Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 254: A choice made for happiness- side story 6

Chapter 254: A choice made for happiness- side story 6

After one's death, where does one go? What was the afterlife? What was death? This was a question every living being feared, but it was an endless torment and nightmare for immortals who believed they could never die.

Perishing from natural old age was peaceful and came quick, but dying early like mortals was unheard of and impossible until powers once again existed in the Immortal World.

So, the fear of death began again. Dying to ghosts wasn't as feared as dying to fellow immortals, but it was all inevitable.

Every living being had to perish and heavens made sure there was no exception. It was the same for reincarnation.

It existed but was a myth among legends. Heavens made sure that no immortal could be reincarnated but took pleasure spreading this tiny hope in the Immortal World. This was how the legend of reincarnation came into being in the Immortal World. All because of heavens' crooked and twisted way of having fun.

So, what was the afterlife?

The afterlife was nothing. A big place surrounded by pure darkness. Black. Soundless. Void of any senses. Literally nothing. It was designed to drive one crazy.

Even after death. The afterlife was a place where heavens decided what happened to someone. The immortals and mortals. When heavens felt like it, it'd come and bring judgment upon you. However, when they didn't, you could be stuck for an eternity in the afterlife before heavens finally decided you were worth their time.

Judgement was categorised into reincarnation and soul perishment.

Reincarnation was when a soul reincarnated into a new body. Their memories were wiped out and they start life again without prior memories of their past lives, thus the soul has been born anew.

Most mortals were reincarnated. Soul punishment was when one's soul was completely wiped from existence. This was reserved for the worst criminals and immortals. Most immortals after their deaths were erased, however, there were also some who were left to be tortured by the darkness in the afterlife, meaning they could neither perish nor reincarnate. They were stuck in a black space.

This treatment was given to the previous Immortal King and Ghost Kings to punish them.

After an immortal's death heavens could take a while before processing their death and deciding if they should receive judgement or not.

However, in the afterlife, death itself was its own entity.

It had its own consciousness. Although heavens decided over life and death, death itself could also decide. Yet it only did in rare occasions.

When it took pity on good people heavens forcefully punished, such as the Immortal King, his wife and the Ghost Kings, then death allowed the afterlife for these confined souls to be a paradise.

The afterlife was always solely a black space, however, for those with permission from death itself, the afterlife could take form, be painted by one's imagination.

So, the previous Immortal King, Lin and his wife Yana, together with his son Theo and their daughter and grandson Mani lived happily in the afterlife in the palace they've lived, just like in the past. And sometimes they were able to perceive matters from the real world.

Reincarnation for immortals was different from mortals. Immortals would reincarnate with their memories intact after passing the trials. The trial, however, was a cruel thing. After all, immortals who reincarnate were truly immortal since their soul was not born again but carried on from their previous life and this went against heavens' iron rule: All life forms will one day, inevitably, perish. Without fail.

This was why hwavens didn't allow immortals to reincarnate because they'd be able to relive a whole life, reincarnated as a baby. So, when Lia made a deal with heavens to reincarnate all her lost allies, heavens was against it but heavens needed Lia.

So, instead of reincarnation, heavens allowed Lia's allies to come back alive. A resurrection. So, the souls that were trapped in the afterlife would be sent to the trial. Their cold and rotten bodies would be taken back by heavens and made anew, and through this, her allies could come back alive, with their old life spans, which meant the previous years left until they would die naturally was the same. It wasn't a reset as in a normal reincarnation.

This was enough benevolence heavens could show Lia and her allies.

"I see. So it's like this."

In front of a sandy stone gate with no doors, leading to an endless long stone path floating in midair with seemingly no end in sight, Leo stood and watched the beginning of the trial. After he heard heaven's explanation, he more or less understood. So Lia was responsible for giving him a second chance to live.

"Go on and try to complete the trial for insanity and mental corruption will eat you alive before then. Your will to live, to reconcile, your desire, will it be strong enough?"

It was clear what heavens hinted at. The trials would test one's mentality, it'd lure and tempt before completely breaking one's spirit. Leo already knew he wouldn't pass the trial. Why?

Because he was doubting himself. Did he really want to live again? What would await him? His father? His family? Lia? Did he have the right to see them again? Could he ever win Lia's heart? Would he continue having to suffer just being a friend to her?

"Oh, poor lost immortal, this trial will be exceptionally excruciating for you."

Yes, Leo knew. If his desire to come back alive was dim, his will to live almost non-existent, he'd definitely suffer under the viciousness of the trial.

Yet Leo still stepped onto the stone path. Why? Because he didn't want to waste the chance Lia gave him. Even if he didn't want to live anymore, at least he should try, so Lia's sacrifice wasn't in vain. Giving in to heavens, making a deal was definitely unfavourable for her.

"Ha..." the first step was already dreading. Voices appeared in his mind, seemingly boring holes into his brain, manifesting and multiplying like parasites, gnawing on his sanity. These low, high, deep and pounding, loud and quiet hisses, begs, cries, shouts and screams echoed and echoed in his mind. Barely unable to see the path in front of him, Leo slowly staggered forward.

"Why don't you just die?"

"Why don't you just give up?"

"What will await you?"

"Trying to live a new life?"

"Trying to find a new love, new friends?"

"Don't. You know it, don't you? All you'll be is a failure, a reject, betrayed, hated not acknowledged."

"What do you wish to see back in your world? When you come back alive?"

Masses of images flooded into Leo's mind. Gore, blood, corpses of his loved ones. Tortured, eaten alive, riddled with parasites, bugs and worms.

