Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 166: Attack 7

Chapter 166: Attack 7

With narrowed eyes, Lia watched her right ear falling onto the ground. The distance between her and the soldiers was at least 20m, yet their range was able to hurt her. She needed to get rid of them. On the count of 3, Lia stopped and turned around.

Seeing them charging at her, Lia only had one shot to get it right. It was a gamble. Mika would call her reckless if he saw what she was about to do. The sticky blood ran down her neck into her clothes and together with the pain, an uncomfortable feeling spread.

But she had no time to waste on healing her wound and regenerating her missing ear. Her focus was on her life force that poured out of her ring. Seeing the oncoming soldiers who kept throwing attacks at her, she didn't doge, instead, Lia turned her life force into a ball and transferred it to her other hand. Then she formed a second life force.

The soldiers were confused as to why Lia kept standing there, taking their attacks but they didn't think much about it and continued to charge at her.

They only saw Lia's life force when it was too late. Since Lia's life force was white and smoke like, it was hard to notice.

As they saw the two smaller balls in her hands, they halted but Lia was one step faster. The moment their eyes were on her hand, Lia charged at them and drilled her ball into the chests of two soldiers.

The last thing the two soldiers did was unintentionally follow her hand's movements before their view rolled towards the sky and they fell backwards to the ground. Their bodies twitched as Lia's life force ran rampage while their bodies tried to purge it.

Seeing their companions ending up like that, the other three soldiers immediately retreated a few steps denying Lia the opportunity to pull off the same stunt twice, as they attacked her from a distance.

This time Lia evaded their attacks as her bruised body was slowly healing. She charged two more smoke balls but unlike Xavi, she couldn't throw or let them move on their own. She had to get close to the soldiers for the same method to work. 

Now that they were aware of what Lia wanted to do, their defence increased. Lia needed a way to break out of the three-man encirclement, or the triangle they confined her in. Two in the front and the other one in the back.

In order to catch them off guard, Lia's movement needed to be unpredictable. The soldiers were well-trained, they moved in rotation, not giving Lia the slightest chance to break out or retaliate.

Lia only needed a slight opening. Moving left and right in the small space the soldiers gave her, Lia's eyes followed the soldier who would be behind her for the next second.

When the soldier was out of her field of vision, Lia's feet left the ground and she fell backwards towards the soldier that was behind her now.

Not anticipating her move, he dodged but just as he stepped to the side, Lia controlled her movement mid-air and her feet stood firm on the ground again. Then twisting her body slightly, she punched the smoke ball into the soldier's abdomen.

Not even waiting for it to completely enter, Lia crouched on the ground and shot up as the other two soldiers charged at her. They were in a position where it was impossible for Lia to reach their chests, so instead her hands viciously pounded their heads and let the life force enter through this way.

During the whole exchange of briefly three seconds, Lia held her breath, then once they all laid on the ground, she finally exhaled. Her life force didn't kill them as Lia was still too weak, instead, she picked up a sword and without batting her eyes cleanly cut off their heads.

The sword was sharp and easy to use, and since Lia lacked a weapon, she decided to keep it. Lia has already wasted enough time.

The place she was in right now, was not far from the secret passage, was it reasonable to go back and check the situation?

However, in the corner of her eyes, Lia detected movement. Drawn to it, she made her way over there.

At another dead end, Lia picked her speed up. She had the surprise moment on her side and as quietly as fast as possible, Lia ran up to the soldiers pursuing Susa into the dead end from behind and with one swoop their heads rolled to the floor.

Gracing the ground for Lia to stomp past them as their bodies fell with a thud.

"Lia, I'm sorry I'm we-"

"It's ok, we should leave," Lia held out her hand to Susa who grabbed it.

Together they ran across the streets.

"Have you seen the others?"

"No," Susa answered repressed, "We all got separated so fast, I didn't see."

"Ok, first, we should find a safe way in," Lia's eyes darted around to find a place that was hidden from the eyes.

