Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 171: Attack 12

Chapter 171: Attack 12

In an instant, the soldier was killed.

"Don't interfere with my fight!" what Kil hated the most was having the fun of a one-on-one taken away.

Xavi watched the soldier behind him while retreating. Kil, this maniac didn't care for anyone's life. He killed as he pleased if he wanted and those that dared to interrupt even with good intentions, left as a corpse.

Yet Xavi didn't give it too much attention, he had to quickly come up with a plan. Out of his eye corner, he saw that the fight between his men and soldiers had finished. The soldier who just attacked Xavi was the last one alive.

Xavi couldn't help his men. If Xavi dared to speak out the truth, he wished Lily was here but fortunately she was far away at a safe place.

The ruins they were in, scattered across the garden of the Z family's mansion. Some places of the mansion still barely remained intact. Xavi needed to use the opportunity to hide behind the walls and in this way avoid Kil's heavy punches.

At the moment, Kil removed his fist covered in sticky blood out of the soldier's chest. Without waiting he charged at Xavi. Each of his steps racing towards Xavi were daunting and left the ground tingling with his force that even Xavi could feel.


What Xavi felt right now, this cold feeling running down his body and gripping his legs, rendering him unable to move was fear.

Xavi didn't want to do this. He didn't want to fight but the realisation that if he didn't, made him move his body that felt numb from Kil's punch.

Sending Xavi a few metres into the air before his small body crashed back onto the hard ground, Xavi's head rang and his eyes barely adjusted to what was in front of him.

"Are you already done, little boy? Don't disappoint me too much."

Xavi raised his head and through half-lidded eyes saw Kil coming towards him

"Damn" Xavi cursed and formed a power orb to send it to Kil but in an instant, it was blocked by Kil's arm. The burnt impact didn't seem to face Kil.

Xavi knew he couldn't take another hit. His body slowly healed, not fast enough to keep up with Kil's speed.

Xavi looked slightly around. The right side had a small space with four broken walls surrounding it. Xavi needed to get there.

Blood trickled from Xavi's head and Kil's approaching form let adrenaline spike his brain. Adjusting his feet on the ground, Xavi ordered his limp body to move. Refusal pulsated through his veins, colliding with the desperate chants Xavi's brain sent through his nerves.

"Giving up already?" Kil was now only a few steps away.

"I'd be ashamed if I did," Xavi spat out blood and slowly sat up. Resting his body while waiting for Kil to step within his boundary, Xavi put his hand behind his back and touched the ground.

Only one chance to get it right.

The second Kil stepped before Xavi, Xavi who had controlled his power orb under the earth to move towards Kil let it rush out to hit Kil straight between his legs. Kil didn't expect that Xavi could use his power this way. The pain travelled to Kil's brain and he fell to his knees, holding his private area.

"Damn kid, as a fellow man, you gotta respect the treasure, fuck," Kil growled but Xavi was able to move away from Kil.

Surprisingly, this strategy worked and Kil seemed to be badly affected by it. However, Xavi was sure it wouldn't work for a second time. Kil would be on guard from now on. He didn't dare to underestimate Xavi anymore. The pain of having his nuts done in was too great.

Luckily, he was an immortal and could heal. What would Kil do without his treasure? When Kil finally opened his eyes again, Xavi was nowhere to be found. Roaring at the top of his lungs, his heavy body carried him across the ruins. Blindly walking through while his eyes searched for his opponent.

"Little boy, properly fight like a man or you'll never grow up."

Xavi couldn't have gone far. From the moment, Kil collapsed on the ground from the pain until now, only a little bit over a minute has passed. How far could that little boy have run with his broken body?

The howling of the wind made Kil turn his head towards the little space surrounded by four walls to his left. Kil worked his brain. It was too obvious for Xavi to hide in there, thus it could be a trap. But at the same time, Xavi was even injured.

His small frame couldn't be hidden anywhere in the ruins. The leftovers of the mansion were too scattered and burnt to almost crisps, so hiding behind a pile of ashes risked Xavi being found out by Kil immediately.

Yet Kil was still reluctant to head over to the walls eagerly, the suspicion it was a trap was too strong. It placed a confine on Kil's mind that he had to meticulously break open.

Currently, Kil was 20 metres away from the walls, which were to his left. Xavi, who was opposite of Kil, had the walls right to him. The distance between Xavi and Kil after he was hit by the fatal orb, was about 2 metres.

This left various possibilities for Xavi to run towards the walls. Why was this important that Kil had to take these into his calculations while approaching the walls?

Because Kil could see that Xavi was clever. Even in Xavi's condition, he wouldn't have blindly run towards the walls, meaning he didn't narrowly focus on his own goal to escape behind the intact ruins and just lay a trap in case Kil found him.

No, Kil was sure that depending on the path Xavi took towards the walls, there were several traps laid for Kil. Kil had already experienced the surprise of Xavi's power orbs travelling underground but was sure this only worked for a short distance.

Thus, Kil took three steps back from his original position and walked further to the left, approaching the walls. This way if Xavi indeed laid some traps, he avoided them.

A cat and mouse game wasn't to Kil's taste. He preferred to have a proper fight with no hiding or escaping. A full-blown battle to enjoy. The pure excitement and adrenaline flowing through his veins were pure ecstasy.

But right now, Kil felt a different kind of tingling inside of him. It was low and hit Kil deep inside but it didn't lack anticipation. It was the joy of finding one's prey before tearing it apart. Now Kil knew why predators laid in wait to hunt, the excitement could hardly be contained.

Kil didn't mind having to use his brain for once. He was a fighting enthusiast and could appreciate different kinds of battle, not only hot-blooded ones.

The last step Kil took towards the walls echoed in his mind but he had made sure Xavi wouldn't be alarmed. The realisation, the shock and fear on Xavi's face- it was a feast Kil didn't want to miss out on.

Against his own expectations, Kil didn't just charge behind the walls to insert hopelessness into Xavi, instead he wanted to go in with a bang.


His fist smashed through the wooden wall until it crumbled into pieces. Yet the sight greeted Kil wasn't Xavi's terrified face. It was the blinding white light that struck Kil straight in his own face.

Five power orbs with the speed of an arrow. BAM.

Xavi ran the second Kil punched the hole into the wall, without looking back, he rushed towards the entrance. The minute he had to rest his body was enough to heal his internal wounds.

But fatigue and anxiety numbed Xavi's body considerably. The worry that he wouldn't make it tore at his heart.

"Not bad," Kil recovered faster than Xavi had anticipated. Xavi was only a short distance away but still slowed his pace as Kil came after him but the first step, Kil took towards Xavi, taking the same path as him, set forth a series of power orbs.

Kil has triggered the trap Xavi has set for him as Xavi managed to get to the walls. Kil was right. Xavi wouldn't just escape. Xavi had no power, no physical strength, tricking Kil this way was his only advantage, his only strategy.

As Kil blocked the power orbs, he had no choice to step forward and be hit with more orbs Xavi hid underneath the ruins and controlled to hit Kil the moment his foot made contact with it.

With a determined look, riddled with sadness and lingering regret, Xavi stopped and turned around watching Kil pull out his arm for a punch. Xavi was willing to take it if it meant he could succeed this way.


Xavi managed to hit Kil's chest with a large power orb he has charged with the last bit of strength while Kil's fist hit his chest.

At long last, Susa's prophecy came true.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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