"What is it that you desire?"

"It's death, isn't it?"

"It's death! Death! Death!"

"Why are you lying to yourself? Taking the trial?"

"Death's your only choice! It's death that can set you free! Death that is equal!"

"Come to us, you know, death is the only one who will love and never betray you."

"Choose death. Once you die, your soul will perish and no more anguish, suffering, lies and betrayal will await you."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Aren't yo-"


In order to escape the voices, Leo broke his hand and staggered forwards.

Physical pain relieved the endless voices, whispers pouring into his mind. Before Leo knew it, he already arrived at the end of this endless path.

The scenery has changed. Now Leo stood in a cave-like environment. Dark blue light surrounded him along with wet stone walls. In front of him was a large gate. Leo knew he had to enter to continue the trial but did he really want to? But Lia wanted him to come back alive, then... this was what Leo owed her.

And so a few trials later, Leo still held on, able to pass the cruel mental endurance yet not even half of the main trial has been done. As Leo got to the next stage, he found himself in an open space surrounded by waterfalls on top of a high round building. There was someone else.

The guy turned to Leo and smiled, "You're also taking the trial of reincarnation?"

"Yes, " Leo briefly answered.

He didn't think he would meet someone. Leo still couldn't figure out how the trial worked. He knew one part was to test his desire of wanting to live and gauge if this immortal wasn't harmful to society. But the other part of the test, Leo knew with confidence, was to, with all their might, bring the immortal to their knees and make them give up. The trial was created to crush the immortal, both physically and mentally.

Yet this guy in front of him was calm and collected. He was even smiling, seemingly anticipating to go back.

"Let's work together?" he held out his hand, "I'm Yano."

"Leo," Leo took it and shook Yano's hand. Leo had no energy nor felt like acting bright and cheerful as Yano did. Leo already knew who Yano was. He saw him when Yano entered the academy, afterwards, Yano went to the Mortal World and was known as the top exorcist.

But now he was dead? No way did Lia- was he also one of Lia's allies? But Leo didn't see him in the fight, did this mean something else happened? A second battle? Restless, Leo grabbed Yano by shoulders and asked, "Is Lia alright?"

"Li- ah," Yano smiled, "Yes she is. Weren't you informed? Lia won the battle against Trash, I mean the Ghost King."

"So, Min is" Leo staggered backwards.

Good, good, Lia was alive, Min was taken down but heavens, why didn't it tell Leo about this? Was this also part of the trial? Were they enjoying torturing him? Playing with him?

"So you're one of Lia's friends?" Yano sat on the ground and motioned Leo to join him.

"Isthis alright?" how carefree was this guy? They were in the middle of the trial and their powers didn't work.

"It's fine, let's catch up a bit. After we're successful, we'll meet again in the Immortal World, then let's party!"

What a guy If Leo met Yano earlier, they might have become good friends.

"I'm not sure I can call myself Lia's friend, after all, I was damn stupid..." Leo told Yano about everything.

At the end of this self-deprecating and heartfelt talk, silence prevailed until Yano slapped Leo on the back and laughed, "You were played. Watcha beating yourself up for? Being guilt-ridden is useless, just live your second life without regret and how you want it. The past's the past. No amount of regret or guilt can change it, so live for your own happiness."

"You're funny dude," Leo laughed as well and felt his heart becoming lighter. Really, he and Yano would've been good friends instead of Min, but Yano was right, there was no point questioning himself and his past actions. He knew what he did wrong and was willing to repay, move on and become happy.

"Yano, can you tell me what happened that the first battle?"

"Of course, everything up until my death however haha."

So in this desolate, peaceful and even joyful place, a beautiful yet melancholic conversation blossomed and Leo understood, Yano's desire to live was strong but more than that Yano had no guilt or regret. 

He had done everything he could when he was alive and the things he couldn't do, instead of sulking around, feeling bad for himself and acting pitiful, Yano worked towards changing what he could and doing what he could to achieve his goal. This was the kind of person Yano was.

Able to pick himself up and move everyone around him. No wonder he had loyal friends and a great reputation.

After Leo got to know everything he made a decision. A decision to move on and live for his own happiness. This was a choice he felt was the best. Befitting for him.

"Let's go," Yano stood up and headed to the exit, "I bet the purpose of this perverted trial was to pit us against each other, but we get along, so let's work together."

Leo shook his head, "Thanks mate. You've been a great help, without you I would've continued aimlessly, hatefully forcing myself along. I've decided, so please tell Lia my well-wishes."

Yano froze and a sad smile crept onto his face, "Are you sure? Lia and a bunch of new friends are waiting for you. I promise we'll all get along and have fun. Your family will want to see you again as well."

"Hah," Leo returned to his bright self, "Thanks again, really. Then please also convey my well-wishes to them."

Yano felt like he was losing a good friend but seeing how determined and brighter Leo looked, Yano patted him on the shoulder, "Take care man. Live happy."

"You too."

With that Yano disappeared. Leo looked at the sky, "Reincarnation is still reincarnation right? If I pass the trial can I reincarnate as a mortal?"

Heavens stayed quiet before answering, "Are you sure, immortal? You will lose your memories and your soul will be born from anew."

"I am. As a mortal, I can live several lives. All different ones," he could be reincarnated and test out different aspects of life even if could never remember his past lives.

And even if his soul was reborn, he would still stay the same. No matter what. The bright and cheerful Leo would always be able to charm others and find his own happiness.

"Very well," for once heavens was moved. The first immortal to not want to become immortal.

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