Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 249: The heir of the Immortal King- side story 2

Chapter 249: The heir of the Immortal King- side story 2

It was a sunny day in the outskirts of Veil. Bordering next to Mistand, in an abandoned piece of land, a small house stood. In the wide space of fresh grass, far away from any civilisation, the little wooden house, moody and bleak, contrasted the free landscape.

Confined within the suffocating walls, trapped like a mouse, religiously muttering, a slender, hollow, with remnants of short-lasting beauty, woman told tales of a great and long lost tragedy.

"Do you hear? Do you? You need to make us proud! The blood of the Immortal King runs through your veins. You're the chosen one. The one who'll reign above everything! The world needs to know! So, don't disgrace us!" wide, frantic and crazed eyes burnt holes into a small, emotionless boy who retained the beauty the woman once had. Her frail hands had unusual force, her fingers dug into the flesh of the boy and left bloody marks behind.

"Answer me! Do you understand, Min?"

"Yes, mother," the soft and obedient voice of the boy soothed the storming heart of the mother. But only for a second, for what women started to preach again, "We're the descendants of the Immortal King. From generation to generation, this is passed down. My mother told me, my grandmother told my mother and my great-grandma told my grandma, my great-great-grand-"

As Min's mother recounted and her muttering turned more and more hysterical, Min walked to the hob and stirred the soup, "Don't worry, mother. We will succeed. I will succeed and become the Immortal King."

"Yes, yes, good. Good, good, son."

Min had his back turned to his mother and his face contorted. His hand gripping the wooden spoon almost broke it in half.

Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting.

As soon as he could pry her revolting fingers bounding him like shackles off him, he'd be free to do as he pleased.

Yes, he'd become the Immortal King, the mightiest being in the universe, no one and nothing could hold him down or command over him. He'd be the one to reign over everyone, decide over his own and others' lives. This was the only good his life and his mother gave him.

This all-mighty blood of the Immortal King that coursed through his veins. No matter what, Min was sure to attain this spot and ascend. He was meant for it!

"Mother the soup is ready. It's hot, be careful," Min set a bowl of soup in front of his mother who continued to crazily mumble. Min even blew the soup on the spoon before holding it up to his mother's mouth.

It seemed like a caring son and mother moment, but quite harshly Min shoved the spoon inside his mother's mouth, only to shut that damn trap. His mother jolted up and shouted, "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

"Mother, I told you to be careful."

"You have to become strong!" his mother turned to him as if nothing had happened just now, as if she couldn't see the soup in front of her and the malicious intent in Min's eyes.

"Yes, mother," Min held up another spoon and said, "I'm already strong. I can become the Immortal King, don't worry."

Min knew he was lying, after all, as a boy without powers, he was weak. Not even the council families were truly strong. Sure, they had money and people but since immortals couldn't kill each other, it was obvious that the strongest were the K family.

The ones with power, with the possibility and right to decide over life and death were strong.

And this power, Min had to attain. Although he and his mother hid here, Min more or less knew what was going on in the Immortal World. It was also known that the only ones who could appoint a Ghost King was the K family. The Immortal King, many have forgotten. So, Min's first goal was to become the Ghost King and then the Immortal King.

For this Min had to get close to the K family. The best bet was to reside in the capital, but without any money, it was almost impossible, so he had to rely on the pity of others.

And for that, Min's eyes flashed as he stared at his mother, Min would kill two things with one stone.

"Mother, I can only become the Immortal King, if we head to the capital."

"Capital? Yes, yes! If we announce, no- we can't announce it now! They'll hurt us and-"

"Don't worry, we just stay there and check out the situation first."

"Ah, yes, my boy is so smart. So smart. So-"

Min has already formed a plan in his mind. He wasn't ignorant about the Immortal World completely. Whenever his mother slept, Min would sneak out and interact with the kids from the neighbouring cities who told Min anything he wanted to know and any news. The girls especially were so gullible.

Once they looked at Min, the fell head over heels for him. He just needed to smile and act as if he cared about them and then he could manipulate them with just a finger.

