Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 98: Dead End 8

Chapter 98: Dead End 8

Everyone was shocked. They had resolved themselves to get angry at Lia for leaving them behind and not relying on them, but this anger evaporated instantly as they saw Lia kneeling in front of them and bowing.

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't ever do it again. You're my friends and I will from now on rely on you, so please stay with me."

"Lia! My master!" Susa couldn't hold back and ran to hug Lia. Everyone was moved, even Mika, by Lia calling them her friends but they didn't show it, they still wanted to make a point.

But it seemed like Lia has already noticed it.

"As long as you know it," Xavi crossed his arms and looked to the side. Lia patted his head and whispered, "I'm particularly sorry for breaking our promise. Forgive me, okay?"

"Hmpf," but Xavi's resolve faded away just like that.

"Great," Lia laughed and pinched Xavi's cheek then she went to introduce Nana.

Xavi, Lily, Mika and Susa noticed the change but no one dared to mention it to Lia. They noticed how the cold and indifferent faade of Lia melted and she opened up slightly. She became more expressive of her feelings.

The truth was that Lia also realised it and it did frighten her because she felt she was slowly reverting back to her previous self. That carefree, bright and naive girl before Min threw her to die in the abyss.

However, she calmed herself by knowing she had more experience now and most of all, she was aware she became more mature.

"My father would love to take care of them. That old geezer is bored to hell," Mika stepped forward and suggested that Nana's family could stay with his.

"The kids are going to love the big mansion!" Lily eagerly agreed and carried Nana's little sister in her arms.

"He isn't bored. Mika is too unloveable and Elder D has no one to drown his love with," Lia retorted and smiled.

"Whatever," Mika rolled his eyes, "So, we'll leave for my place first before heading to Mistand?"

"Yes," Lia and Xavi nodded.

"Really? Thank you so much!" Nana broke into happy tears.

"It's fine," Mika felt uncomfortable, especially as a little boy clung onto his leg and asked, "Why do you have such a mean face?"

Mika's face blanked and he narrowed his eyes at the child.

"Shush, don't say that. I'm sorry," Nana quickly removed her younger brother as Susa started to laugh, irritating Mika more. He threw her a glare before also giving Lia one.

"I haven't said anything yet," Lia felt wronged.

"Yet," Mika repeated and glared at Lia even more.

"Xavi can you train Nana? What's her power?"

Xavi was playing with the eldest boy and truly looked like a child. Caught in the act, he coughed and acted as nothing had happened.

Nana whispered, "Adorable," and Xavi's ears heated up, "Is he really 18?"

"I know right! I was also surprised!" Susa joined the conversation. Xavi coughed again and his voice turned serious, "Lia, did you use your soul again?"

"Only to give her power."

Nana sidestepped and Xavi immediately uncovered the lie, "You promised not to lie!"

"I'm sorry, if I can I won't use it again."

"What was so important for you to use it?" Xavi sounded like a mother scolding her daughter.

"Ghosts were attacking us, I was useless and could only rely on Lia," Nana came to Lia's rescue and defended her.

"Ghosts?" Everyone was alarmed and looked at the sealed ghosts next to them.

Nana quickly explained and Xavi sighed, "Fine. This is an exception. Nana your power- hmm, your ability, basically you can grow wings."

"Wings?" no one believed their ears.

"I guess? You can fly and help, I think it's those two."

"So, it's a support role," Lia couldn't say she wasn't happy but not having any damage dealer apart from Xavi was concerning.

However, the power suited Nana's desire to protect her family. Healing wounds and escaping by flying was tremendously helpful.

"Maybe she could use her feathers to attack, I saw it on this mortal show about superpowers," Lily excitedly told them.

"Maybe," Xavi didn't rule out the possibility. Each family had their own power but how it was used and the room for growth and evolving it was left to each individually. If they came up with different ways to use the power, then each power will be unique even if someone else had the same.

"I can grow wings? No wonder my back's itchy," Nana clapped her hands and was happy about the news. Thinking about her brother hurt yesterday, made her realise she could help and not let anyone suffer again.

"Let's train," Xavi and Nana walked further away and started their training.

"Mika and Susa should also, I'll take care of the kids."

"Me too!" Lily had a lot of fun with them.

"You?" Mika looked in disdain at Lia.

"Yes, me. I'm better with children than you," Lia chased him away. Mika cut a grimace and went with Susa.

The rest of the day was spent training and taking care of the kids.

Lia still felt helpless not being able to use her power but she tried to do some soul training and maybe once Nana developed her power, she could try to mend Lia's soul.

A tiny thing changed and that was that Lia started to find more joy in seeing everyone grow and train their powers. Their resolve grew and Lia felt it wasn't long until she would have to face off Min and his private army.

The night was a bit awkward, Nana's house was too small to so many people sleep in it. So, Mika, Nana and Lily decided to train through the night while Xavi slept with the kids and Susa rested on the little space the floor provided. Lia watched the others train until the next morning.

With the kids, they set out to Rag which was quite a distance away. The kids as well as Nana were excited to see other parts of the Veil and couldn't contain their happiness.

However, Nana didn't tell her siblings yet that she was going to leave them and when they inquired where they were going, Nana only said it was a surprise.

No one had the heart to destroy this short-lived happiness of theirs before goodbyes would rip them apart to plant seeds of longings into their hearts, hard to quell.

The kids grew tired quickly and each of them had to carry a kid on their back until they arrived at Mika's mansion. The U family was too astonished and amazed while Elder D eagerly and heartily welcomed them. His heart jumped with joy being able to live through the childhood of cute kids Mika has denied him.

Yet shortly after, cries and shouts filled the late afternoon as Lia and the others were about to part for Mistand. Nana's siblings' grief was big and they didn't want their dear sister to leave. It took hours before Nana could calm them and coaxed them into staying before saying, "I'll be back. So be good and wait for me."

It was already evening when they left and somehow the sky knew that this was a farewell.

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