Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 231: Counterattack 4

Chapter 231: Counterattack 4

A loud tear erupted in Lia's brain. She knew of this sensation. This cursed phenomenon.

"The prayers of the innocent have been heard. Oh, future Immortal King, it is not too late to accept our help."

Heavens. This crooked entity.

"Then where were you when they killed themselves, offered themselves up?"

"Those pure and unblemished desires to sacrifice themselves cannot be treated with insincerity."

"Then letting them die was the option?" Lia sneered and balled her fists.

"You could also have stopped them," heavens tore Lia down. So greedy and selfish yet masked as benevolence. That was heavens. Yet Lia was also a-

"The future Immortal King is also a hypocrite. You have a single chance left. Will you take our help?"

Hilarious. Yes, it was hilarious. Burning rage and despair mixed together to wash away any good feelings left in Lia, "Just sit back and watch. Enjoy your VIP seats for as long as you can before I come for you too."


With that, the connections between Lia and heavens was severed. But Lia could hear the last words of heavens echoing in her mind that gave her worries, "Then continue walking on the path of trials with your fate sealed."

"Lia?" Yano grabbed Lia's shoulders.

After Lia proclaimed victory to the mortal corpses who obediently waited for Lia's orders, Lia blanked out and just stood there. No calling or shaking would work. Yano was almost getting worried when light came back to Lia's eyes.

"I'm fine," Lia's expression softened while she saw Lily gritting her teeth. It didn't need to be said what Lily thought of this.

"I need to buff them."

"The ghosts?" Yano pulled a bottle out.

"You stored them?"


"By the way, you can remove this," Lia pointed at the communication circle on her hand.

"No, keep it. We'll get separated to 100%, so I need to be updated."

"But won't you be at a disadvantage? You won't be able to use your powers anymore!"

Lia was anxious but Yano held her hand, "Who do you think I am? I'm prepared. If this will go south, I'll remove it, ok?"

Lia was a bit more reassured. Of course, Yano was the strongest. Nothing would happen to him.

"Ok, then we should go? Lily," Lia looked at her, "Are you ready?"

Lily clicked her tongue but nodded.

Lia used the ghosts and put them into the corpses, she still wasn't too used to this new power but it did have the surprise element on its side.

"Then let's go," Yano held his hand out and Lia took it before letting it go again. They had to part. A minute later with the army of undead, they charged to attack the palace.


Meanwhile, there was a huge blast in the plaza, two people flew away. Skyla and Mil were blown to the academy as Sal on his petals came after them. They hadn't anticipated him to be so strong.

Lia and Noel told them about the powers of the other three captains as much as they knew, but Sal was a new one. Lia and Noel fought against him for a bit but hadn't too much of a grasp on him yet. Skyla and Mil also didn't know just how much his petals could do.

Skyla's power couldn't counter Sal's but it was useful in long-range while Mil's tracking ghost ability was deemed to be absolutely useless. He could barely provide support but Mil was good at close combat and that was crucial.

They needed to get closer to Sal who also used long-distance attacks. Two vs one but in the end, it was still 1 vs 1, because both Skyla and Mil only made one together.

Close to the palace yet still on the plaza, Zayn fought against Lu. Lu was at an advantage since he could just eliminate Zayn's ghosts but in the end, it all came down to Lu vs Zayn without their abilities.

If Zayn surrendered then there was no need to kill him. However, this whole fight, in general, was very exhausting for Lu. He had to actually move and fight, while purging ghosts he just used minimal effort, but against a captain, he didn't have the luxury. To a lazy person like him, it was absolute horror.

But Lu encouraged himself with his thought of having a long good rest after everything was over.

On the other hand, Holn's fight against Eri was at the front of the plaza.

"Ah, I don't wanna fight against pretty ladies like you," Holn mused as he saw Eri's disgusted look. Indeed, Holn would be rather teasing Lu and cheer him on from the sidelines but this luxury was denied to him.

But Holn found he wasn't too bad matched against Eri's power. The gold-rose veil around her shoulders and the ghosts surrounding her could be easily purged. Holn's fire wasn't a normal regular fire but it was a holy fire which was bit different.

"Now, don't look at me. We used to get along at the academy. Hey, do you still remember the time when Lu and you-"


Eri's veil instantly pounded at Holn, "You still talk too much and are obsessed over him. Unbelievable."

Eri's icy face showed no sign of joy at the reunion.

"And you're still the icy beauty. We gotta celebrate instead of fighting each other here."

"It was your choice to become the enemy, you annoying clown," Eri's attacks continued to rain on Holn who easily dodged them while he only used his power to purge the ghosts. Holn grinned because he saw Eri slightly trembling when she said those words.

