Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 57: The Truth 4

Chapter 57: The Truth 4

Lily tied Lia's hands together with a belt and pulled her with her, as she and the young boy, walking in the front, made their way to the west of the forest.

They didn't walk straight to the house but instead took a roundabout way in order to avoid the area that turned into a battlefield.

Lia tried several times to free her hands but it was futile. Lily's binding skills were too good. She was able to completely tighten the knot with only a belt made out of cotton.

Lia had no time to admire Lily's handiwork as they stood further left to the battlefield, able to see what was going on yet out of any harm's reach.

It has only been around ten to fifteen minutes and the fight already came to an end. The G family has been crushingly defeated. Their corpses laid astray, scattered throughout the plain land.

Only Elder G and two of her sons were still alive. They knelt with their head held down by the people in blue. Lia's mood was complicated. She knew the G family couldn't escape their fates yet watching someone else finish them off still felt different.

The people in blue waited and their heads turned to left then right.

"Young Master," Lily anxiously shouted as the young boy left them and walked into the war ground filled with corpses.

"Keep an eye on her," the young boy said.

Lia thought this was her chance. Now that Lily was distracted and worried for the young boy, she could make a run for it. She had to collect her soul pieces or else they might get lost forever.

As for these people, Lia was going to find out later. Staying with them as a potential hostage or prisoner only meant death and she witnessed with her own eyes how the G family was destroyed.

On the count of three, after observing Lily's anxious face, Lia slightly stepped backwards, then she pulled her confines out of Lily's hands abruptly.

Lily didn't react in time and Lia jumped back as Lily's hands grabbed after her. She and Lily stared at each other. Giving Lily a small smile, Lia ran backwards before turning around but that proved to be a mistake as she underestimated Lily.

The moment her feet changed directions on the ground, Lily closed the distance between them and harshly threw Lia onto the ground.

Lily's knee kept Lia's on the ground, not giving her any chance to move, "Don't do anything stupid. The young master's doing his work. I can't disappoint him."

The position was incredibly uncomfortable for Lia. She should've expected Lily to be well-versed in combat just from seeing she wore the same blue robe as the other fighters massacring the G family.

Lia twisted her head a bit to look at Lily. Lily had fine and delicate features, but right now a cold look changed her face into that of a predator and her widened intense eyes relentlessly stared straight ahead. She didn't spare Lia a glance.

Lia grit her teeth, opening her mouth when she turned her head back and witnessed just in time how the young boy took a sword stuck on the ground.

He made the people in blue leave Elder G and her two sons. With the sword held against Elder G's throat, he was saying Lia couldn't hear.

Elder G seemed frightened and it as the first time for Lia seeing Elder G showing any kind of emotions so openly. The young boy laughed and contrary to his words, his laughter carried to Lia's ears and rung.

She cursed she couldn't hear what they were talking about and only watched the long sword that was half as tall as the young boy, smoothly cut through Elder G's throat, cleanly severing her head from her shoulders.

Lia remained calm but worry rose in her heart. Despite being a young boy, he showed no mercy. His men were also not normal, Lia now realised how dangerous these people were.

Her eyes fixated on the young boy swinging his sword for two more times, beautifully showing his ability to end life.

Then Lily yanked Lia with her to go to the young boy's place.

"Young Master, you were amazing as always," the cold and fierce look Lily had a second ago disappeared. She was now obedient in front of the young boy.

The young boy looked at Lia and then at all the corpses in front of him, "Good, clean up."

He was about to leave when Lia said, "I have nothing to do with them."

The young boy faced her, "Does that matter? You came into my territory, that's offence enough."

Lia quickly made a decision but before she could call her corpses, she felt a hard pain on her nape and then lost consciousness.

Why was she so weak without her corpses, was her only thought when everything turned black and she drifted off to sleep. She felt her body being carried. She just hoped she would wake up soon.

When Lia opened her eyes, she found herself in a small room. She laid on a bed, besides was only a table and a chair. Still numb and dizzy, she walked to the door only to find it was locked.

So, in the end, she was taken hostage and was confined in this place. She needed answers. Just who were those people?

Not being able to bear it anymore, she hammered against the door. Even after a long while, there was no answer. She plumped onto the bed. At least they still treated her humane, compared to the place Fourth kept her in this was way better.

A whole day passed with nothing happening. Did they forget about her? There was no window to assess where she was. Only the ceiling, the walls and the door were the options for her to stare at. She could use her corpses but they might be buried, so she wasn't sure if they could be used.

Dig themselves out and run to her? Was that possible?

Night came and Lia's futile attempt banging on the door held no success. She let it be and went to sleep. Someone had to come by sooner or later.

And if not, Lia shivered at the thought, she could still try to call the corpses.

Like she predicted, the next day, a person in blue opened the door. Lia instantly jolted from the bed but the person only put a tray with food on the ground.

"Your food," then they were about to leave.

Lia called out, "Wait!"

Seeing the person didn't react to it, Lia dashed forwards yet the person evaded her attempt to grab them. Skilled they caught Lia's arm and pressed her against the wall.

"Don't do anything superfluous."

Lia sneered, "Then tell your young master to set me free. I have done nothing to be confined here."

"This is not for you to judge," the person applied more pressure.

Lia bit her lip and used the wall to push herself forward. Not assuming Lia managed to escape the position, the person was overwhelmed by her sudden movement.

Their balance slipped and they fell onto the floor. Lia fell on top of them. Her arm was still caught by the person. With a quick elbow hit on the person's stomach, Lia freed herself and ran out of the door.

The hallways were just liekt he exterior of the house, made out of wood. A light brown that promised to be welcoming. Either side at the end of the hallway led to another. Lia randomly ran in a direction.

As she rushed through the next hallway, she saw many people in blue crowding the area. She numbly pushed herself past them as a voice rang out, "Don't let her go! Get her!"

The person managed to catch up to Lia this fast. There was something suspicious about this household. On the person's shout, all the others in blue turned to Lia.

She jumped over and evaded various obstacles thrown at her while a big mob of blue robes followed her. Noel would properly laugh at this sight and she would be amused if he was in her position.

But right now, she desperately searched for a way out of this place. The outside of the house showed it was big but it was even larger than it let on.

Lia had a headstart but if they wanted to harm her it'd be easier to catch her. However, they were simply running after her. Yesterday's display of brutality vanished. They had no intention to hurt her.

Lia thought that maybe she could talk to them and get more information. Then she realised that one of the reasons they wanted to capture her was because she knew of this location and probably because she witnessed the fight between them and the G family.

So, if she was to propose a conversation, would they listen to her? But Lia didn't dare to let her guard down.

One of the hallways let into the courtyard. After blindly charging forward she only ventured further inside the house, instead of finding her way out.

The courtyard was smaller than the one of her house. Lia saw that she had nowhere else to go than the courtyard. The hallway formed a rectangle around the inner garden and behind her, opposite to her, the only thing she saw were those blue robes.

Without much thought, she ran to the middle of the courtyard. The little quiet place had a grassy round, a pond and two trees.

From all sides, her chasers swarmed at her. A few of them were close enough to grab her. Lia instantly aimed for the pond, evading last minute, letting her pursuers fall in.

Then she quickly determined an escape route. The roof of the house wasn't high. They were as high as the trees.

So, she leapt onto a branch of a tree, then another one before she made it to the top.

From there she covered the distance between the roof and tree with a single jump. Her elegant form caused everyone to look at her and stop.

While her pursuers were entranced, Lia ran along the roof, haven't been able to experience this in a long while, she enjoyed it until she jumped down.

In front of the entrance of the house. Face to face with a perplexed person's face.

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