Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 206: Regret 2

Chapter 206: Regret 2

"Stay here, I'll be back as quickly as possible," Yano laid Lia in a bed. After Lia managed to tell Yano about the current situation with Zero, Yano was against it as they were still being pursued. However, he agreed under the condition that he would go pick up Zero while she hid.

Now, Lia was back in her house. In the outskirts of the city next to the capital. The house she used when she came back from the abyss, where she first met Noel and where everyone at the end lived in, where she wanted to spend the future with everyone.

Now, it was empty and desolate. Bleak and suffocating. Lia didn't want to come here but it was still relatively safe. There was a lower chance of the soldiers finding her.

Lia felt the soft mattress and the comfortable blanket, but it wasn't soothing at all. Yano left and Lia was alone here. It felt like she was back at the beginning. Coming here alone with the conviction to never get close to anyone. To carry out her revenge.

Back then rage and hatred overwhelmed her but now it made space for the tremendous sadness and pain she felt. She didn't want to cry anymore. She had cried so much there were barely any tears left but still her eyes were wet. Lia sucked in a deep breath.

Just when all hope was left, when Lia wanted to give up everything Yano came. Lia has lost everything but she still had people around her. However, Lia didn't want to lose them again. And in order to not lose them, it was best to not get close to anyone ever again.

That was right. Lia's eyes turned cold. She shouldn't rely on Yano. She shouldn't be close to him. She had to get away from him. Even if he said he'd help her, even if he said there was a way, Lia knew better because, in the end, everyone would die again.

And in order not to get hurt, there shouldn't be any kind of relationship. It was better to have never loved anyone than to love and lose them. The glint in Lia's eyes disappeared and they became blank. Lia could leave Zero to Yano. She would find her own way to stop Min. If she was already a monster in everyone's eyes, she'd carry out that role.

Kill them all Kill. Kill. Ki-

Lia broke down. How? How? How?

How should she deal with this pain? Get rid of this aching sensation inside of her? Of all these emotions that relentlessly tore her down? That ate her alive and drove her crazy? It hurt. It hurt. It hurt so much. Agan and again. How much did she have to endure? How much more did she have to suffer?

All of this, she wanted all of this to come to an end. Just make it stop already!

Lia screamed and threw everything that was close to her against the wall, then she fell back on the bed and wailed. Then, slowly she calmed down. There was no point in this. No point at all.

Then, she fell asleep.

The next morning, Lia was woken up by a loud noise. BANG BANG BANG

It seemed like someone was hammering against the door. Was Lia found out? She instantly shot up. At least tried to. A heavy weight pressed Lia down. With much effort, she managed to move her body a bit. Using her head, Lia looked down.

She was lying inside her blanket. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except for the arm that wrapped around her waist. Lia's mind froze. Something was weird.

No, it was wrong. The banging continued but Lia couldn't focus on it, instead she now vibrantly felt the weight of another body pressing close to her. She mechanically turned her head to the right. And as expected the devil laid next to her.

There was no one else than him who would dare to take advantage in a situation like this. Lia grit her teeth and with all her might, she pushed Yano away, "Scram."

Only for her to be pulled closer to him. His arm moved to the back of her head and pushed her into his chest.

"Mhm, still tired. Stay with me."

If the circumstances were different, Lia would've flushed red and got flustered but everything didn't matter to her anymore.

"Screw off," Lia tried to get away from Yano but he was too strong and Lia was still dealing with the aftermath of depleting her lifeforce.

"No," Yano's voice was groggy and he seemed to be still tired. Lia had to admit being in his embrace was comfortable and like always calmed her down but she already resolved herself. She wasn't going to get close to him anymore.

"Why are you even here? Sleeping on my bed?" Lia growled, her hands like fangs scratching Yano's upper body. Naked. No, half-naked.

Lia instantly used all of her force and got away.

"Come back," Yano sounded like a spoiled husband. He even stretched his arms out. His eyes closed and his lips showing a self-satisfied smile, "I at least deserve this much for saving you."

"Be quiet. This is not the time," Lia stepped away from the bed as Yano sat up, his messy hair falling over his sleepy face, "Then when?"

"Never," Lia meant it.

