Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 29: Necromancy

Chapter 29: Necromancy

A large building stood in the shadows of the palace. It was half the size and bordered on the outskirts. The capital's map was layered in four circles. In the very middle of the city was the centre with the palace and the academy, which was the first circle.

While the palace was on the east, the academy was in the north. In the second circle surrounding the centre behind the palace was the large building, the headquarters of the private army.

As they were located in the west, the other circles were cut off by forests and they were closer to the outskirts that was the last layer surrounded by the river that went in a circle around the capital.

In the south of the second circle were the Z, P and C families residences. In the north were the L and H family. In the third circle in the northeast was the M family's residence while the G family resided in the south-west.

Only the K family used to be the only family to live in the last and fourth circle which was the outskirts. They loved living by the waters and since the vengeful ghosts appeared the most in the last layer, it was easier for the K family to purge the ghosts.

However, now both the K and Z family have perished and in their residences' stead were only the aftermath of their massacre and plain, sandy ground. No one wanted to inhibit the cursed places.

The headquarters of the private army span across three floors. In the meeting hall, Min dismissed some of the exorcists after giving them orders. Now that Elder Z was gone, Min had to take control of the council, the immortal world affairs, the private army and all the exorcists.

He was exhausted and decided to appoint a leader for the private army who would take the lead and make the decisions. The leader just needed to run them through Min who would approve or not.

Just at that moment, Timo came in. Min sized him up as Timo sat opposite to him, lazily in the chair. Min debated, Timo was strong, capable and most importantly he had no affiliations with any of the families.

Min made a choice, "You'll be the leader for the army from now on."

Timo sat up straight, brief surprise on his face before slightly nodding, "Alright, I'll take care of things for you."

Min smiled as Timo quickly understood his intentions, "What are you here for?"

Min could guess what Timo wanted. Timo was quite sharp contrary to his almost indifferent character.

"Elder Z," Timo started but then stopped as he knew Min got his sentiment. Min stretched out his palm and a small golden orb appeared, it twirled in his hands before he placed it towards his chest and absorbed it.

"That's why."

"I see," Timo immediately understood.

"The load's taken off you. The culprit, has Elder Z said it?"

"Don't need to wait for him to spill, I already know."

"You know?" Timo tilted his head as his posture slacked on the chair again.

"The hidden families," Min tapped on the table, they're making their move while I still have no clue."

Timo could see that Min's cold face was enraged.

"However, they've done me quite the favour. I'm very thankful because I don't have to do it myself."

Timo gave a smile with his dead eyes and the conversation that was continued in the hall, froze the blood in Maria's bones as she stood in front of the doors wanting to go in but stopped as she heard them two talk.

Maria slightly retreated as the conversation got more and more out of her expectations. Once they stopped, Maria instantly ran away and pretended to be on her way to the meeting hall. She had something to discuss with Min.

Yet on her way she met Timo whose eyes brightened when he saw her and a gentle expression appeared on his face.


Lia and Noel sat in the private room of the restaurant. Lia barely ate while Noel wholeheartedly stuffed the food inside him.

"What you gonna do now?" Noel put his cutlery down, "shall we go back and discuss?"

Lia had no idea what was going on in Noel's mind.

"You want to leave the capital?"

"Isn't it easier for you?" a sly smile played on his lips, "you don't seem comfy here."

So, Noel already saw through her. She pulled on the cloak, "Let's do that but first I need to go somewhere."

"You do?" Noel cocked his eyebrow.

"Yes, I do," Lia rolled her eyes.

"Never thought you'd-"

"Shut up," Lia icily cut him mocking her short.

"Then let's leave tonight," Noel stood up.


"You dislike me that much?"

"Wouldn't it be convenient for you to leave first?"

"Hmm," Noel pretended to think, "I also have something to do."

Lia this time cocked her eyebrow, "You do?"

"Yes, I-" Noel started, mimicking her but then ended with, "am popular."

"Shut up," Lia stood up and left the room first.

"I'll wait in front of the hotel," Noel's voice followed her.

Lia didn't give him any attention and soon was back outside. In the capital, there was a place that was called the library. The immortals lived long and their memories spanned over decades but they never bothered to note anything down.

After all, there was nothing special going on in the immortal world. The immortals only simply lived their lives, however, it was different for mortals. Each second was precious to them who had a short lifespan.

