Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 175: Attack 16

Chapter 175: Attack 16

While Leo still held onto Lia, Lia told him everything. She didn't want to withhold anything from him.

From how Min and the four elders have massacred her family to her being thrown in the abyss, taking revenge halfway to find the hidden families as her allies, her becoming the Immortal King, her infiltration in the academy, about Zero, about her in the Mortal World, even how Lia had doubted Leo, she left no detail out.

Leo should know the truth. He deserved the truth. To see Leo break down after they reunited, Lia realised that in those 10 years, she's been away, Leo has also suffered a lot. He's also been in pain, he had to endure every day.

"I see," Leo rested his head on Lia's shoulder while his arms tightened around her back. His whisper full of pain and sadness almost made her choke with tears again.

Lia was happy. Happy to see Leo again and happy that she meant so much to him. Before she had thought that apart from her family, no one had cared about her but how could she disregard Leo and their friendship? Because Min was also friends with Leo? Or the other way around?

"So, Min lied to me."

Hearing this, Lia noticed that Leo had realised that Min probably didn't regard Leo as a friend too, just like how Min never cared about Lia. Did Min have anyone he cared about apart from himself?

"He's fooled me all these years and I've blindly danced on his strings," bitterness could not even describe what Leo felt. If Leo turned back time with the knowledge that Min, he regarded as his best friend, his brother, was the murderer of Lia and her family, then what would Leo have done?

All these years Leo has spent close time with the murderer he desperately sought to find, deluded by him to attack the hidden families who were actually allies and now this mess has happened.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know it, what matters is that you're well and healthy," Lia didn't want Leo to bear more pain. She could imagine how much he must have beaten himself up, Lia has been there many times.

"But I still did many awful things, I-"

"If you regret it and sincerely try to make up for your mistake, I'm sure you'll be forgiven," for some reason Lia didn't know if these words were right.

How could one atone for their sins? If Min was to beg Lia for forgiveness, trying to make up for his mistakes, would Lia actually forgive him? Wouldn't she just ridicule him and be even more merciless?

But Leo was different. Or was there a difference between intentionally and unintentionally committing crimes?



"I promise, I'll do anything to help you, I've desperately wanted to find the people who killed you and uncle and auntie, but in the end, they were actually so close. I've wasted so many years, if I knew you were alive, I would've left everything to find you."

"I know," Lia found that Leo was complaining about himself but also about her, along the lines, why haven't you told me you were alive? Why haven't you confided in me?

But at that time, Lia was so consumed by rage, she viewed everyone as her enemy. If only she had trusted Leo more, then both of them would've suffered less.

"I'm sorry," Lia truly was, "Next time, I'll come find you."

Leo raised his head and rubbed Lia's nose, "There won't be a next time, because we'll stop Min."

There was something Lia was curious about, even though she could guess the answer, she still wanted to hear it from Leo.

"When you heard about Min's plan, why-" but once these words left the Lia's mouth, she couldn't bring herself to continue but Leo's look was neither hurt by her accusing him nor avoiding.

"Honestly, I dunno why Min wants to destroy both worlds. No idea why he has such a grudge, makes you think if we really knew him since we were kids, ha," Leo gave a self-deprecating laugh, "But I didn't care back then, I felt like it was good if the worlds didn't exist anymore, the people who've hurt you would also disappear."

"Leo," Lia stroked his hair again, "I didn't know I mean so much to you," Lia lightly giggled.

"You don't mean so much to me," Leo grabbed her hand and straight looked Lia in the eyes, "You mean everything to me. You're my everything, if you're not here, then I don't care about anything."

Leo's earnest eyes sent a shiver down Lia's spine. Lia didn't know what to say. She couldn't pretend she didn't know the meaning behind Leo's words because she did. Painfully clear. To Leo, Lia meant everything. To Lia, Leo was a precious and irreplaceable friend.

Both held the other in their eyes and heart, but one was more deeper and unconditional than the other's.

All Lia could do was to stare back at Leo, open and close her mouth, no reaction wanted to come out. Suddenly, the position they were in, felt ambiguous and Lia felt weird. What was she supposed to do? She didn't want to reject Leo but she has never seen him more than a childhood friend, her best friend nor did she think she could ever view him more than that.

Even though he cared so much for her, even though he'd do anything for her, even though he and Yano weren't different in this aspect, why couldn't Lia feel the same for Leo, why did she feel more attracted to Yano? What was the crucial difference between them?

And if in the past, Lia fell for Leo instead of Min, what kind of happiness would await her?


"Haha, don't worry, I'm glad I could finally get it off my chest, you don't need to answer me not now at least," Leo let go of Lia and stood up.

Lia wanted to say something to comfort Leo but was left speechless.

"We seem to have wasted enough time, my bad," Leo looked out of the window, "We probably need to hurry."

"What are we going to do?" Lia didn't know why Leo brought her here in the first place but it was reasonable they couldn't straight go to the palace. Lia hoped Noel was alright and managed on his own.

"I'll go back to your friend and help him before heading to Min, you stay here for now. It's safe. Let me deal with Min."

"No," Lia knew Leo would say something like this, why would Leo have to go through what she was supposed to do? More than that, Leo still seemed to regard Min as a friend, hoped, but Lia has no longer feelings for Min, any good ones, so it'd be better if she faced Min.

"I know your worry but you need to do something else," seeing Lia's agitated face, Leo pressed her onto the sofa so she would sit down.



Lia immediately understood, "You know where he is?"

"Yes, there's a prison Min has built right behind the academy, right behind this building."

If Lia remembered correctly, the place beyond the dorm was a forest where she caught Zero burying other people's possessions.

"It's right behind the forest, underground."

"Min built something like that?"

"Haha, you'd be surprised about everything he's done so far, even more so what he has planned," Leo told Lia quickly about the location and how to get here, "I'm pretty sure that boy's in there."

"I see, thank you."

"I'll go now, you stay here after you got Zero, and wait for the my signal or just wait for me, ok? If everything's clear I'll come for you."

Lia was still reluctant but then agreed, "Ok but take care of yourself."

"I will," with that Leo left the building. Lia still thought it wasn't a good idea to separate and fight alone but all of her allies and even Leo went this route, there was no way to change their minds.

Lia went to the bathroom and only now realised how bad she must smell and look like. She quickly washed her face and hands before going to get Zero out. She could finally help Zero. He had to suffer wrongfully because of her. She'd get him out.

Meanwhile, Leo headed down the dorm. He entered the lift, his hands trembling. If he was honest, he didn't want to leave Lia alone. He just met her again and parting like this was painful.

But he wanted her to be safe and not get into danger. Also, he said what he wanted. Thinking about it, his face flushed red.

He actually kind of confessed! Her reaction wasn't too far away from what he had expected. She has been in love with Min for so long and then was betrayed, how could she fall so easily? Also, Leo was painfully clear about Lia only seeing him as a good friend. But it didn't matter. As long as she was happy, Leo couldn't ask for more.

Leo exited the dorm and walked across the training field to helped Noel but then a tall figure came his way. Leo instantly recognised him.

Did his fight already end? How could he be here? Did he know Leo was a traitor?

Seeing the person's hand raise, Leo also prepared himself to fight.

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