Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 19: Family Z 6

Chapter 19: Family Z 6

Just a second ago, Lia was at the Z family's mansion and now she found herself back at home with her parents during a sunny and bright day. She ran up to Min and hugged him. He returned her hug and patted her head.

Her parents laughed and Andre served them tea. It was a wonderful day. She was happy, however, there was a slight nagging feeling that something was wrong. She quickly brushed it off and turned to her parents as they asked her,

"Where were you? We waited for you!"

"I-" Lia started off but couldn't remember. Where was she just now? What happened before?

Min gave her a gentle smile and caressed her face, "Were you outside purging ghosts again?"

His voice was full of love and very sweet. Lia melted under his touch and nodded her head, "Yea that was it."

She cuddled into his embrace. Soon Min was going to become the Ghost King and they would marry shortly after. Min was sweet to her and her parents got along with him. The two families frequently visited and Leo was always there to tease them.

There was nothing more Lia wished for, her life was perfect.

When the day came for the Ghost King's ceremony, Min was taken to a room with two attendants. Before he went, he squeezed Lia's hands and gave her a forehead kiss,

"Soon everyone will know of us and we'll be together forever. I love you very much."

His eyes were tender and she could feel how much he cared for her. She stood on her toes and gave him a kiss. She smiled, "I can't wait."

While Min had to wait in the room before they would go to the balcony to meet the public, Lia wandered around the palace. She entered room after room before staying in one and looked out of the window. The sky was dark but the glow of the lanterns dyed it red and orange.

Everyone flocked together and Lia felt warm around her heart. She opened the window to let the cool breeze dance around her and play with her hair.

The wind settled on her face and mingled with the cold sensation that ran down her face. She blinked in surprise. Then her hands touched her face and the teardrops stained her fingertips.

For some reason, she was crying and she didn't know why. Her heart was in pain as if an unbearable yearning, longing grabbed her and refused to leave. It just sat there as heavy as stones and pulled her entire being down.

The people outside assembled in front of the palace and Lia knew it was time for her to greet them. However, her tears didn't stop. She pressed the sleeves of her dress on her eyes and took deep breaths.

Then she made her way to the balcony where Min waited for her with a dazzling smile. All sadness she felt was instantly flushed away. He held his hand out to her and she grabbed it, feeling a joy spread in her body causing her steps to become light and dance above the ground.

Together they announced Min as the Ghost King and their wedding.

A year has passed where Lia lived happily with Min and her family. Apart from the occasional silent breakdowns she experienced, without letting anyone know, everything was alright.

The various families got their powers and soon the vengeful ghosts in the immortal and mortal world were purged and under control.

One day when the exorcists were sent out on a mission, Lia wanted to join them, "Please! You know how good I am! I miss helping and I've nothing else to do!"

"Then am I boring to you?" Min smiled and softly caressed her hair.

"No!" Lia instantly refuted, "It's just when you're working, I can also do it."

"It's dangerous."

"Min," Lia took his hands in hers, "I'm alright! Also, others will be there too, nothing will happen to me."

"Your highness, let your beloved wife do something," Leo stood in the doorframe of the studies and grinned.

"Yes! Yes! Leo's also there," Lia thanked Leo for his help but it was obvious he had a great time teasing Min.

"Your highness," Leo said very elaborately and Min held his hand up, "Alright, just don't call me that."

"Thanks, I love you!" Lia gave Min a kiss and followed Leo out. Min just sighed.

"Captain! I'm under your care," Lia laughed and playfully hit Leo in the shoulders.

"I won't be going easy on you, your highness!"

Lia laughed, "Shut it!"

They arrived at the outskirts of a town in the east where lately many vengeful ghosts have appeared. They were particularly sighted around a certain spot.

"The others aren't here yet, we should wait- Hey! Lia, where are you going?" Leo called after her as she already sprinted away.

"No time! You wait, I'll take care of them!"

"Aren't you a bit too confident?" but Leo's voice couldn't reach her as she took off far away.

The town was located at the feet of a mountain and surrounded by a dense forest. Behind the forest where it led into the mountains was an open ground, walls and columns built by stones.

It looked man-made. In the midst was an altar and a golden shine emitted. A male stood in front of it.

Lia instantly found it suspicious, especially as various vengeful ghosts appeared and surrounded him but he didn't move.

She realised he was summoning. She jumped down from the rock, formed with her life force a long blade and swung it at the person. The male turned around and blocked it with his hand, drawing blood.

His bored and calm eyes stared at her. She was shocked as he pulled the weapon away and slashed the ghosts in an instant, skilled, he zigzagged between them and purged them without making any superfluous movements.

