Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 6: The Beginning 3

Chapter 6: The Beginning 3

What made the families stood out from the other immortals and reign over everyone else was the fact that their life force was inherently different and stronger than those of the normal immortals.

The life force of the family could be converted into extremely powerful abilities because they've been blessed and given their extraordinary life force and powers by the first king. Since then the families have remained superior despite not having any powers anymore.

The Ghost King was the most powerful being, able to give others powers, able to control and pass on ghosts. However, since the Ghost Kings were not pure like the first one, they had to have a ritual every 100 years where the families would give back some of their powers to the Ghost King in order to strengthen them.

This was especially true in the case of Min who forcefully became the Ghost King. This was also one of the reasons why he sought the golden power that would help him stop relying on the families.

Right now, the seven family elders have assembled in a special room inside the palace, underground, to go through with the ritual. Min sat in the middle while the Elders surrounded him and endlessly poured their life force into him until it turned to green light. Only then was the ritual successful.

Min put on his robe and strode forward.

"This is good. I can feel the change. I have also decided to open up an academy for outstanding talent to make them exorcists," Min brushed the hair out of his face and watched the expression on the elders,

"While I can't give you powers, I can give it to your offsprings."

The elders have realised that Min didn't have the full power of the Ghost King since he wasn't legitimately chosen and his constant talk about not being able to give them powers like the previous Ghost King made them aware that no matter how much they'd ask him to do so, he wouldn't.

Even though they understood Min wasn't as powerful, they still had doubts in their hearts if he wasn't lying and just refused to make them strong.

However, he was the Ghost King and they couldn't refute him nor kill him after all they'd need his permission and who would allow someone to kill them? Thus they bit back the words and doubts and bore them in their hearts.

If they enraged the Ghost King, it was rather them who would end up dead.

"Sounds good," Elder C spoke up, "as long as you can guarantee our children will secure a place."

"Of course, the children of the families will be granted access however only the top students can be rewarded. It is up to them if they will earn the right or not," Min left the room and the elders followed.

"There will be an announcement soon. I plan to recruit from all over the immortal world to find the best talents, so you should be prepared," Min arrived in his studies and his piercing cold eyes bored into the elders.

"As you said," Elder G bowed and then left. The others also went until only Elder L remained.

"Min," Elder L didn't know where to start.

If he was honest, this boy he treated as his son was always a closed-off and quiet kid. However, he was happy to see that Leo and he got along. Yet, it was no secret that he treated Lia indifferent and it was obvious he didn't love her.

Elder L sighed as he tried to find the right words to talk to Min. He felt this little boy grew into a strong one.

"Father," Min's gaze rested on Elder L and he could see that neither warmth nor good feelings were present. Did he fail as a father?

"Min, I've heard what happened to Lia," Elder L cautiously started.

The capital was sent into turmoil as the news and rumours flew around that Lia, the fiance of the Ghost King, only daughter of the prestigious K family, has killed her own family and attempted to kill Min.

Thus she was sentenced to death. The public scorned and branded her as a traitor, yet there were a few who mourned her death as she and Min were a happy couple and they gave their condolences and wished their best to the Ghost King who had to put an end to the person he loved.

No one knew why Lia went mad and did this, but when there was no truth, people would make up their own and soon they speculated that Lia was after the position of the Ghost King and used him. Her attempt was however stopped and she failed.

As to why she killed her family, it was because they prompted her to do so and once she refused to share her new powers and wealth with them, a fight erupted and Lia, who was power-hungry and insane, massacred her own parents and all the attendants and servants.

So, Lia and family K were slandered and no good word about them would ever be muttered. Their reputation and title were dragged through the mud and this betrayal and act of madness would go down in history.

Elder L knew that those rumours were wrong and he knew that the four families of the pro faction have long conspired to take down the K family. What Elder L wasn't sure of was if Min was involved.

He believed, despite his cool attitude, he wasn't a bad child and so he wanted to probe him.

