Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 256: Speedy event- side story 8

Chapter 256: Speedy event- side story 8

"So you guys ready?" with a big grin Holn was content to finally carry out the plan he told Xavi, Lily, Mil and Lini about two months ago. This would be a sight to see. Of course, just like any other of Holn's mischievous plans, Lu was the victim. This time there was also another one.

"Ready!" Lily was very enthusiastic about this, "I've peppered the venue neatly!"

"Me as well!" Lini as well enjoyed it to mess with others.

"You're way into this," with a lollipop, Xavi rekindled his love for sweets. After his death, there was nothing more he craved than this sweetness.

"Young Master, don't worry, soon you'll also-"

"NO!" Xavi's face quickly contorted. There was no way he'd fall victim to something like this.

"Hey, now that I think about it, we gotta force Mika as well. He's too stiff for someone claiming to be more relaxed now."

"Good idea!" Holn was very happy about having accomplices now who genuinely loved making other people's lives harder, of course for their sakes! It was all so that they could attain happiness together!

"I'll check everything again, so you guys lure them over!"

With that, the three troublemakers plus Xavi, who was forcibly dragged along by Lily, set their plan into motion. Finally, the joyful day for lonely hearts was about to commence.

Holn went to the venue, in other words, his own mansion. He used the land inside his wall, the garden, to set up the special event for today. When he arrived he saw a bunch of beautiful ladies waiting in front of his gate. When they saw him, they squealed excitingly.

"Ladies," Holn nodded to the guards to let everyone in. Inside Holn's garden were trees and a small pond. Yet the most eye-catching thing were the various tables and chairs set up. Yes, this was the one and only speed dating event!

Holn, Lily, Xavi and Lini have gathered a few women they thought would be a fit for Lu and Noel and well, now Mika as well. Anyways, the three bachelors had to taste that blooming flower of romance!

Of course, Holn wasn't so nice. His evil chuckles made it clear that what Holn wanted the most out of this was, yes, indeed, Lu's suffering!

Holn couldn't wait to see Lu's expression. A once in a lifetime chance! Of course, Noel's as well but Noel's matter was a bit different. Holn felt pity for Noel who liked Lia, so he cut Noel some slack and hoped Noel found someone nice here.

"Ladies, are you all familiar with the rules?" Holn clapped his hands and acted like a host. The ladies who were seated at the tables nodded. Each table had one lady and they'd move in rotation. Of course, to not make the women wait too long Holn has also invited a few soldiers from Lia's armies.

So the number of females and males were equal.

"Good!" now it was time to wait for the three victims hahaha.

"Excuse me," one of the ladies spoke up.

"Yes?" with a brilliant smile Holn turned to her.

"Won't you also join?" some of the ladies shyly looked at him, stunning Holn.

Was he that popular? My, my.

"Unfortunately, I already have someone," this time Holn wasn't lying, although this 'someone' hated him her very bones.

Yes, it was Eri. After Susa foretold their destiny, Holn has always thought Eri was beautiful during the academy days but she was always so cold, yet now that Eri became more budding and easy to mess with, Holn wouldn't let her go. Fate was fate, even if Eri wanted to stomp him to death, nothing could beat fate!

"Aww," some women seemed disappointed which stroked Holn's ego even more, "I'm sorry ladies, but today's gentlemen are all exquisite! Please wait a bit longer!"

Holn had his guards watch these ladies so that none of them could sneak into his house. When he walked to the gate, the soldiers were already present, "Go in everyone!"

Then he waited outside the gate with a self-satisfied smile.

Perfect. Everything was truly perfect when he saw Lily, Xavi and Lini dragging Lu, Noel and Mika with them. Mika wasn't pleased, "I was in the middle of training. This better be important."

"It is! It is!" Holn lied. I'm saving your poor, pitiful single life stern face, "Mika you ought to smile more! You'll look more handsome!"

"Shut up!"

Noel grinned, "It's not wrong though, if you always look like this-"

"Just shut up!" Mika scowled, hearing this reminded him of Oldie, actually, the first thing Oldie said when they met again at Lia's wedding was that stupid comment about his face! Who looked like he was about to shit any second? That damned old geezer.

"I just want to sleep," and there was the typical remark of Lu.

"Guys, it'll be fun!" Lily grinned while Lini sighed, "Now I wish my brother would be single and I'd matchmake him with Maria, what a shame, it would've been so much fun"

At this, the three victims' ears pricked up, "What did she just-"

"And in you go!" Holn pushed the trio through the gate while Lily barricaded it leaving them no option to escape. Lu remained unfazed, Noel's face blanked and Mika really looked like he was about to unleash the biggest brown mountain the world has ever seen.

"No, screw you idiots," Mika turned on his heels yet Lily stopped him, seductively saying, "You wanna try me?"

Not only Mika flushed red but Xavi as well.

W-What the hell? Holn's cackle attracted everyone' attention.

"The last three are finally here!"

At this, everyone made big eyes. W-Who would've thought the council elders would join?

Lini took Mika by the hand and forced him to sit down in front of a lady whose eyes were shooting out hearts. Mika ignored her and chanted silently 'my hearts out of steel, my body's made out of stone, my will's iron!

"Lu, hurry, don't fall asleep here. That beautiful lady's waiting for you. Even if you can't open your mouth or use your body, you're still not worthless, don't worry," with a major push, Holn brought Lu to another table.

The only one left was Noel.

"Guys, I know why you're doing this but there's seriously no need," Noel shrugged.

"There must be someone to your fancy you're seeing here isn't there?"

"Lily, do I look like I'll fall for appearances?"

But Lia- Lily bit her tongue. Well, Noel obviously didn't fall for her at first sight.

"How about this?" bow Noel's all-familiar smile appeared, "You go and join as well."