She felt the green feeling of envy creeping up on her as she saw how talented he was.

"I'm not an enemy, your highness," he lightly smiled but seemed like he didn't have any interest in her.

"How do you know who I am?"

"There's no one under heaven who dares to not know you, your highness," his mouth dropped honey but she didn't like it.

Lia had to admit that his handsomeness could match that of Min's. If she were to describe him, he was like calm and deep water. Mysteriously attracting one to the depths of him.

She widened her eyes and shook her head, "Who are you?"

"Yano, your highness. I'm one of the exorcists and before you accuse me, I was luring the ghosts to purge them before you interfered."

Lia's face was red.

"Oh, this is yours," he handed her her blade.

She waved her hand and the blade disappeared. He made her feel embarrassed, she didn't like being near him.

Yano. She's heard this name before.

People have compared his abilities and powers matching that of Min. She sneered in her heart, how could he compare to Min?

But it was a fact he was the top exorcist. She just witnessed how he killed 100 ghosts with ease and on top of that using someone else's life force.

Most of the time someone else's life force would reject anyone who wasn't the owner of it, only rarely would it accept someone else. Not even Min could use her power and he was her soulmate.

Lia instantly decided she didn't like Yano and left him behind but he easily followed her. She rolled her eyes.

When she looked back, he gave her a small smile which irritated her.

"Oh, you found Yano," Leo greeted them as they came back.

"Yea," Lia rolled her eyes again and turned away from Yano.

"Did you do something to infuriate her highness?" Mil nervously whispered to Yano.

He shook his head, "On the contrary, she almost ruined my plan."

Lia was the bigger person. If she wasn't, she would've ripped his head off but she was and he should consider himself lucky.

The mission was finished smoothly. When they got back to the palace, Lia told Leo, "Never put me in the same team as that guy Yano!"

"Haha, but you got along so well!"

"Shut it!" Lia stomped away and was still mad at him. He didn't particularly do anything but he was just so infuriating!

Lia put herself in Min's embrace as she entered his studies. He laughed and patted her head, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she huffed.

"You don't get angry very often, so what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she pouted.

"Ok, ok," Min coaxed her and went back to work.

That night, Lia wandered around the palace while Min slept. Lately, she has been getting more and more restless, especially around Min for some reason.

That was why she requested to join the mission. She needed time alone, however, Yano annoyed her. Just the thought of him made her grit her teeth in frustration.

Min was right, she didn't get angry often, so it was surprising how Yano could rile her up. She didn't like him. That was all.

"I didn't know I was so hateable," under the moonlight Yano's dark eyes and high nose were even more refined as if he was a deity. Lia couldn't look away for a second but then-

"What are you doing here? You can't just enter!" Lia knew it, she absolutely couldn't stand him.

"What's wrong with me being here?"

"Everything!" Lia coldly said but proceeded to leave him alone. He sighed and watched her go.

How come he popped up everywhere?

Lia thought about going back to bed but she didn't feel like it, so she ended up straying around the palace.

But for some reason, there was a nagging feeling throwing her off. After a while, she knew what it was. It was him. Lord, had she had to hold her anger back.

She flipped around and approached him until their faces were close enough to touch, "Don't you have anything better to do than to follow me?"

"No," Yano said calmly without any emotions or fluctuation in his voice. She really had no idea what was going on in his mind.

"I'm bored but you're even more boring," he smiled then his eyes got ahold of hers and they locked. Lia was shocked by how uncaring this guy was.

She ignored him and trailed along the path but he was relentless about annoying her.

"Seriously, what is it with you?"

He shrugged his shoulders as if he wanted to know the answer himself.

"Shouldn't the wife of the Ghost King lay next to him in bed and not wander around at this time?"

"So you know I'm married but still chase me!"

"Your Highness, unfortunately, I have no interest in you," he wore a troubled expression as if she was putting him in a tough spot.

"Slander," she cried and wanted to leave, somewhere far away from him.

"I've heard the relationship between the happy couple is very good."

"It is! Min loves me and I love him."

Yano sighed, "Why do you sound so naive to me?"

"What right do you have to question me?"

"A married woman alone with another man?"

"You!" Lia calmed herself, "you're the one insisting on sticking your ass to me!"

"Very crude, also I already told you I have no interest in you," he stretched out the 'no interest' and Lia got furious again.

"Do you love the Ghost King very much?"

"Of course, I-" Lia stopped.



She loved him, didn't she? Yet why was there an uneasy feeling in her chest?

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