"The truth is you also don't want this, right Eri?" Holn tried to hammer another nail into her wounds but Eri only got angrier, "Just keep your mouth shut. It's been more than 8 years since we went to the academy together. Don't think we're friends!"

Currently, Noel was still fighting against the incoming soldiers and tried to prevent them from going to the others. Timo and the Ghost King couldn't be seen anywhere which worried Noel but he had no time to spare looking for them. The whole plaza once again turned into a battlefield.

Loud bangs and fighting sounds erupted from everywhere. Sparks and patterns of attacks took away space on one's sight.

Although many men of Yano, Mil and Skyla's were also fighting, the soldiers and ghosts together exceeded the amounts and tilted the battlefield into the favour of the Ghost King. They needed back up soon to even out the balance. Lia should come soon, but there were no corpses anymore as they were burnt to crisps.

But just as Noel thought he had no hands free fighting with each soldier, a familiar voice appeared, "It's good to see you fighting so well. You have new powers that are very delicious," it was the assistant's.

Noel growled and pushed the soldiers back, "It's you."

"Everyone step back. He's mine," the eyes of the usual ass-licking assistant flashed.

It was actually good for Noel to come across the assistant because he had a debt to settle with him. All of Xavi's, Mika's and Nana's power, Noel had to get them back.

They weren't something a bastard like him could take.

"Perfect," Noel smirked, "I was waiting for you."

The soldiers left them alone to move to other places to fight.


The plaza was in chaos.

Skyla and Mil were fighting in the academy. While Lu and Zayn were fighting near the entrance of the palace. Noel and the assistant were on the right side of the plaza, and Holn and Eri at the beginning of the plaza.

But it wasn't just them fighting. The soldiers fought the men of the hidden families and ghosts swirled around to their disadvantage.

"Get rid of the ghosts and the soldiers," Lia's voice echoed through the ranks of the undead as they arrived at the plaza and witnessed the heated battles going on.

In an instant, the undead all scattered and charged through the battlefield. Lia didn't need to say more. Her corpses were able to think on their own now. With the emergence of the corpses, screams and shouts appeared.

"What the hell are those?" The battlefield tilted and great support was given to Lia's allies who were relieved at the sight.

"I will go to find trash," Yano didn't even say anything else before he rushed through the battlefield.

"Be careful," Lia shouted after him.

Lia actually wanted to help Yano to get rid of Min but he refused, so she could only stand on a roof overseeing the battlefield and control her corpses when necessary.

She knew Yano didn't want her to be in danger but she felt completely useless. Lia should be at the front of the battle leading everyone but instead, she felt like a cowardly king hiding behind everyone else bravely fighting.

"Don't you know? The king is always the last one to come out, just as the Ghost King isn't showing himself, there's no need for you to fight these lackeys," Lily didn't look at Lia when she said those words but Lia knew Lily was trying to encourage her.

"But without anyone giving their same effort then-"

"Damn just focus on dealing the final blow, leave everything to us. Haven't you said before, you'd rely on us more?" Lily blew a strand of hair out of her face and stared at the distance, "We've been found out."

Just as Lily said, several soldiers charged at them.

"Stay on the roof, I'll take care of them. Lia if anything happens to you, I'll personally pull you out of the grave to beat you in again."

With that, Lily jumped off the roof and pulled her sword out. In midair, she perfectly sliced through the soldiers' throats. The blood formed a swirling line behind Lily dancing in the air.

It seemed like it was trying to reach Lia with the last will of the soldiers before the blood turned into drops and rained down on the ground. Lily somersaulted onto a roof and jumped to the next one, charging her way to the plaza and taking care of more soldiers that came their way.

Lia worriedly watched over Lily before she raised her arm and more of her lifeforce poured out reaching her corpses. Lia could more or less see the situation going on. The more lifeforce she put into her corpses the stronger they could become and the better their thinking worked.

Since Lia wasn't fighting, wasting her lifeforce like this was tempting but it was ok since she could regenerate here at leisure. In the back, the palace glared at Lia. Now she stood on the opposite side. This had to be the final battle. No matter what, Lia would make it come true, there was no doubt. Min would fall here.

Lia wanted to call Yano but didn't want to bother him. Hopefully, he could safely reach Min. Lia exhausted her lifeforce and lowered her arm. She started to wait for her lifeforce to quickly regenerate itself when suddenly the roof she stood on vibrated. Followed by a large dust cloud that took her field of vision away.


The loud bang next to Lia made her flinch involuntarily. What happened?

Lia tried to see what was next to her but the smoke almost numbed her senses, she took a step back but then-

"It's me!"




Another vibration and smoke dust followed.

This time it was a familiar female voice, "You talk so much smack and flew so far. Holn, you better prepare yourself."

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