Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 243: Refusal 3

Chapter 243: Refusal 3

A vibrant light engulfed Lia and blinded everyone, causing them to stop in their tracks. Min was surprised to see Lia getting back on her feet and using that short time Min needed to recover, Lia got used to the alien lifeforce and converted it.

A massive and tremendous force surged through her body and turned into power.

Lia was ready to completely stomp onto Min.

"So what?" Min quickly recollected himself, "Even if you're able to stand, sooner or later, you'll be eaten alive!"

Min was so convinced that Lia found it ridiculous, "You still haven't noticed it?"

Lia opened her palm and her lifeforce twirled above it with a green one that was Min's. Soon Min's lifeforce was completely devoured and turned into Lia's white one, dancing and mingling with the others.

Min's face paled but he forced himself to remain calm. Somewhere deep down he already knew but he wanted to deny it. It felt like his whole world was going to collapse.

Lia's life force could purge his. No, it wasn't purging. It was absorbing and making it hers! Min gritted his teeth at this unsightly revelation. Too disgusting! Too hateful!

Lia saw the rage fuming out of Min's body. The male she once loved and thought was incredibly handsome was nothing more than disgusting trash in her eyes. She has found someone no one in this world could rival. Even if he disappeared, Lia would not halt at anything to bring him back. For this, she first needed to make Min submit to her.

However, Lia has pushed Min past a point of sanity, "I won't accept this! I won't! How can a mere lowly woman like you dare to surpass me? How dare you stand against me? I'm just! I'm superior! I'm right in everything I do!"

Lia contorted her face in disdain as Min's complex only grew bigger. His eyes turned blood red, "I won't forgive any insolence. I'm the Ghost King! The heir of the Immortal King! I'm the person who stands on top of everything!"

Min's shouts reached everyone and in the next second his lifeforce exploded out of him. The intensity of it swept across the whole battlefield and knocked back everyone regardless if they were on Lia's or Min's side. All the immortals, excluding Lia, Min and her corpses were pushed onto the ground and pressed down by Min's lifeforce.

Min's lifeforce that blazed through the air suddenly increased the size of the ghosts to double. The amount of terrifying lifeforce that ran through the ghosts prompted them to become stronger and managed to push back Lia's corpses. Then they yearned to rip Lia apart and feast on her limbs and flesh.

Yet Lia remained unimpressed. Min's lifeforce couldn't do anything to her but it was a different story for ghosts. However, even then Lia was unfazed. Why?

Because her corpses were stronger than the ghosts. They recovered on the spot and protected Lia. They clashed with the ghosts right in front of her leaving clouds of dust behind to fiddle with her hair but even then Lia didn't even blink once.

She solely pushed the hair out of her face and resolutely stared at Min who continued to exude his lifeforce. Back then, even a few minutes ago, Lia would've cowered in front of Min's strength but not now. Now wasn't the time for Lia to falter. She'd only die when Min went down with her.

Min's display of power was truly frightening. The people who witnessed his insane strength couldn't move and were frozen. His lifeforce didn't only cover the plaza but the whole capital. It was a nightmare, since his lifeforce could seep into everyone's wounds and destroy them. Lia knew that and thus would act.

Min was making a fatal mistake. What he did was basically providing Lia free power. His lifeforce that surrounded her was already swallowed by her and pumped through her body.

However, Min's lifeforce around him was quite strong and it was hard for Lia to push through to him. Even her corpses were struggling. Lia took a deep breath and calmed her mind. Min's lifeforce couldn't harm her but it stomped around like a violent green mist that made it hard to move.

Even if Lia absorbed Min's lifeforce constantly, the amount Min currently had was too gigantic. That was the difference between them. Min had more than 10 years time to train and gain experience while Lia was a little less than a year.

No even just a few months since she had her soul but in terms of who had the superior power, Lia was confident it was hers. So to counter him, she also let her lifeforce out. It pierced through Min's and engulfed the whole plaza. But not the capital.

Lia was convinced this was enough. Her lifeforce fought to dominate Min's and soon his was starting to be eaten up by Lia's. The ghosts were taken care of by the corpses.

Seeing that his lifeforce started to disappear Min stepped back in shock.