Bang Bang BANG

Lia instantly tensed up and looked to find something as a weapon.

"Oh," Yano suddenly laughed, "I forgot."

"What?" Lia narrowed her eyes, "Who's this? What's this banging?"

"Zero," as if it was the most natural thing to say, Yano said it without batting his eyes.

"Zero?" Lia almost forgot, the shock of having Yano sleeping next to her was too great, "Where is he?"

Lia rushed to the door but then stopped as Yano nonchalantly said," I locked him inside the room."

"You did what?" menacing Lia stomped towards Yano and grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his strong body.

"Haha, Lia you're hurting me," Yano held his hands up.

"Spit it out."

"You're so cold to me," Yano was actually sulking but seeing that Lia was really angry, he aggrieved said, "He was trying to be a coc- I mean fun blocker, I brought him here and then he wanted to stop me from sleeping next to you. Unbelievable, right? So, I put him in a spare room and-"

"You!" Lia threw Yano back onto the bed and dashed off.

"Wifey" Yano wronged wailed like a puppy disappointing its owner but Lia paid him no heed.

Zero was locked in a room for the whole night and she was too exhausted to notice his desperate banging to get out. In the living room, Lia saw the door to a room being barricaded by the sofa.

Yano actually moved the damn sofa in front of the damn door to keep Zero in. This guy was too dangerous!

To think he'd do something like this to Zero just to live out his bachelor desires. The banging slowed down, Zero must be tired. Pained, Lia reached for the sofa and said,' 'Zero! I'm sorry! I'll get you out now!"

"Lia!" Zero'a hopeful voice appeared. In the middle of pulling the sofa away, Lia caught Yano leaning against the doorframe out of her eye corner. Lia glared at him, "If you're idle enough, help me."

"I was about to do brekkie and Zero wouldn't mind staying in the room for a bit longer to leave us alone," the familiar playful glint appeared in Yano's eyes.

"You!" Zero's voice hollered from the other side of the door, "You damn ****, you **** me, I'm gonna *** you, so wait before I *** ***** and damn ***-" and more slurs and profanities spilt out of the innocent-looking Zero.

"Wow did you know he had this side? What a bad kid," Yano raised his eyebrow and grinned mischievously.

"Because you triggered him. Are you going to help or not?"

"If I get a hug."

"*** you," Lia was done with him and continued to pull the sofa away.

Yano was left speechless before he sulking went to the kitchen and half-heartedly made food. It wasn't fair that Lia was doting on Zero more. Of course, Yano might've gone overboard with Zero but that little brat wanted to take his spot and sleep with Lia.

Zero was probably able to spend more time with Lia while Yano had to bitterly endure Lia's absence. Was that fair? No.

"Lia!" Zero came bolting out of the room and fell into Lia's arms. His angelic and pure face was streaming with tears. His lovely eyes were red and his adorable nose was twitching cutely. Alright, Yano had to admit defeat.

If Zero was acting like that, of course, Lia was going to pamper him more than Yano. Actually, if Yano acted like this, he was sure Lia would only give him a kick out of the door. The unfairness was piling up to here.

"L-Lia," Zero continued to bawl and clung onto Lia.

"It's ok, I'm here," Lia coaxed Zero and moved to the sofa.

"I saww-what happened. I-I thought you were going to to die!" Zero was so afraid Lia would disappear forever and he was helpless to do anything.

Yano watched the scene in front of him. When he went to pick up Zero, that guy was also a crying mess, however, Zero showed fierce hostility towards Yano and raised his fangs like a hurt animal. It took Yano a great ordeal to convince Zero and get him to go with him. Now he was an obedient white fox in Lia's arms.

"You're hurt," Zero finally pulled away from Lia and stared at her body, "I- I'll heal you."

"I'm not hurt," Lia lightly laughed and patted Zero's head.

"No, your lifeforce, I'll repair it!" Zero put his hands on Lia's stomach and gave Yano a triumphant smile and a stink eye which Lia missed but made Yano twitch in annoyance. Lia was glad that Zero was alright but then Lia's heart almost stopped.

"Lia, was everything that happened true? What the Ghost King said, w-what you did" Zero stopped and Lia knew she had to tell him the truth. If he accepted it or not was out of her hands.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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