Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 54: The Truth

Chapter 54: The Truth

Min absorbed the golden core when a knock came to disturb this fulfilling moment of his. His lips turned down, "Enter."

The door opened and Maria bowed, "Apologies for interrupting but I have news, Your Highness."

"Say it."

"We have located one of the hidden families. Kil jumped up, "What? Seriously?"

Min acted calmed but it was no understatement that tonight was a very great night, "Where?"

"In the core, the second layer."

"So close? How well did they hide?" Kil couldn't believe his ears.

"Immediately call the others over," Min ordered. He was shaking with excitement and bliss.

The immortal world was layered, just like the capital. It had four layers that were circles and each layer surrounded the next one.

The first layer was divided into two. It was called the Core. The capital with the surrounding five cities and smaller towns, one of them being the city Lia resided in, made up the core's first layer.

The second layer of the core was where one of the hidden families lived. It was further away from the capital and had more cities that were less 'posh' and modernised like the core's first layer, thus it was the second layer.

The core was easy to traverse and built like the mortal world with modern conventions. It was the buzzing core of the immortal world.

The third layer was called the Veil. More ghosts as well as vengeful ones roamed around. The land of the Veil was darker, although the cities were similar to that of the Core, the reason why it didn't belong to the core was because its land was shrouded in veils.

Each city was cut off by a translucent like veil and it wasn't easy to traverse.

The fourth layer was divided into two halves. The Mistand and Neverland, together they made up the so-called outskirts of the immortal world. Barely any immortals lived there and it was overfilled with vengeful ghosts.

Almost no immortals dare to pass into the fourth layer, so little was known about it.

The immortal world's map showed how the population favoured the core. To think that the hidden families might live closer to them than anticipated was a surprise.

Min had thought they would probably reside in the third layer as the fourth layer was impossible to inhabit. With this news, a new battle would begin. It was unclear if the hidden families had powers but if they had, Min would be prepared.


The night was hard on Lia as she couldn't fall asleep. She tossed in bed trying to escape the images of the past events. They unswervingly manifested themselves in her mind and denied her any opportunity to close her eyes.

Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. Leaving her room, she went to check on Noel. However, he wasn't sleeping on the sofa as usual. There was no sign of him. The whole house was void of his existence.

Suddenly, Lia panicked at the thought that Noel might've left without even telling her. Was she too accustomed to his presence? Did they get closer? She didn't know but he felt like a friend to her now.

After she came back, no one waited for her until he appeared, refusing to leave. Now that he voluntarily was ready to leave, it was unbearable for Lia.

Now feeding into his absence, she convinced herself, he was still around. Maybe he was going for a walk, maybe he was sleepless just like her.

After she took a step, she could hear Noel's voice. She froze in the door and peeked. Noel was standing outside and talked to a person in a cloak. Lia couldn't see their face.

"You sure? If that's the case, then it's bad," Noel rubbed his temple.

"I saw Kil carrying two golden cores, also," it was the voice of a female. Was this the informant he mentioned before?

"The Ghost King is definitely targeting the families. It's not only the hidden families but also the current present ones."

"You mean, we've done him a favour getting rid of the P and C family?"

"Yes, his plan involved killing them anyways. We've played into these hands."

"Damn," Noel cursed.

Lia hid behind the door and held her mouth. What did it mean? Why would Min kill the families? Was her revenge actually aiding him?

"What are the golden cores for?"

"It's the core of the elders' life force. This means when the Ghost King absorbs it, he can get stronger," the female explained.

"We've really helped him. He can blame it on anyone he wants. His hands are bound because he can't kill them himself but now that someone else done it, he doesn't have to worry about the public."

"Noel, what will you do next?"

"Gonna go back home and then-" Lia closed the door.

This new revelation went against her expectations.

In her bed, countless thoughts clung onto her. Why did she have to go through all of this if the families were going to die anyway? Why did everyone have to pass on if things could've been resolved in a less sacrificing way?

What was she even fighting for anymore? Eventually, she fell asleep but it was a haunting and breaking experience. The night made way for the morning.

"You look awful," Noel was back to his usual self but Lia gave him no reaction. She sat down at the table and ate breakfast.

Many questions raced to spill out of her but at the last second, she stopped herself.

"Ignoring me again?" Noel smiled, it was a genuine one. For some reason, tears welled up in Lia's eyes. Her intuition told her that these days would be over soon.

Noel Noel, he was going to leave, leave her alone writhing in agonising and torturing thoughts.

"Your mission has been achieved, what are your next plans?" this question finally made it over her lips.

"Why does it sound like you don't want me to leave?" he gave her a cheeky smile.

He was right, she didn't want him to leave. It would be lonely again.

"Shut up. I'd be more than happy if you leave."

"Really? Lucky you, I'm gonna head home, need to do some stuff."

"I see," there was a crushing feeling inside Lia's chest but she tried to be indifferent.

"Gonna miss me?" Nole played with the fork in his hand.

"Don't talk-"

"Don't worry, we're gonna meet again anyways."

"What?" she couldn't believe her ears, slight happiness overcame her.

"Not sure when tho. It might take a while."

"When are you going?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Not today?"

"I know you not gonna bear me leave so early-"

"Shut up."

They ate in silence for a while until Lia got herself together and hesitatingly asked, "You You want to go get some bubble tea?"

Noel's ears perked up and his all familiar smirk was back, "Just admit I grew on you."


Panic spread in the capital until it reached all parts of the immortal world. The announcement that both family P and C were murdered, brought everyone unease.

The thought of powerful beings unlawfully going on a killing spree terrified the public. What was happening to the immortal world?

Four of the prestigious families have been murdered causing the council to lose half of its power.

Rumours about Min, the current Ghost King, being a harbinger of bad luck flew around. However, those were only in minorities.

In order to calm everyone, the council made a public announcement confirming that the same people who murdered the Z Family were behind the massacre of P and C family.

It was said that they were going to pull out all forces to find the murderers not letting a single person spared. The Ghost King was going to send half of his soldiers to find the culprit and protect all citizens.

Praise rained down on the Ghost King. The soldiers patrolled the capital and all around the first layer of the core. Instead of this sight making everyone tense, the public embraced it and even felt at ease.

The immortals were even more amazed by the Ghost King as he expressed his sadness and mourning for the two losses of the families.

All members of the C family have been killed, except for Kil as he was at the headquarters at that time, as the culprits even went to the C family's mansion to massacre them. While only the father of Elder P remained but he had committed suicide, not being able to endure his children's death.

No one questioned these words as they were more concerned with the lax security and were happy the safety of everyone was the top priority for the council and the King.

They were even more frightened by the norm now that immortals could be killed as easily as mortals. Their immortality was not taking into regards anymore.

Death by the hand of another was now normality.

And this fact was going to completely change the fate of the immortal world.

Worse than anything else.

Better than what the future could hold.

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