"What about there?" Susa pointed to the left in the far. Between the houses, there was a street that led into a dark alley of the capital, filled with corpses. The stark contrast made one stutter in disbelief that they were part of the same street in the same city.

"Ok," Lia fixated her gaze at this entrance opportunity, making sure there were no traps hidden or soldiers waiting in ambush.

"Lia, '' Susa halted and before Lia could react, Susa took the sword form Lia's hand and swung at the oncoming soldiers.

In her blind focus, Lia didn't even notice they were being followed by soldiers. And in the far, Lia saw the outline of Leo. What happened to Mika, Noel and Nana? But for now, Lia had to focus on the situation before them.

Susa managed to get rid of one soldier before the other three attacked her and the sword was thrown in the air, caught by one of the soldiers.

Noticing they were at a disadvantage, Lia let her life force flow out. The smoke distracted the soldiers while Lia grabbed Susa and ran off to the entrance.

Not even two seconds later, Lia heard the footsteps behind her picking up their pace. These soldiers were really tenacious and strong. Lia has underestimated them.

"I'm sorry," Susa's voice full of regret made Lia squeeze her hand, "It's not your fault, once inside there'll be more weapons."

Lia didn't believe that under the piles of corpses of all immortals, there wasn't a single weapon.

"That's not it, I meant for holding you back."

The entrance got closer and was now clearly visible. Lia saw no movements on the side of the first layer.

If they were able to get there and get rid of the soldiers behind them, they could hide and look for the others. However, they couldn't waste too much time because Lia looked behind to confirm, Leo was also after them.

"I trained a lot and I'm stronger but-"

"You don't need to justify yourself, I know you are," Lia coaxed Susa. Susa remained quiet but nodded. It was true that she has trained a lot to the point she improved, but when it really came to it, especially before Lia, Susa couldn't help but become anxious.

She wanted to show what she was capable of so badly but in the end, failed. She has sworn to become the knight that protected Lia, even if it was only once. Only one of the last times.

Susa didn't notice her movements slacked and a sharp pain tore on her scalp. She was yanked to the front by Lia who kicked the soldier away from Susa as he grabbed her by the hair.

Lia grit her teeth. They were only a short distance, just a few metres away from the opening, yet the soldiers already caught up. The alley in front of them filled with corpses had many streets interjecting and cutting through.

"Susa, listen," Lia made a decision on the spot, "Once you're in the first layer, see the second street on the right? Find a place to hide, I'll be there."

"Wait, L-" Susa couldn't finish her sentence. Lia has already pulled Susa close to her body as she turned around to face the soldiers. Then with force, Lia threw Susa towards the corpses in the first layer.

Without looking back, Lia shouted, "Go now!"

Susa wanted to help Lia but knew she would only be a burden. Her feet moved across the piles of corpses before she found a dagger.

"Here!" happy she was of some assistance she lunged the knife towards Lia before running off to the place Lia told her to go.

Out of her eye corners, Lia saw the glint and caught the flying knife in the air. Once she firmly grasped the handle, she slit across the first soldier's throat who almost charged his power.

There were still two soldiers left, Lia could deal with them but seeing the approaching figure of Leo, Lia decided not to waste any time. But her gaze lingered a bit too long on Leo and she reflexively had to doge the soldier who used fire to attack her.

Only one step behind Lia was the first layer but if she ran to Susa now or anywhere, the risk of having these soldiers and potentially others including captains after her was too big.

Another wave of flames was sent her way as the other soldier threw bombs at her. One of the bombs landed behind Lia and the explosion that followed also sent shock waves to stun her. Unable to move for a second, Lia thought this was actually a good opportunity. The soldiers were willing to come closer to her.

Once the stun was over and the soldiers were in her range, Lia cut open their throats and hurried towards the first layer. However, she has been a little too ambitious.

The flame soldier, as he fell, grabbed Lia's necklace wanting to strangle her before blood poured out of his mouth and he fell dead on the ground. Lia's necklace ripped and landed next to the soldier on the ground.

By the time, this was over, Leo caught up. Now face to face, Leo and Lia properly saw each other for the first time.

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