The immortals who went to the mortal world were surprised to see that the mortals recorded everything, even their own history. The mortal world was constantly changing, advancing and evolving while the immortal world was stagnant and tranquil.

It was like it has always been with the exception that more and more of the mortal's inventions found places in the immortal world. The library was one of these. It started out with recording everything about the mortals and used to study them.

The books written were catered to those that were interested in the mortals. However, because immortals lived long and they were bored, they constantly sought new forms of entertainment. So, authors were born.

Yet, after a while, books also appeared that recorded things in the immortal world no matter how tiny they were. The almost undying beings also faced death, so they wanted to leave their memories and the notion they've lived behind.

In some circumstances there were opportunities where immortals could be reborn, however, Lia wasn't clear on this. There might be some information in the library but that wasn't what was she going for.

Maybe she could have her parents rebirthed but apparently, only the person themselves could choose to be reborn. It was a complicated matter.

The library was in the second circle in the north-west, not far from the L family's residence.

The thing Lia wanted to know about was her powers. The library was grand and the insides were of ebony and colourful glass reminding of either a chapel or a dome.

It had two floors and one floor spanned the size of two football fields. The immortal world books were on the lower ground while subjects regarding the mortals were on the second floor.

Lia spent a few hours in the lower ground and went through several recordings of immortal's powers yet she couldn't find anything about her mysterious one.

Her power was fairly strong but at the same time, it was weak. It required corpses and immortals didn't die so easily. There weren't piles of corpses laying generously at every street corner for her.

Lia was getting frustrated and impatient when she found something by casually browsing the second floor. One of the sections was depicting lores and tales of the mortal world.

In particularly the magic section was appealing to Lia. The mortals usually based their fantasies of the few times they were in contact with the immortals during the history of mankind.

One of them caught her eyes. A book about necromancy. The humans fantasised about magical powers and those usually had existed in the immortal world such as necromancy yet Lia didn't know about it.

With great interest, she carefully flipped through the pages and soaked in all the information.

Necromancy. It was a bit different than Lia's power of controlling the dead, instead, the mortals had the perception that necromancy was the act of communicating with the undead by summoning their spirits or raising their dead bodies.

It was also used to obtain information or insight into the future, which wasn't the case with Lia's power at all. It was listed that controlling the dead or undead was a spell, a sub-power of necromancy.

If it was only part of the power then perhaps Lia's power could be so-called upgraded and she could also predict the future?

However, what the morals believed could not be entirely applied to the immortals but the thought of something existing that was similar to her power made her feel more at ease.

If the library didn't provide her any more insightful answers, then she had to find them somewhere else but where?

Outside it was already dark. Lia sighed and made her way out of the library. She had to reunite with Noel and go home. She got a bit angry and the thought at Noel treating her home as his own and that she seemed just accepted it.

But for now, she would need to cooperate with him. From her actions towards the Z family alone it was obvious she needed help.

As she passed the lower ground, a young boy rushed past her and she bumped against a shelf. She immediately held her hand up and caught the thick book that was supposed to fall on her head.

Lia was still wearing her cloak but as she saw the book in her hands, curiosity got the better of her. The book had no cover and no words inscribed in the front. She was ready to open it when suddenly a slender hand reached out and grabbed it from her.

"Apologies Miss but that book is not for the public."

Those words made her even more curious. She looked at the person who was supposedly a librarian and was stunned.

It was the same young boy who bumped her into the shelf. He had short hair and chubby cheeks but his eyes were piercing and mature, not fitting for a young boy. His voice was childish but the way he spoke sounded like an adult.

"Yep, I work here," the young boy didn't wait for her to say anything before he popped a lollipop into his mouth and walked off with the book.

Lia was still in a daze being given an attitude by a young boy but decided to forget this incident and hurry back to the lodge.

"Late!" Noel shouted with a smirk when he saw her. Lia pursed her lips and remained silent.

She just coldly stared at him and then sped up. Noel followed behind her. Together they breezed through the capital on their way back home.

In the library, the young boy with the lollipop in his mouth walked through the closed and empty library. He threw the book in the air and caught it again and again,

"Hmm, you shouldn't be here."

He spoke to the air but then turned his attention to the book, "what are you doing here? Good thing I came from the veil to the core."

He was talking to the book.

As it was tossed into the air again, the pages opened and one particular word was dazzling. But the brief second wasn't enough than to only see the letters:


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