"What?" Xavi didn't like this idea. Lily was very picky and ferocious. If a guy said something wrong, then goodbye to his jewels. Xavi shuddered at this thought, "Noel, it's dangerous!"

"They're all trained."

"Why are you guys talking as if I'm some kind of gorilla?"

"You aren't?" Noel feigned a surprised expression, "Then we both gotta stay single!"

"Dammit! I'll join, but isn't there a guy too less?"

"Xavi, get another guy here and oh," Noel's smirk deepened, "Call Eri as well."

Lily's face lit up, "Grandiose, I like this. Young Master, you should hurry!"

If they could play with them, then Noel as well. This was payback, although this would inconvenient Eri too but judging by her nature, she'd probably chase Holn around trying to murder him in cold blood.

"That works too," Noel went to sit at the last free table while Lily anticipated what was to come.

Frankly, Lily was a bit excited. She'd be lying if she wasn't anticipating to see if there wasn't a match for her.

Holn was soaking up this magnificent plan of his. He especially buzzed close to Lu.

"I-I'm Bea!" the cute female in front of Lu excitingly introduced herself. Lu endured not to yawn and slack because this would be too disrespectful, "I'm Lu."

"I-I know! I think you're really cool!" realising she came over too strong, the female held her mouth and blushed.

Lu just blankly watched her. This was too exhausting. Too chattering. Since Lu was a lazy person, he disliked those that talked too much, it reminded him of Holn.

Even though Lu knew the woman was nervous, he still disliked it.

So, during the whole time apart from saying his name, Lu said nothing else. As he moved to the next woman, he once again was only able to say his name. It wasn't that this female was chattery as well but there was an awkward silence between them.

Lu briefly closed his eyes and saw a gentle breeze and spring water before him.

Yes, if he had to choose an ideal type it'd be someone like this.

Suddenly, his cheeks heated up and one name lingered on his tongue. After the time was up, Lu instantly stopped up and headed to the door.

"Wait, where are you going? But before Holn had the chance to approach Lu, Lu was tired of Holn messing with him.

He pulled out his holy hose and threatened to attack Holn.

"Tch, what a party pooper," Holn reluctantly had to let Lu go.

The person Lu felt most at ease with was...Susa.

He wondered if in their future she saw them together. For the first time in his lazy life, Lu made a daring and proactive move. He'd ask Susa if she wanted to spend the day together. At this Lu blushed again. Cough. He had to clear his throat.

On the other side, Mika made the second woman cry. Lini was at a loss and heavily scolded Mika, "If she isn't your type or up to your standards, no need to scold her so much! You can't expect her to change for you!"

"Then you shouldn't have dragged me here," all Mika wanted was to grow stronger and beat Timo!

He couldn't beat Lia, after all, she was the Immortal King nor Yano, since his powers were too unfair, so his next target was obviously Timo. But that love-struck and arrogant fool only took a glance at Mika and said, "Come back when you're stronger."

This was only yesterday! And the first time Timo said it was one and half a months ago! Mika grew stronger!

"Your reputation's on the line," Lini reminded him.

"You too," Mika took a glanced at Lini and paid back what his brother caused, "You better drop being such an annoying brat or else not even the devil would want to hold your hand."

"You're a brat as well!" Lini was furious at Mika. He had such a poisonous tongue! Didn't Lia say Mika was a good guy? How come he turned so vicious? Was Lia the only one able to tame everyone? Unfortunately, Lini misunderstood.

Mika could be a nice guy but she had the misfortune of having Timo as her brother, "And you better change your style, your fashion style is worse than the dump and poop-colorued trend the Mortals have."

With that Mika left the gaping Lini on the spot as he also stepped out of the vent. Lini snivelled. She usually held the whipping grip, so being on the receiving end felt awful. Maybe she should become a better person as well or, Lini evilly grinned, maybe she should tell her brother to utterly crush Mika. Yes, this was what she'd do! Lini instantly ran to seek her brother out.

Meanwhile, Noel got along with every female. His easy-going and lightly teasing nature paired with his handsome looks had an undeniable charm attracting all females to him. When Holn heard the words Noel spit, he almost wanted to gag. This guy could be so sweet?

"I'm not lying, you really look like a goddess descended from heaven!"

Was Noel trying to make fun of Holn? Punish him this way?

"Oh my~" the female shyly hid her face. Hon was shocked. At this rate, Noel would become a playboy to mend his broken heart by indulging in pleasure instead of trusting love ever again!

W-What atrocity has Holn done? The pure Noel! Holn completely destroyed him!

But Holn had no time to worry about anyone else but himself.

"HOLN!" Eri's icy yet sweet voice tore a rupture into the joyful atmosphere.

Xavi followed Eri until her eyes fell on Holn and raised her sword.

"W-Why are you here? And why did you bring a sword?" instantly Holn escaped into his mansion.

"To take care of you bastard!" Eri merciless followed him and she slashed left and right in his beautiful house.

"What did I do wrong?" Holn narrowly escaped each ferocious attack.

"You exist!"


"Too late!'' anyone who saw them could imagine them being a good fit, after all, Eri was the only one who could take care and tame Holn.

For the love of his life, Holn ran to his bedroom and barricaded the door but just as that moment, the sword stabbed through and almost poked out Holn's eyes.

Holn panicked. Eri was serious. Hey, hey, weren't they meant to be? You don't kill off your soulmate, for fuck's sake!

So, as a last desperate method, Holn allowed Eri to charge at him, and at the last second, he dodged the sword, ducked and grabbed Eri by the waist. Using her surprise, he twisted the sword from her hand and then twirled her around until he landed on top of her on the bed, "Well, look at that ~"

Holn smiled.

"I see nothing but a great kicking place."


"OW!" Holn's jewels have been sacrificed.

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