No, this couldn't be true! He was the strongest! It was him! Him! Him!

Lia picked up a knife from the ground. She stomped her feet before SWOOSH-

Instantly charged at Min without giving him time to process. The sharp blade glided through Min's throat while Lia constantly poured out her lifeforce to match Min's output.

His blood sprayed on her face before the knife moved in a beautiful arc and cut off his hand. His finger with the ring fell to the ground. Min glided to his knees and held his wounds. His eyes shook before he stared at Lia then at the ring in her hand.

He wanted to say something but his voice cords had been cut off by her. Instead his expression was enough to convey his disbelief, his hatred and his immense desire to rip her to shreds. Min tried to stand up before he grimaced in pain.

With wide, fearful eyes he stared at his chopped off legs.

"Min, do you remember when you used to tear my limbs out? I'll gladly take my time to let you experience the same, you don't need to thank me for my graciousness," Lia smiled as she threw the ring into the air and caught it. Then Min's lifeforce was absorbed and Lia put the ring on.

"This is mine now."

So easily, Lia could defeat Min so easily. He couldn't accept it but it was impossible not to when she showed it off in front of him. Slight despair overcame Min for the first time.

Then it was over. Lia grabbed Min by the hair and dragged him, grinding him against the ground just as he did with her.

Then she stopped.

She pushed Min to his knees and had her corpses hold him.

"It's your time to beg me for mercy," Lia suddenly felt very liberated as she put her hand on Min's chest and smiled. Slowly she extracted his power and fused it with hers as he wriggled to free himself.

"No! No! Stop!'' Min knew without his power he had no chance to retaliate. It was over for him.

Now finally the blazing fear he tried to keep at bay broke the dam and completely washed over him.

The next second-


Lia extracted her power and slammed Min's head onto the ground.

"Once for my parents."


"Twice for my attendants."


"Thrice for Xavi.

Then again.

"This is for Nana."


"For Mika."





Tears spilt out of Lia's eyes as she recalled all of their dead bodies.


It hurt. The pain of having lost them was unbearable but seeing Min so powerless underneath her made her feel better, "And Yano."

Lia stood up and slashed open Min's skin over and over again, "And for everyone who unjustly suffered under you, who had been killed and supported me."

Then finally with one last force, Lia slammed Min's face with her foot, "And this is for me."

His nose was long broken, his teeth long gone and his once handsome and arrogant face completely destroyed.

Everyone that witnessed this didn't dare to breathe. Did they finally win?

Min's lifeforce that hung in the air was gone and Maria quickly started to heal everyone.

Yet all of their eyes were glued to see what Lia would do next.

"For 10 000 years Min, even longer have I kept this rage, this burning and earth-swallowing hot feeling that threatened to gnaw on my sanity," Lia crouched down and slapped Min's face, "And today it finally brought me peace."

Lia's cold smile vanished and anger flared up again in her eyes, "Even if I kill you, it won't bring anyone back."

"Haha!" Min could barely laugh.

He groaned in pain and self-despair. Was that how he was going to end? Was he, the almighty king, going to die like this by the hands of a wretched girl who used to be nothing in front of him?

Lia laughed as well seeing him question everything.

"Min, I can see what you're thinking. You think I'm nothing?"

Lia pulled him by the hair and brought his face close to hers.

His eyes shook as she let her lifeforce seep into him again. He was afraid. Yes, this disgusting, revolting feeling, he actually felt and cowered in of this lowly-

"Don't forget who was the one who made you the Ghost King by passing the main trials that you disgrace of a descendant of the Immortal King couldn't even be qualified for. Yes, it was me. I passed them and I was thus the Ghost King but then I gave the power to you and made you the Ghost King. How foolish I was," Lia continued to infuse chills into Min with her nonchalant smile.

"You hadn't even gotten the qualification to become a candidate and even after you became the Ghost King you were still not accepted. Embarrassing is the only thing I can say to it," Lia felt Min's body trembled under her, "That's right, Min. Who's the actual lowly, useless and wretched person here?"

Rejoicing over Min's pathetic state, Lia let him go but her next words caused hope to return to Min's face, "But I can give you your power back and let you continue being the Ghost King."

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