People were so stupid and simple. Didn't this only show that solely Min had the right to stand above all those unbelievable stupid people?

A week later, Min and his mother headed to the capital. Min has timed it perfectly. As soon as he heard certain news, he instantly prepared for his first plan. To get rid of his burden and survive on pity.

As he said before, two flies with one stone. He had his mother wear a clock and hid her face, so that no one could see her and she could see no one. His mother got extremely panicked and suspicious around other people. So while she quietly mumbled to herself, Min confidently led her to the capital. He memorised the map in detail, not only of the Immortal World but also of the capital.

Even in the capital, Min manoeuvred without any problems. He was unfazed by the astounding surroundings, the masses of people and the grandiose palace. Soon it'd all belong to him anyways.

"Min..." his mother's light quiver came as her hand tightened around his.

"Look down, just follow me," Min softly said but he added in a faint whisper, "If only you've been a better mother, I would have spared you."

Min's heart actually slightly stung at the thought about his next move but he steadfastly recovered his resolve again.

He was already here, he'd pull through it. No emotions or feelings were needed. It all held him down and stood in the way of his goal.

"Yes, Min is a good boy. I trust Min, soon-" Min's facial muscles twitched but he hardened his heart, "Yes mother, follow me."

The place Min headed to was the mortal gate. The portal would open every once in two weeks with the permission of the council families. Although the council families had no power anymore, the portal has existed since the beginning and through the previous council families, it has received the power to recognise an Elder.

This was the only reason why the portal still worked even though the council families had no power. What the portal needed wasn't the family powers but their DNA, like blood, dropped onto the small gap in the frame of the portal.

The reason why Min came today was because Elder L was responsible for this time's gate opening. Each time another Elder was on duty, they rotated. However, Elder L was known for his kindness and benevolence.

And Min would fully exploit that. He'd pull out everything to make his plan work.

Once Min made it to the area where the gate was, he stopped and asked, "Mother, what do you think of the Mortal World?"

"Mortal World?" his mother thought for a long while before saying, "Yes, the Mortal World must also bow down to you."

"Mother, the Mortal World is highly advanced. Someone like you won't be able to survive there. But maybe someone will take pity on you," Min glanced at his mother before they stepped into the crowd that lined up in front of the portal.

Min asked someone, "Is this the line to head to the Mortal World?"

"Yes, boy."

"I see. Thank you," Min queued with his mother as in the front, he saw a warm man surrounded by attendants. This must be Elder L.

Then Min started. He pulled out a tiny stone, he picked up earlier and in a low arc threw it against the head of a man a few rows in front of him.

As expected, the man started a fight with the person behind him. Currently, Elder L was letting a few people into the portal while he checked their permission.

Min threw a few more stones and soon chaos erupted. People were arguing with others.

"Quick, mother," Min pulled his mother to the front where the attendants tried to calm everyone down. Yet as he succeeded to bypass them inauspiciously, in front of the portal, Min froze.

He felt the warmth of his mother's hand in his, heard her muttering and her trembling. Min briefly closed his eyes before an icy coldness wrapped around him, "This is for the best. We're both poison for each other."

Using the chaos as his shield while Elder L and his attendants were distracted, with one last look, riddled with slight sadness and pain, he didn't know he showed, he shoved his mother through the portal, watching her forever disappear. Once she really didn't come back, Min instantly broke down and started to wail.

His heart-breaking cries stopped everyone and silence befell this cursed place.

At this point Min thought he was only acting but why did it feel so awful? Why did it hurt so much?

"My mother!" Min cried even louder, trying to mask his own real emotions, "How can she leave me for the Mortal World? She said shehic she won't ever come back..."

Min sobbed and tossed on the ground when Elder L quickly rushed and comforted him, "It's alright."

"It's not! She she abandoned me!"

Relying on the pity he wanted, succeeding in the plan he wove and wrenching in pain-

he was adopted by the L family.

Cruel and heartless yet full of despair.

This was Min.

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