Elder L was growing older, and even though he couldn't die so soon he was mentally tired and exhausted. He long wanted to retire and leave the council, so he rigorously trained his son Leo and Min to become good and worthy immortals. However, he always felt that Min had thoughts and secrets he couldn't understand.

Because of his desire to leave everything to the younger generation, he usually held himself out of the council matters and left it to the younger ones. This was why he didn't meddle even though he knew of the pro faction's plan to topple the K family.

He didn't expect it'd be so brutal and they'd actually kill them. If he had done something, instead of sitting back and just watch, would things have been different?

The whole neutral faction was a bunch of families that didn't want to get involved in anything. It wasn't as noble as they deluded themselves into and used excuses of leaving it to the new generations, in truth they were just cowards.

Elder L deeply regretted his decision, yet it has already happened and he couldn't turn back time.

Seeing that Min didn' say anything, Elder L continued,

"Despite your indifference to her, this must've been a shock to you."

Min finally opened his mouth and his words sounded sarcastic in Elder L's ears but he still wanted to believe that Min couldn't be so heartless,

"Indeed, it was. Her loss is unbearable for me, as well as the K family. I also don't believe Lia would do something like this."

Elder L wanted to say more but one look into Min's dark eyes shut him up immediately. He wouldn't get Min to say anything else.

"Take care of yourself," Elder L could only say and left.

He knew one day he would have to pay for his cowardice, not taking any actions. He was ready for the day but even if he was punished he couldn't bring back what was lost.

So, a slight bad thought crept into his mind, if on that day he hadn't taken Min into his family, would things have been different?

Elder L shuddered, he could feel something was brewing and hoped he was wrong.

At the same time Elder L left, Leo barged in and grabbed Min by the collar.

"Is it true? Tell me! Is it true?" Leo's eyes were slightly red as his hands shook and his lips quivered.

Min freed himself, his voice as monotone as always, "What are you talking about?"

Leo couldn't discern any emotions from Min and couldn't believe his childhood friend, his brother really didn't even feel the slightest bit of pain.

"Lia," Leo couldn't continue when he spoke her name, it was as if thousand cracks that littered his heart finally broke and shattered his delicate organ.

"It's true. She's not with us anymore," Min spoke firmly to make it clear. He didn't want to waste time over a trivial matter.

"Then the rumours aren't true either?"

"They're not."

"That's good," Leo sighed in relieved but his eyes still stung.

"It that's all-" Min was ready to throw him out when Leo slammed his hands not the table.

"We need to find the culprit! Who would do it to Uncle K? Who would kill her family and blame it on her?"

"I don't know."

"Then find out!" Leo was enraged at Min's lack of enthusiasm or grief.

"I've got better thi-"

"No, you don't. She was your finance! We grew up together!"

Min knew he couldn't get rid of Leo, so he proposed, "Then find the culprit. I will give you power, attend the academy, become stronger and avenge her."

Leo's eyes widened, "So, the academy's going to happen?"

Min nodded, "You will personally help me, right?"

Leo couldn't refuse after all Min was still family to him. They grew up together and shared so many memories.

"I will serve you, Ghost King and I promise I'll avenge Lia."

"Good," Min showed no hint of being pleased and just simply waved with his hand.

"Don't treat me like a dog or servant. I did say I'll serve you but just because you're the Ghost King doesn't change the fact I'm older than you, so treat us elders with respect," Leo grinned lightly but it couldn't compare to his usual cheekiness.

"Alright," Min gave him a faint smile.

"Yes, yes, good boy," Leo rubbed Min's head.

If he did that in public, the whole world would be shocked to their bones. The elders would debate if they also should show affection to Min this way and Min would revolt and slaughter everyone.

Leo left the study and his grin disappeared, instead, a dark look overtook his usual brightness. He would find the culprit and he would not show the least bit of mercy, no matter who it would turn out to be.

This was the last thing he could do for Lia. Even if it ripped him apart, the murderer would have to die first.

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