Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 81: Allies 4

Chapter 81: Allies 4

A minute later, a servant brought Elder D's son to the dining room. His quiet eyes widened at the sight in front of him. At the dining table, his father had a wonderful time with a person he thought he already got rid of.

However, she was more persistent than a fly. What was even more surprising was the fact that the table was fully covered. Plates upon plates stapled over each other, threatening to fall if it weren't for the poor servants catching them in time.

The food looked delicious and the aroma in the air was mouth-watering. Laughs filled the ears, pleasant and warm.

He narrowed her eyes at her and once she looked at him, a small, mocking smile of hers met him. He instantly got furious.

"Mika, you came! Come and spend some time with your father!" Elder D heartily welcome his son and pointed him to sit next to Lia.

Lia's smile changed to a dazzling one and she exclaimed, "Mika, we meet again."

Her expression held no malice, only innocent emotions but he knew this female could change face quicker than someone could take off their shoes.

He wordlessly sat down.

"I've heard from this wonderful lady that you've helped her. She wanted to thank you!"


"Yes! Mika has been such a great help. I was lost and he personally brought me to Rag. I was a bit sad to see him gone so quickly without being able to express my gratitude."

Mika was annoyed he was cut off and then he was furious at her words making him choke on his food. How could she be so shameless and lie through her teeth so openly?

Lia knew what he thought and silently sneered. She might be petty but she still needed to graciously return the favour he gave her.

"I didn't know you were such a good boy. I raised you right, I raised you right!" Elder D stood up and patted Mika on the head, "Very good."

The smile still plastered on her face, Lia blanked. Even Mika's own father didn't have much faith in this moody boy.

"Yes, Mika is a very good boy," it might become Lia's habit to relentlessly tease strangers she was supposed to make her ally.

But Mika deserved it. Lia was unbending when it came to this. Instead to throw her out, he could've been nice about it, but it seemed like being nice was not part of the vocabulary in his mind.

Mika's annoyed glare at her was exactly like a teenager's. She returned it with another dazzling smile of hers.

"Why don't you tell my father what you're really here for?" Mika decided to play along but against his expectations, Lia clapped her hands and tilted her head.

"Of course, please forgive me Lord but I actually sought out Mika just an hour prior but maybe I did something wrong but he threw me out. I'm really saddened by this. Mika is such a good boy, I really like him," Lia feigned how hurt she was by Mika's action and refused to eat anymore.

"Mika! How can you treat a guest like this?" Elder D was angry. He knew his son wasn't the most sociable but if he helped someone, he should at least be able to take their gratitude. Elder D misunderstood.

Mika, on the other side, tried very hard not to have a meltdown. His eye was already twitching and the sight of Lia acting like this riled him up. Was he at fault here? No! So how come she was shameless enough to pretend nothing's happened. Was that what it needed to become the Immortal King?

To move people and woo them? With dirty methods like this?

Lia watched Mika hanging his head over his plate and scrunching his eyebrows. She could more or less guess what he thought. To be fair, this was only the last resort she wanted to use. Having to put on an act was tiring.

Because of her actions and decisions, she caused three lives to die, however, was she being too ruthless? One could never be not ruthless enough. She knew her wrongs but there were more lives at stakes and more lives would perish.

She was aware of that and if Mika was going to be her ally, he also needed to be aware of it. Being soft and helping people would ultimately lead to their doom. There was no mercy when facing anyone who stood in their way.

If Mika couldn't kill any of Min's men, then there was no point of having him as an ally. Also

"Mika, I already apologised. Are you really angry at me or at yourself? Your own weak self?"

Mika's hand twitched. Lia narrowed her eyes coldly, she was right. He was actually angry at himself for not being able to protect those three, for not being able to stop and have Lia obey him.

"What are you talking about?" Elder D was confused.

"Just about our earlier encounter, Lord!" Lia sweetly smiled at Elder D. Elder D returned it, but his gaze wandered to Mika who gripped his fork until his knuckles turned white.

"I can help you become stronger and-"

"Enough!" Mika banged the cutlery onto the table.

"That's no way to speak with a guest!" Elder D reprimanded his son several times but Mika never seemed to learn.

"Lord, no Elder D, I apologise again. I'm actually here for something completely different," Lia dropped her faade and turned to Elder D whose face was horrified.

"How do you"

"I'm here to suggest an alliance with the D family but your son rejected it immediately and refused to listen to me."

"Who are you?"

"I'm afraid if I tell you of my identity, you would be angry," to the hidden families Lia might be the biggest thorn, after all, if it wasn't for her making Min the Ghost King, then none of Min's absurd aspirations could come true.

"I came here with the A family to stop the Ghost King and would like to request the D family's help," Lia stood up and this time sincerely bowed.

She heard Elder D sigh. It was a long sigh that conveyed he knew this would be coming.

"Ah, it was inevitable after all Sooner or later, the hidden families would have to make a move," Elder D sighed again. He really had hoped it wouldn't have to come to this.

"Will the D family help us?" Lia looked at him expectantly.

Seeing this Elder D broke out in laughter, "I can see why my son is so frustrated with you. So, you stopped your act?"

Lia froze. She was found out. Not saying anything she only nodded her head. It was useless to try anything else. Just admit it and let it pass by quickly.

"Father, you see what kind of person she is!" Mika took the opportunity to drive Lia out, however, instead Elder D waved the servants away to leave them three alone in the dining room.

"Where's the A family?"

"We've been separated from each other due to a game by another Lord. Can I ask you, are you the Lord of this area?"

"Per se you could say that," Elder D started to eat again.

When Lia's eyes crossed Mika's he gave her a little smug. What a brat, Lia couldn't help but think he really was like a teenager in puberty.

"Let's say we ally ourselves with you, what are your next steps?"

"Have the U, I and T family join us. Then, we'll stop the Ghost King."

"In other words, you don't really have much of a plan," Elder D gave her a gentle smile.

It was obvious, for now, she had to get herself allies and then together they could figure out a plan. Without trustworthy people, no matter how good a plan was, it would be useless.

"It's as you said, but there's another goal. It's to train the new Immortal King."

Elder D chocked and stared at Lia with wide eyes. Mika, however, slammed his hands on the table and shouted, "I don't approve of you being the Immortal King!"

"What?" Elder D was even more confused now.

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