hear. Now that she received it, she had no idea how to act. What should she say? What should she do?

Finally after a few seconds passed, Lia could choke out, "What have you done? How did you know?"

"Know what?"

Lia could see that Yano was playing dumb, so she pushed him on the shoulders, "That this is my real appearance."

"So, you admit?"

"Were you waiting for me to reveal it?"

"Maybe," Yano smiled, his eyes radiated nothing but tenderness, "I knew from the beginning, the moment I saw you."


"This," Yano touched the little gem on her necklace.

"This?" did Yano know who the owner of this power was? Yet Yano didn't get into more detail, "Also, only the captains know, everyone else sees your fake identity."

"Your power is really unfair."

"You already said that. It'll all belong to you sooner or later," Yano took this opportunity to nudge himself closer to Lia and his nose rubbed her cheek, "Once we meet again in the Immortal World, I'll tell you everything and we'll have a proper talk, alright?"

Lia wanted to know the answers, everything now, but there must be a reason why Yano didn't want to tell her, so she only nodded in agreement. This might be better. She could bask in ignorance and this bliss because once she knew the truth, would it still be beautiful?

Right now, all Lia cared about was that Yano knew how she really looked like. And this thought made her happy.

Then she realised that Yano sneakily plastered himself to her and she stood up, he gave her a pout and Lia raised her eyebrow, "I wanted to tell you that since the beginning but your pouting or you acting cute does not have any effect, so stop that."

Indeed, it had the opposite effect. It was too deadly. If Yano continued that, Lia didn't know what she would do with her heart. Maybe she would really throw it against his face before he catches it in his hand and cherishes it forever.

"Really? How can you say no to my adorable face?"

Lia was now more annoyed than happy, "Don't compliment yourself."

"Eh? Why not? Cmon, my wif- my dear needs to appreciate her hus- I mean her hub-"

"Be quiet!" Lia shoved her hand over Yano's mouth, she knew what he wanted to say. He was doing all of it on purpose. This This!

"Stop acting so intimate!"

"Who was the one jumping into my arms?" he would hold it forever against her.

"I thought you were an enemy so I wanted to tackle you to the ground and rip 'that' out."


"Yes, 'that' " Lia glanced down at Yano, "Apparently, you can only think with 'that'."

Yano gasped dramatically, "I would never! If you do that, then how could I plea-"

"Be quiet, already," Lia hissed and stormed out of the room. Wasn't he embarrassed by everything that his mouth produced? Did he even think before talking?

Lia headed to the ground floor where Lu caught her, "Kim."

Lia stopped and put on a normal face before turning around and smilingly asked, "Yes?"

"The others are waiting. Mil has prepared a feast, come join us, you'll be going soon, right?"

"Oh yes," that was right, Lia would be leaving soon. Lia silently followed Lu. Since she came here, the one she talked the least to was Lu. She didn't know how to start a conversation with him and it seemed like he didn't like to talk too much, although he was subject to Holn's playful nature.

Once they arrived outside, in front of the base, Lia smelled the delightful smell of barbecue. She saw all the exorcists, bathing in the sun while Mil was grilling and Skyla handed out the food. Holn, on the other side, prepared the drinks. Lia picked up some conversation as she walked past the exorcists towards Mil, "It's a good feeling to rest like this."

"It's even better if the captains work for you, for once, hehe," the exorcists were enjoying themselves when they realised that Lu just walked past them. They instantly jumped up from their sun chairs and saluted.

"It's ok, don't mind me," Lu said before he and Lia arrived in front of Mil.

"Amazed by my cooking skills? Try one, here," Mil handed Lia a plate fresh off the grill and watched her in anticipation. Lia guessed he wanted to see her reaction. The food was indeed good.

"And, is it better than Yano's cooking?"

"100 times."

"Haha, did you hear that? Did you?" Mil was laughing when Lia realised that Yano stood behind her, sulking. Lia shocked, hurried to comfort him, "You're only a beginner and Mil is a pro, so-"

"Really?" Yano's eyes lit up when he saw that Lia wanted to comfort him, Lia instantly dropped her worried face and ignored him.

The whole day passed by quickly and the dreaded full moon came. All the exorcists said goodbye to Lia before returning to their mission, while only Lia and the five captains remained, waiting for the full moon and the portal to open.

"Where does the portal open?"

"In the sky," Holn answered, "Yano could fling you up, how about it? You know once Lu was flung by me and-"

"That's not true," Lu retorted quickly. It seemed the liquor made him more talkative and lightheaded.

"Oh Lu, don't lie, no need to feel embarrassed here, your dignity was long destroyed by me," Holn slyly grinned but Lu just narrowed his eyes at Holn as if there were dozens of his nightmare cruising around. If Holn knew that, there would be no end to Lu's suffering.

"It's soon," Yano held Lia's hand and gave her a sad smile, "I'll come find you, promise you won't push me away?"

Once again, Lia had no idea why Yano was acting this way but moved, she just nodded and squeezed his hand. A dazzling smile spread and he pulled her closer to hug her.

Suddenly, the others made disgusting noises.

"Lu's heart's broken, he's the only one single here," Holn cried out laughing while Lu was unfazed.

"Aren't you single too?" Skyla gave Holn a disdaining look.

"Nope, not in my heart. My heart has my dear bunny."

"Who?" everyone turned to him.

"I go see her every day," Holn was spouting nonsense as finally, the full moon appeared and the portal started to open.

Lia was reluctant to leave more than ever but slowly left Yano's hug. It was time for her to go but this would only be a temporary goodbye.

After a few deep breaths, just when Lia came to terms with leaving, one of the exorcists came running towards them.

"It's bad!" he screamed, he stumbled and fell, before jumping up and shouted, "The ghosts, they have appeared everywhere again! It's even worse than before!"

Everyone fell silent before they realised the meaning. The cheerful yet sad atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Everyone, even in their drunkness was shaken awake. It was beginning again. Just when they let their guards down.

A second wave was hitting the Mortal World. Just what was going on?

"Kim, we'll see you later!"

Skyla, Mil, Lu and Holn ran towards the base after their brief goodbye while Yano looked at Lia.

"I'll stay here and help," decisively Lia wanted to walk to the base when Yano stopped her, "As much as I wish you stay here, you have to go back. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"II," Lia wanted to say she didn't want to but these words didn't come out as Yano pressed a gentle kiss on the corner of her lips.

"Wait for me," he said and then without even waiting for Lia to react, he pushed her through the portal that opened and then closed it immediately. With a lingering gaze, he turned away and rushed towards the base. Lia should be safe in the Immortal World for now.

Meanwhile, inside the portal, Lia started crying at this abrupt parting before the hard impact of the ground collided with her. The fall woke Lia up from her daze and she found herself back at the abandoned area she was in the capital when Zero pushed her into the portal.

But this time, an eerie silence overcame her. Lia could feel it in an instant. There was something wrong.

It should be day since the time in the portal flowed slightly faster, but the dark sky and the sun covered by many clouds gave off an ominous atmosphere that was brewing around Lia. It was incredibly suffocating to the point it squeezed into every pore of Lia's skin and melted into her bloodstream to provide a terrifying feeling.

And then-

And then, as if all came crashing down on her, blood-freezing screams, ear tearing howls and heartbreaking crying appeared, capable enough of shaking the air and make it vibrate with despair.

Lia rushed towards the first layer of the capital but the sight she was met with was bone-chilling.

Nothing but two words could describe this slaughter right in front of her eyes.

A battlefield.

The capital has turned into a bloody battlefield for a raging war with no end in sight.

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